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Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

Will Russia risk abondoning his friendship with Turkey and the West for psycho-Assad who massacres his own people? Those who think are out of their mind

They will damage their country name to if they support Assad but the whole point is ofc to secure the Russian base in Syria. Thats the only base they have in Middle-east and they will do everything to protect it.
Will Russia risk abondoning his friendship with Turkey and the West for psycho-Assad who massacres his own people? Those who think are out of their mind

Turkey is being played on the hands of US and helping CIA for arming/funding terrorism in Syria, which is a close ally of Russia. a good number of Russians also live there, in that secular state, the Syria. its true that Turkey has a good relationship with Russia and Iran both but friendship and terrorism can't continue together. first Turkey and other Arab nations expect Russia and its Cold War allies to support them against Israel, the NATO's ally, and at the same time they all together fund terrorism against our one more ally, Syria, to help NATO? and at the same time they are helping US/NATO against our one more close ally Iran also? we can't have friendship with those friends who want to keep funding terrorism against our other friends states...... :disagree:

and its not just Turkey but all those who will give their hands against our allies will also come on attack, including Israel also. it would be understood that Russia is just on front otherwise Syria has support from most of other Russian friends like Iran, India, China, Kazakhstan etc who all together have more than 6mil active troops and the same number in reserve also. all together they have over 5000 aircrafts, and a very big navy who may roll over whole Asia, from Gulf to Australia, from left to right and from top to bottom. and as Turkey is involved in sponsoring terrorism in Syria, along with Israel/ SA/ Qatar also, then its the Turkey who has to come clean on this issue :tup:
Turkey is being played on the hands of US and helping CIA for arming/funding terrorism in Syria, which is a close ally of Russia. a good number of Russians also live there, in that secular state, the Syria. its true that Turkey has a good relationship with Russia and Iran both but friendship and terrorism can't continue together. first Turkey and other Arab nations expect Russia and its Cold War allies to support them against Israel, the NATO's ally, and at the same time they all together fund terrorism against our one more ally, Syria, to help NATO? and at the same time they are helping US/NATO against our one more close ally Iran also? we can't have friendship with those friends who want to keep funding terrorism against our other friends states...... :disagree:

and its not just Turkey but all those who will give their hands against our allies will also come on attack, including Israel also. it would be understood that Russia is just on front otherwise Syria has support from most of other Russian friends like Iran, India, China, Kazakhstan etc who all together have more than 6mil active troops and the same number in reserve also. all together they have over 5000 aircrafts, and a very big navy which may roll over whole Asia from Gulf to Australia, from left to right and from to bottom. and as Turkey is involved in sponsoring terrorism in Syria, along with Israel/ SA/ Qatar also, then its the Turkey who has to come clean on this issue :tup:

Russia can continue on supporting dictators around the world, but it will hurt you in the end. What do you think will happen in Syria when the dictator Assad falls? You think you can keep your friendship with them then? A man who murders his own people has no legitimacy in world politics. You need to understand that.

Oh and i can assure you Turkic states around the world (Kasazkhstan, Turkmenistan etc) will always side with Turkey against Russia. So keep dreaming
Turkey is being played on the hands of US and helping CIA for arming/funding terrorism in Syria, which is a close ally of Russia. a good number of Russians also live there, in that secular state, the Syria. its true that Turkey has a good relationship with Russia and Iran both but friendship and terrorism can't continue together. first Turkey and other Arab nations expect Russia and its Cold War allies to support them against Israel, the NATO's ally, and at the same time they all together fund terrorism against our one more ally, Syria, to help NATO? and at the same time they are helping US/NATO against our one more close ally Iran also? we can't have friendship with those friends who want to keep funding terrorism against our other friends states...... :disagree:

and its not just Turkey but all those who will give their hands against our allies will also come on attack, including Israel also. it would be understood that Russia is just on front otherwise Syria has support from most of other Russian friends like Iran, India, China, Kazakhstan etc who all together have more than 6mil active troops and the same number in reserve also. all together they have over 5000 aircrafts, and a very big navy which may roll over whole Asia from Gulf to Australia, from left to right and from to bottom. and as Turkey is involved in sponsoring terrorism in Syria, along with Israel/ SA/ Qatar also, then its the Turkey who has to come clean on this issue :tup:

First of all can you stop writing a whole a4 just to clear a point please? Turkey helped the Chechen fighters to agains Russia what happend? Still friends (front of the camera's). We all know that nobody is friend of Turkey. This also applies to other countries. You really think that Iran is a friend of Russia or otherwise? Ofcourse not. Everybody making their strategics for their own benefits.

