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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

It's actually accurate about oppostion casualties, but mostly wrong about SAA casualties, simply because it's biased in favor of terror groups. There is no reason for it to lie about opposition casualties in their infighting.

Anyway, various Failaq-al-Rahman and Co accounts are already boasting about tens of Jaish al-Islam members they have killed today.

In terms of numbers they always were a BS source and recently it intensified. Anonymous twitter without any video/photo proofs is not a source either.

Meanwhile yesterday Assadists once again sent Palestinians on Handarat.

It really looks like Assad wants to expend them all.
In terms of numbers they always were a BS source and recently it intensified. Anonymous twitter without any video/photo proofs is not a source either.

Meanwhile yesterday Assadists once again sent Palestinians on Handarat.

It really looks like Assad wants to expend them all.

So you are posting a video of some barking nutjobs to show what exactly?
So you are posting a video of some barking nutjobs to show what exactly?
You can see Assadists fleeing. Right now they sent Palestinians into another attack on Handarat (456th this month):

Ivan Sidorenko ‏@IvanSidorenko1 1m1 minute ago

#Syria #Aleppo #NorthernAleppo #Handarat_Camp New Post by a Liwa al Quds #NDF #SAA Commander #Palestinians

Apparently Assad will keep sending Palestinians until rebels will run out of bullets.
You can see Assadists fleeing. Right now they sent Palestinians into another attack on Handarat (456th this month):

Ivan Sidorenko ‏@IvanSidorenko1 1m1 minute ago

#Syria #Aleppo #NorthernAleppo #Handarat_Camp New Post by a Liwa al Quds #NDF #SAA Commander #Palestinians

Apparently Assad will keep sending Palestinians until rebels will run out of bullets.

َFirst, seconds of video showing few fighters trying to get to cover is not called 'fleeing'.

Second, Handarat belongs to those Palestinians, some insects have occupied it now, so it's natural if they are trying to get back their home, the same is going on in Israel who has stolen their lands.
َFirst, seconds of video showing few fighters trying to get to cover is not called 'fleeing'.
That was tactical retreat. Just like they tactically retreated from 2/3 of Syria.

Second, Handarat belongs to those Palestinians, some insects have occupied it now, so it's natural if they are trying to get back their home, the same is going on in Israel who has stolen their lands.
They are from Neyrab. Rebels took Handarat without any fight with its citizens. Then Assad barrel bombed it like crazy killing and expelling its civilians.
SAA has captured 10 towns and villages in Eastern Ghouta, important progress. Will post maps and updates soon.

edit. Before:


After (the remaining narrow part also captured)
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SAA has captured 10 towns and villages in Eastern Ghouta, important progress. Will post maps and updates soon.

edit. Before:


After (the remaining narrow part also captured)

If this place has been besieged for a while now, I don't understand why the army isn't capturing it when they have what appears to be an opportunity? Do they not want to unsettle international community or what?
If this place has been besieged for a while now, I don't understand why the army isn't capturing it when they have what appears to be an opportunity? Do they not want to unsettle international community or what?

There are thousands of armed terrorists in the area which is full of towns, trees and places to hide in a large area (larger than Damascus itself). Entering a full scale urban combat is not logical. But taking areas slowly is the better way.
SAA has captured 10 towns and villages in Eastern Ghouta, important progress. Will post maps and updates soon.
Translation: 2 villages ethnically cleansed by Iraqi mercenaries and Hezbollah.

If this place has been besieged for a while now, I don't understand why the army isn't capturing it when they have what appears to be an opportunity? Do they not want to unsettle international community or what?
Its people who fight for their homes vs. foreign mercenaries who fight for money. Thats while despite 100 times advantage in firepower and free hand to use any possible force from barrel bombs top gassing and starvation they barely advance in years.

Here accurate map:

FSA on Iraqi side of Al-Waleed border crossing, IA will deploy there soon. Whether that will create problems or not I don't know but FSA will refuse to leave? I assume not since their cause is solely to Syria.

Here accurate map:
Don't try too hard, your map is from early hours of the morning. This is the final map by opposition Step News Agency. Blue liberated today.


FSA on Iraqi side of Al-Waleed border crossing, IA will deploy there soon. Whether that will create problems or not I don't know but FSA will refuse to leave? I assume not since their cause is solely to Syria.

Of course they'll leave and if they didn't, kill them. But I assume they're only there simply because of lawlessness of the area after ISIS withdrawal.
Don't try too hard, your map is from early hours of the morning. This is the final map by opposition Step News Agency. Blue liberated today.


I actually counted Deir Asafir among two villages. Although still no any proof that they took it. Here latest video:

Hezbies and Shia militias run around.
Cry me a river, but it's a fact that your brothers are slaughtering each other in Ghouta as we speak.

There has been no attack on Khan Tuman, just heavy artillery fire and bombings to take out as much rats as possible. You need to stop creating non-existing battles. The best fertilizer in Syria are the 'rebels', as they are getting killed in a much much bigger numbers, along with ISIS. Just in one single day for example, YPG/SDF killed 55 terrorists in Tal Rafaat (I bet you defenitely have seen the corpses pics, you can count all of them). Not to mention hundreds killed in northern Aleppo in past weeks in useless fighting between 2 ideological brothers: Rebels and ISIS and add this to hundreds killed in Eastern Ghouta infighting. I wish this continues and intensifies.
Yeah but death counts are obviously exaggerated.

No attack on Khan Touman? Oh how much I'd love to show all the pictures of dead bodies just to make you eat your words and cry. And funny how you mention fictional battles when the deaths you are referring to are Ayn Daqnah, not Tal Rifaat. Ideological brothers? So Iraqi Shia militias cut Sunni civilians like Kebab yet Sunni rebels are compared to ISIS? You disgust me. As usual.

FSA on Iraqi side of Al-Waleed border crossing, IA will deploy there soon. Whether that will create problems or not I don't know but FSA will refuse to leave? I assume not since their cause is solely to Syria.

ISF took al Rutbah. Don't think any shia militias participated here. USA will definitely make sure NSA & ISF cooperate. And AFAIK, NSA only do raids across Iraq border, don't hold any actual territory.
ISF took al Rutbah. Don't think any shia militias participated here. USA will definitely make sure NSA & ISF cooperate. And AFAIK, NSA only do raids across Iraq border, don't hold any actual territory.

Yes I don't think there will be problems, but what is NSA? I read this before on twitter, thought he meant FSA.

-- nevermind I looked it up.

On 5 March 2016, the NSA and another FSA group, Ahmad al-Abdo Martyrs Brigades and Battalions, captured the al-Tanf border crossing from ISIL in a cross-border raid from Jordan
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