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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

What so-called? It's well recognized. Most of those scientists were not even practicing Muslims and often came into conflict with the authorities. They were leading pioneers of their time. Not only in the Islamic world but the world as a whole. The West first became relevant much later. After and during the Renaissance.

It's not a baseless claim as I was talking about influence overall and Arabs are obviously by far the most influential Muslim group of people in politics, business, finance and entrepreneurship. Nobody can deny this.

In terms of actual famous scientists or scientists of Arab descent living abroad they are also found in the abundance. Their success is not credited any Arab country but they are still of Arab origin.

That list is mostly about journals and citations. How is that actual scientific output? According to that list KSA alone is 10 times better than Azerbaijan. Certain Arab countries that have smaller populations than Azerbaijan are more prominent too according to your list.

Something as actual patents submitted is much more useful. Here KSA is above Turkey and the 6 other Turkic countries are nowhere to be seen.

Patents By Country, State, and Year - All Patent Types (December 2013)

Speaking about universities and ACTUAL science and research there then you can see that KAUST is up there with the very best and has had tremendous growth in its 5 years. The results of that university and other universities in the GCC, newly built, will first be known in the upcoming years.

And don't forget that KSA citizens alone have the highest number of students at American universities outside of Chinese, Indians and South Koreans. All countries with WAY bigger populations than KSA, excluding South Korea although they have 2 times the population.

Many of the very best don't ever return to KSA and are based abroad and sometimes they get citizenships and are counted as Americans.

Now comparing other Arab countries with the GCC is wrong because most of the other countries have been engulfed in wars or are ruled by dictators which makes comparisons unfair. Not that the GCC are democracies but it even shows that there is huge room for improvement there. If the Arab world had a similar system like Turkey it would have improved 20 fold by now.
For instance how can a country like Iraq, despite previously having shown great scientific achievements for a ME country (pre 1980's) amount to much nowadays when their country is on fire? @SALMAN AL-FARSI . Similarly Syria and a few others.

Your own Azerbaijan has been part of the USSR for 70 years. USSR as we know was a scientific power only rivaled by the US. You benefitted from that. No Arab country has had such an advantage. There are many factors to look for.

A country like Egypt with almost 100 million people has a huge potential in the field of science with the right political reforms, stability and investments.

Anyway I am not saying that there are not many influential Turks or Turkish scientists (from especially Turkey and smaller extent Azebaijan) but that Charon 2 clown was obviously trolling hard.

Nor do I have a problem with Turks or Mongols but when that clown has been insulting (with no reason) for 3-4 weeks now more or less constantly you can lose your patience. Nobody had insulted Turkey or Turks before he started insulting and trolling heavily. In fact nobody has insulted Turkey here. Despite him insulting KSA and the Arab world constantly.

3-4 quite sectarian Turkish users were writing some nonsense comments and singling-out Arab Shias as Iranian agents (all of them which is obviously pure nonsense) to which I rightly replied that by such logic Turks should worry about Kurds and Alevis. There was no single insult aimed at any Alevis and I even wrote that I do not care about sects yet that clown had to insult for no reason and start a debate like this. Not for the firs time. In the past 3-4 weeks alone he has started 3-4 silly discussions and there insulted Arabs. All started by him. I am yet to quote a post from him to initiative a discussion that he has not started.
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Sorry bro. but, I did not find anything new in your post that I have not replied so far. So, I write a short post.
Also, I severely lack time and need to focus on finishing the papers that I am working on ASAP.
Again, I don't know what achievements you are talking about. These so called achievements(like trying to find a material that converts metals to golds) have had almost zero contribution to science and just translated some greek books. Not much different now for them.
Anyway, if you really think that being invaded(by neighbor country which is supported by two of your other neighbors, and one is the biggest nukes owner of the world) even before you get your independence and form your army, and having 7 billion barrels of oil instead of having 270 billion barrels is an advantage, then kudos for you.
Yet, we have managed to have:
1) Lev Landau, one of top 10 physicists of human history
2) Maryam Mirzakhani, south Azeri recognized as the only women of human history achieving fields medal
3) Ali Javan, a true genius who invented He-Ne laser, something that some of the most top physicist of human history failed to do it, and a person who almost everyone now agrees that deserved Nobel Prize
4) Lotfi Zadeh, One of top 5 five most famous mathematicians of 20th century who invented one the most notable top notch topics of contemporary science, aka fuzzy logics, which has numerous applications in hundreds of branches of sciences.
5) Nima arkani, south Azeri, recently recognized as one of top 20 physicists of the past century by American Physics society and known as the youngest and one of top 5 physicists working on super string theory, the most complicated physics topic.