We all know that AKP goverments is working together with the west to destroy Turkey but beside this we have a big and strong nation. Its not only a matter of goverment. The people will decide also what will happen.
First of all can you stop writing a whole a4 just to clear a point please? Turkey helped the Chechen fighters to agains Russia what happend? Still friends (front of the camera's). We all know that nobody is friend of Turkey. This also applies to other countries. You really think that Iran is a friend of Russia or otherwise? Ofcourse not. Everybody making their strategics for their own benefits.

We all know that AKP goverments is working together with the west to destroy Turkey but beside this we have a big and strong nation. Its not only a matter of goverment. The people will decide also what will happen.

Did you take your pills today?
And btw Russia showed weak forgeing policy to with the Taliban case. They supported the Taliban agains Nato and US forces but now they see that Taliban losing it (partly). Now they looking forward to US to work together agains Taliban. Also dont forget the Soviet union how weak and bullcrap it was and got destroyed.. Russia is alone, they think they have a word on the planet but thats not true. They can only give free AK-47's to rebels thats it.

Did you take your pills today?

Zulkerneyn, you dont have to talk and especialy not about Turkey. We all know you waiting like a hyena that Turkey goes in to war with hope that the west will bring kurds in rebellion so they will attack Turks in back for hope a kurdish state.
First of all can you stop writing a whole a4 just to clear a point please? Turkey helped the Chechen fighters to agains Russia what happend? Still friends (front of the camera's). We all know that nobody is friend of Turkey. This also applies to other countries. You really think that Iran is a friend of Russia or otherwise? Ofcourse not. Everybody making their strategics for their own benefits.

We all know that AKP goverments is working together with the west to destroy Turkey but beside this we have a big and strong nation. Its not only a matter of goverment. The people will decide also what will happen.

this is a bit clear post. now, I would expect you to make a comment on the posts #536, #538. kindly, please make a comment on these two posts also, as below :thank_you2:

And btw Russia showed weak forgeing policy to with the Taliban case. They supported the Taliban agains Nato and US forces but now they see that Taliban losing it (partly). Now they looking forward to US to work together agains Taliban. Also dont forget the Soviet union how weak and bullcrap it was and got destroyed.. Russia is alone, they think they have a word on the planet but thats not true. They can only give free AK-47's to rebels thats it.

Zulkerneyn, you dont have to talk and especialy not about Turkey. We all know you waiting like a hyena that Turkey goes in to war with hope that the west will bring kurds in rebellion so they will attack Turks in back for hope a kurdish state.

You figured me out mate, i have been waiting for this! (obvious sarcasm is obvious for people who has higher than 10 iq).

But seriously did you remember to take the pills today? We don't need foreign enemies when we have people like you among us.
No,i like to see that.:)

Your 'You guys are doing on behalf of US' thing is getting pathetic. We have our own disagreements with Syria,there is no need for a US encouragement. We are against that regime,deal with it.

Im not supportive of a war btw.

Let me be clear on one account I am not supporting the Regime in Syria currently but I am supporting the peace and dialogue may it take Years did it not take Ages and Yet Palestinian issue is on the Table without resolve, which cannot be resolved by funding rebels and terrorists by saudi arabia-qatar-u.a.e,US-NATO and now Turkey is being given task to do NATO's dirty Job.

You also need to come up with a credible answer as to why were Turkey-saudi arabia in hibernation when Lebanon and Palestine were-are bombed for weeks. You guys cannot resolve a 42+ Years issue of Palestine with the number of people dead and atrocities-murders taken place and you are heading for a brotherhood cause in Syria, it is better you guys mind your own business let Syrians resolve it internally.