Now, tell me honestly that the whole half a billion arab world in their past, has anything compared to these scientist?

Again, I have found this discussion useless, and harmful for our brotherhood in this forum. Also, need to do personal stuff now, so let's leave the discussion here.
View attachment 138274

Free Syrian Army Gets Fresh Batch of Chinese FN-6 Anti-Air Missiles | Global Military Review

I wonder, who paid for them? how did they find their way to these cousins of ISIS terrorists oh sorry I mean FSA peacekeepers? once these MANPADs will eventually make their way into the hands of ISIS then the world will blame Pakistan and China for spreading terrorism but the ones who procured these weapons for their brothers in faith will remain all smug, safe and not blamed.

Kya isiko hi bali ka bakra banna kahte hai??On a serious note bhai,this Frankenstein will bite those sympathizers in their arses very soon,that's a given.
Arabs had a much, much bigger scientific output for 1300 years during the Islamic era than Turkic peoples. Everyone knows it. And let me remind you of the fact that Turkic peoples correspondents to Semitic peoples. Let alone pre-Islamic times when what is now the Arab world was the most developed for millenniums.

Now today those achievements are not very impressive but back then they certainly were. Just like in 1000 years time what was achieved today would be considered not very impressive yet historians would not have that view because we have to look at the time period discusses.

Greek knowledge was already totally outdated when Islam appeared. Civilizations that followed were at a higher scientific level and before Greeks came to existence there were highly developed (for the time) civilizations in what is now the Arab world. Many great inventions were made during the Islamic era which cannot be denied.

I was talking about an advantage in the sense of you being part of a scientific power (USSR). Don't tell me that this did not help you guys.

Lev Landau was a Jew. Not a Turk.

What is the field of Maryam?

I don't know Ali Javan but he indeed seems like a very talented scientist.

I just googled that Lofti Zadeh and it says that his mother is Jewish. Which makes him an Jew according to Jewish law and traditions.

Well done to that Nima Arkani dude. Maybe he can get a Nobel one day.:)

Anyway I can also mention a few well-known Arab scientists (contemporary because old are very easy to find in abundance)

Ahmed Zewail "father of femtochemistry) and 1999 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry.

Farouk El-Baz a key member of Project Apollo and NASA who played a crucial role in the exploration of the Moon. Heavily involved in the first moon landings.

Jim al-Khalili, a famous theoretical physicist and many times award winner.

Omar Yaghi, famous Jordanian-American chemist specialized in molecur biology and currently a professor at the University of Berkeley.

Hayat Sindi a well-known Saudi Arabian medical scientist with major contributions to point-of-care medical testing and biotechnology. Professor at Cambridge University.

Ibtesam Badhrees a Saudi Arabian physicist working for CERN and excels in Experimental Elementary Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Medical Physics and Nuclear Physics. She was recently named the Physicist of the Month by the American Physical Society.

Ali Moustafa Mosharafa was a theoretical physicist and he contributed to the development of the quantum theory as well as the theory of relativity and and corresponded with Albert Einstein.

Abdul Jabbar Abdullah a famous Iraqi wawe theory physicist and dynamical meteorologist. Affiliated with MIT and a student of Albert Einstein.

Waleed al-Salam, a mathematician who introduced several mathematical theories and who was instrumental in hyper-geometry and orthogonal polynomials.

Abdul Jerri Iraqi American physicist and mathematician recognzied for his contribution to information theory and the understanding of the Gibbs Phenomenon.

Shadia Habbal a Syrian astronomer and physicist playing a key role in the establishment of the NASA Solar Probe Plus which if launched will be the first spacecraft to fly into the solar corona.

There are many, many more. None form the Arab diaspora outside Jim al-Khalili. So I don't count those of Arab descent whose achievements are done under other flags.

All of that despite countless of dictatorship, countless of wars, lack of founds, stigma of countering Islamic thoughts (biggest problem of the spread of science in the Arab world) that has even hindered my generation greatly (still a big problem in many Arab countries) and even much more so my father's and grandfather's generations while this was never a problem in the Soviet Union) etc. Practically all women excluded from education until 2-3 generations ago in large scale. Only in some Arab countries moreover was that even possible. So this is the reason why the Arab world is not close to its former great scientific output (of that time). But I am hopeful that this will change soon and when it does there will be a poll of 500 million people to chose from but I think that this can only be realistic in a few decades from now and not only years. Certainly there is an enormous potential that has been wasted for generations now.
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Speaking about science and progress then this is obviously impossible or very difficult in dictatorships and the Arab world has for a long time been ruled by such. Yet despite that you have quite a few successful Syrian scientists and Syrians that have contributed to knowledge.

But to return to the Syrian conflict then what is said on that photo is correct. If Al-Assad cared for his country the slightest and for progress in Syria he would have stepped down just like Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt did. This saved both of those countries from a lot of trouble. Now the last thing the ordinary Syrian will think about after the war is science. Just like the Iraqis have not had time for that for 40 straight years almost. Like the Lebanese. Palestinians. Yemenis. Only us in the GCC have had stability but we had small populations until recently and conservative governments where science was looked down upon if it conflicted with Islamic teachings and women had difficulties with access to schools not more than a few decades ago. Basically half of the population excluded. Nor were we colonies or part of colonial powers that invested in our lands like other colonies.

Meanwhile the Arab diaspora is very successful on all fronts. Wonder why?! Yet people wonder why Arabs are not able to spit world class scientists out every year like once before.

If KSA had been a British colony for almost 100 years like India for instance or just a Western colony things would have looked much, much more differently. Same song with all Arab countries almost.
Why are you indians backing assad? Ther are more dangerous conflicts in Asia and yet indians are coming talking about like they are affected by? Indians make this subject and other middle east with ther oppraching really lunatic. Wahabi propagand:-)? did you ever now something about syria before the war? They are jumbing in every topic about the war in middle east with out using ther brain.

ther was never a wahabistic infleunce in syria.And stil ever person who going to syria to fight against assad and iraq are not wahabi.

Indians back Assad because for us,a dictator is always a thousand times better than a bunch of illiterate barbarian cutthroats - Period.Just take a look at the countries like Iraq,Libya etc which had been governed by so called dictators and compare the present situation with the earlier times and you will get our point.Both of these countries have more or less gone to the dogs due to the resultant power vacuum created by the removal of those so called dictators,these countries are literally fu*ked and you call this revolution!!
We do not have to be directly affected by what's happening in there to have a debate on the situation.In this case we sympathize with the Syrian people because we have suffered from and battled against this same kind of enemy now being faced by the Syrians and Iraqis.
And as for Wahhabi,no one said that the Syrian people were Wahhabi or radicalized,when we talk about Wahhabi terror,we speak about various terror groups (whom you say 'Peace fighters') like the Nusra or the ISIS et al and not about the common Syrian people.
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Indians back Assad because for us,a dictator is always a thousand times better than a bunch of illiterate barbarian cutthroats - Period.Just take a look at the countries like Iraq,Lebanon etc which had been governed by so called dictators and compare the present situation with the earlier times and you will get our point.Both of these countries have more or less gone to the dogs due to the resultant power vacuum created by the removal of those so called dictators,these countries are literally fu*ked and you call this revolution!!
We do not have to be directly affected by what's happening in there to have a debate on the situation.In this case we sympathize with the Syrian people because we have suffered from and battled against this same kind of enemy now being faced by the Syrians and Iraqis.
And as for Wahhabi,no one said that the Syrian people were Wahhabi or radicalized,when we talk about Wahhabi terror,we speak about various terror groups (whom you say 'Peace fighters') like the Nusra or the ISIS et al and not about the common Syrian people.

Bunch of nonsense. Lebanon has not been governed by any dictators. It's one of the most democratic states in the Muslim world despite being one of the most diverse and bordering conflict areas.

What do you expect when there is a civil war? Countries are supposed to be "fucked" during wars. Which are just a bunch of criminals who use Islam as a card of influence. Nusra and ISIS are a tiny part of the Syrian opposition that opposed Al-Assad. Most Syrians are just not armed and are now caught between two evils. If they had a choice they would say "to hell with both parties that have destroyed Syria".

In a perfect world people should stop supporting both Al-Assad and his terror regime and ISIS/Nusra and other extremists but instead work for a Syria free of those two extreme sides. Extremists always hijack genuine revolutions it seems in the ME and third world countries. A shame.
Bunch of nonsense. Lebanon has not been governed by any dictators. It's one of the most democratic states in the Muslim world despite being one of the most diverse and bordering conflict areas.

What do you expect when there is a civil war? Countries are supposed to be "fucked" during wars. Which are just a bunch of criminals who use Islam as a card of influence. Nusra and ISIS are a tiny part of the Syrian opposition that opposed Al-Assad. Most Syrians are just not armed and are now caught between two evils. If they had a choice they would say "to hell with both parties that have destroyed Syria".

In a perfect world people should stop supporting both Al-Assad and his terror regime and ISIS/Nusra and other extremists but instead work for a Syria free of those two extreme sides. Extremists always hijack genuine revolutions it seems in the ME and third world countries. A shame.

I'm very sorry man,I meant to say Libya and not Lebanon.

Nusra and ISIS may be small part of the opposition but they are a part indeed,a very significant part.And besides,terming the FSA as moderate is a joke to be honest.I mean those who can take out heart from a corpse and then it eat it or behead and dismember a human being in cold blood in a ritualistic sacrificial manner can be termed anything but a moderate!!They are just terrorists and buddy,there is no good or bad terrorist.Only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.Discriminating them as good or bad as your 'interests' suit you may work in the short term but it will have devastating consequences in the long run.Just ask your Pakistani friends,look what it has done to their economy and their country as a whole!!Finally it seems they have come to realize this fact.

And as for the last section of your post,couldn't agree more.But the problem is,as you said,we do not live in a perfect/ideal world.The peaceful revolution has been hijacked by the extremists due to the wrong doings of Mr Assad but you can not simply choose a bunch of terrorists to run a country!!In this world,you can not choose between good and evil (in most cases) but the between the bigger and lesser evil.And in this case,President Assad is the lesser evil,at least much less virulent compared to other factions like the Nusra or ISIS or even the FSA whose rank and files have now swelled with outsiders who simply do not care about the common Syrians.And the Syrians themselves have seem to understand this and have already came in terms with it when they had chosen Bashar al-Assad for one more term in the election.
Arabs had a much, much bigger scientific output for 1300 years during the Islamic era than Turkic peoples. Everyone knows it. And let me remind you of the fact that Turkic peoples correspondents to Semitic peoples. Let alone pre-Islamic times when what is now the Arab world was the most developed for millenniums.

Now today those achievements are not very impressive but back then they certainly were. Just like in 1000 years time what was achieved today would be considered not very impressive yet historians would not have that view because we have to look at the time period discusses.

Greek knowledge was already totally outdated when Islam appeared. Civilizations that followed were at a higher scientific level and before Greeks came to existence there were highly developed (for the time) civilizations in what is now the Arab world. Many great inventions were made during the Islamic era which cannot be denied.

I was talking about an advantage in the sense of you being part of a scientific power (USSR). Don't tell me that this did not help you guys.

Lev Landau was a Jew. Not a Turk.

What is the field of Maryam?

I don't know Ali Javan but he indeed seems like a very talented scientist.

I just googled that Lofti Zadeh and it says that his mother is Jewish. Which makes him an Jew according to Jewish law and traditions.

Well done to that Nima Arkani dude. Maybe he can get a Nobel one day.:)

Anyway I can also mention a few well-known Arab scientists (contemporary because old are very easy to find in abundance)

Ahmed Zewail "father of femtochemistry) and 1999 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry.

Farouk El-Baz a key member of Project Apollo and NASA who played a crucial role in the exploration of the Moon. Heavily involved in the first moon landings.

Jim al-Khalili, a famous theoretical physicist and many times award winner.

Omar Yaghi, famous Jordanian-American chemist specialized in molecur biology and currently a professor at the University of Berkeley.

Hayat Sindi a well-known Saudi Arabian medical scientist with major contributions to point-of-care medical testing and biotechnology. Professor at Cambridge University.

Ibtesam Badhrees a Saudi Arabian physicist working for CERN and excels in Experimental Elementary Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Medical Physics and Nuclear Physics. She was recently named the Physicist of the Month by the American Physical Society.

Ali Moustafa Mosharafa was a theoretical physicist and he contributed to the development of the quantum theory as well as the theory of relativity and and corresponded with Albert Einstein.

Abdul Jabbar Abdullah a famous Iraqi wawe theory physicist and dynamical meteorologist. Affiliated with MIT and a student of Albert Einstein.

Waleed al-Salam, a mathematician who introduced several mathematical theories and who was instrumental in hyper-geometry and orthogonal polynomials.

Abdul Jerri Iraqi American physicist and mathematician recognzied for his contribution to information theory and the understanding of the Gibbs Phenomenon.

Shadia Habbal a Syrian astronomer and physicist playing a key role in the establishment of the NASA Solar Probe Plus which if launched will be the first spacecraft to fly into the solar corona.

There are many, many more. None form the Arab diaspora outside Jim al-Khalili. So I don't count those of Arab descent whose achievements are done under other flags.

All of that despite countless of dictatorship, countless of wars, lack of founds, stigma of countering Islamic thoughts (biggest problem of the spread of science in the Arab world) that has even hindered my generation greatly (still a big problem in many Arab countries) and even much more so my father's and grandfather's generations while this was never a problem in the Soviet Union) etc. Practically all women excluded from education until 2-3 generations ago in large scale. Only in some Arab countries moreover was that even possible. So this is the reason why the Arab world is not close to its former great scientific output (of that time). But I am hopeful that this will change soon and when it does there will be a poll of 500 million people to chose from but I think that this can only be realistic in a few decades from now and not only years. Certainly there is an enormous potential that has been wasted for generations now.

She has done amazing researches on Topology, and Riemann Surfaces.
Anyway, when a person has born, lived, and even his alma mater is Baku State University, is not considered an Azerbaijani?
I don't know why these Yemen jews, for example, don't have any top scientists, while the Azeri ones are nobel prize winners. it rings some bell in ones mind.

Never mind.

Anyway, to summarize yours and mine list:

Arab World:
Number of Physics Nobel literatures: 0
Number of Fields medals: 0
Total Number of Nobel literatures: 1
Number of Innovators: 0
Number of new proposed major scientific fields: 0
Number of top 10 Alive Physicists, Chemists, Biologists, ... : 0
Total Population: Half a billion
Oil Reserves: 700+ billion barrels

Number of Physics Nobel literatures: 1
Number of Fields medals: 1
Total Number of Nobel literatures: 1
Number of Innovators: 2
Number of new proposed major scientific fields: 1
Number of top 10 Alive Physicists, Chemists, Biologists, ... : 4
Total Population: 30 million
Oil Reserves: 7 billion barrels
I'm very sorry man,I meant to say Libya and not Lebanon.

Nusra and ISIS may be small part of the opposition but they are a part indeed,a very significant part.And besides,terming the FSA as moderate is a joke to be honest.I mean those who can take out heart from a corpse and then it eat it or behead and dismember a human being in cold blood in a ritualistic sacrificial manner can be termed anything but a moderate!!They are just terrorists and buddy,there is no good or bad terrorist.Only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.Discriminating them as good or bad as your 'interests' suit you may work in the short term but it will have devastating consequences in the long run.Just ask your Pakistani friends,look what it has done to their economy and their country as a whole!!Finally it seems they have come to realize this fact.

And as for the last section of your post,couldn't agree more.But the problem is,as you said,we do not live in a perfect/ideal world.The peaceful revolution has been hijacked by the extremists due to the wrong doings of Mr Assad but you can not simply choose a bunch of terrorists to run a country!!In this world,you can not choose between good and evil (in most cases) but the between the bigger and lesser evil.And in this case,President Assad is the lesser evil,at least much less virulent compared to other factions like the Nusra or ISIS or even the FSA whose rank and files have now swelled with outsiders who simply do not care about the common Syrians.And the Syrians themselves have seem to understand this and have already came in terms with it when they had chosen Bashar al-Assad for one more term in the election.

Fair enough. No problem. I just don't like when people act like experts on issues that they know little about.

FSA is moderate compared to what the Al-Assad regime has been doing. Are you even aware of the fact that the Al-Assad regime has killed FAR more civilians than ISIS itself?

For a fighting force in this civil war FSA are moderate as anything can be.

The reason why ISIS and Nusra (they don't really exist anymore) got so much support was due to the silence of the international community. You either had a choice of being barrel bombed or jointing them.


You just made your own nonsense list there after I mentioned twice as many influential Arab scientists. 2 out of your 5 examples were not Turks even but Jews.

Maybe because there are only 500.000 Yemeni Jews and many of them came to Israel fairly recently and from an impoverished country while Eastern European Jews came from Europe which is 100 times more developed than ME? Let alone the ME 100 years ago that had 1 or 2 Universities……

Anyway let's leave it. Arab/Semitic contribution to humanity has still been greater than the Turkic one. Much, much, much greater. In the future this will be the same. It's just a question of inevitable changes in the Arab world. As I already explained and as most will agree with.
Fair enough. No problem. I just don't like when people act like experts on issues that they know little about.

FSA is moderate compared to what the Al-Assad regime has been doing. Are you even aware of the fact that the Al-Assad regime has killed FAR more civilians than ISIS itself?

For a fighting force in this civil war FSA are moderate as anything can be.

The reason why ISIS and Nusra (they don't really exist anymore) got so much support was due to the silence of the international community. You either had a choice of being barrel bombed or jointing them.

I didn't understand you properly when you said that ISIS and Nusra do not really exist anymore,can you please elaborate this a bit??Thank you.

You just made your own nonsense list there after I mentioned twice as many influential Arab scientists. 2 out of your 5 examples were not Turks even but Jews.

Maybe because there are only 500.000 Yemeni Jews and many of them came to Israel fairly recently and from an impoverished country while Eastern European Jews came from Europe which is 100 times more developed than ME? Let alone the ME 100 years ago that had 1 or 2 Universities……

Anyway let's leave it. Arab/Semitic contribution to humanity has still been greater than the Turkic one. Much, much, much greater. In the future this will be the same. It's just a question of inevitable changes in the Arab world. As I already explained and as most will agree with.

well İ did not insult you, but your list was really non-sense to be fair. You just forgot to add a few arabs who have visited Cambridge from 100 miles away or from google maps. Yet, if I wanted to make a long list with irrelevant people, I could have made it 10 times longer than yours. But it is childish.
Anyway, Have Semites, meaning jews(who you claim in other threads to be 99% european and non-related to ME) contributed to science? Yes
Have Arabs contributed anything to science? Just one Arab (an Egyptian) has done so.
I didn't understand you properly when you said that ISIS and Nusra do not really exist anymore,can you please elaborate this a bit??Thank you.

I meant that Al-Nusra are heavily wakened compared to earlier times. They hardly play any major role on the ground. Most members have either been killed, deflected to ISIS, been captured, been heavily wounded or left the conflict altogether. In terms of the extremists then ISIS are the by far the most dominant force.

The problem was that they even have become so big to begin with. It's totally insane to think about it. A group that was close to being eliminated (or at least could only do relatively small hit and run attacks and occasional bombings in Iraq less than 4-3 years ago) now control half of Iraq and almost half of Syria. It just shows how many **** ups the regional countries and international powers have made and how hopeless the locals have been to even remotely try and join hands with them.

If this conflict was dealt with earlier as in Libya (which itself was not a perfect operation) a lot of this could have been avoided.

I wonder what historians and military analysts will say about this conflict in 10-15 years time.


Not interested in trolling. You got everything on that other page. You can also think that Turks played a much bigger scientific role during 1300 years of Islamic history and pre-Islamic history too even if that's what you want.

I have never claimed that 99% of all Jews are from Europe so that is also false. Makes no sense when half of the world's Jews are from the Arab world originally. But let's leave that too and say that you are right.
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