PS. 180M Pakistanis are not doing anything on behalf of US, it is the government that is doing it i am sure in Turkey people-civilians are not interested in Turkish government fiddling in some other country's internal affair. I support you for not supporting War.
. .

Suriye önceleri bir devlet değil coğrafi alan adıydı. M.Ö 3 binlerde batıda Toros dağları, güneyde Babil ve Kuzeyde Ermenistan ile çevriliydi.

Osmanlı döneminde Suriye, bugünkü Irak'ın bir kısmı ile Filistin, Lübnan ve Ürdün'ü kapsıyordu.

Suriye'nin bir devlet adı olarak resmiyet kazanması ilk kez 1920'de Fransız mandası zamanında oldu. Fransızlar o dönemdeki "Sevr Planı"nı yaşama geçirip Suriye'yi dörde böldüler.

1) Halep Devleti

2) Şam Devleti

3) Aleviler Devleti

4) Dürzi Devleti

Bunların ilk ikisi 1928'te Suriye Devleti adı altında birleşti. Son ikisi ise 1942'de Fransız varlığı fiilen hükmünü yitirdiğinde Suriye Devleti'ne katıldılar.

Dün böyleydi. Ya bugün?

Bugün Suriye'yi düne benzetmek, yani dörde bölmek istiyorlar. Irak'ı böldüler. İran'ı da bölmek istiyorlar.


Ortadoğu'daki ülkeleri İsrail gibi küçük küçük devletler yapmaktır. Ve tabii birbiriyle kanlı bıçaklı olmaları şartıyla…

Sonuç, böl ve yönet politikaları sürüyor.

Anlaşılması güç olan AKP'nin bu politikalara büyük destek vermesi…

Suriye'nin düşürdüğü anlaşılan ve tartışmaları devam eden Türk jetinden sonra açıklamaların ardı arkası kesilmezken bir yandan da hararetle NATO'nun bölgeye girip girmeyeceği konuşuluyor.

Ahmet Davutoğlu ve Ömer Çelik Suriye’yi suçlayan ve NATO’nun devreye sokulacağını ifade eden açıklamalar yapıyor. Olayda Türkiye’yi haklı gösterme çabaları, aylardır devam eden tacizleri göz önünde bulundurulduğunda inandırıcılığını kaybediyor.

Yani AKP "Sevr Planı"nda üzerine düşeni yapıyor.

Peki AKP günü gelince Kürtlerin de ayrılıp Türkiye'den kopacağı/ koparılacağı siyasetini hiç görmüyor mu?

Yoksa saf olan biz miyiz, herkes her şeyi bilerek mi yapıyor?..



The geographical area formerly was the name of Syria is not a state. Third millennium BC, the Taurus Mountains in the west, south and north of Babylon was surrounded with Armenia.

Syria during the Ottoman period, with a portion of today's Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan included.

Syria as a state official name for the first time to win the French mandate in 1920 was at the time. The French at that time "Sevres Plan" divide life into four spend Syria.

1) State of Aleppo

2) State of Damascus

3) State of Alevis

4) State of the Druze

1928 The first two of them merged under the name of the State of Syria. In 1942, French presence in Syria and two in the actual provision of the State participated in the loose.

Yesterday was the case. And today?

Today, Syria yesterday emulate, so they want to divide into four. Divide Iraq. They want to divide Iran.

The aim is

States in the Middle East countries such as Israel is to make small. And of course, provided that they are at daggers drawn with each other ...

The result, says the policies of divide and rule.

These policies to give greater support to the AKP, which are hard to understand ...

Syria agreed to reduce the ongoing discussions and a constant stream of announcements after the Turkish jet region kesilmezken into NATO will not get into it also spoken enthusiastically.

Accusing Syria Davutoglu and Ömer Çelik ahmet expressing description would be bitten and NATO is engaged. Turkey's efforts to justify the incident for several months, is losing credibility in view of ongoing harassment.

The AKP is "Sevres Plan" in doing their part.

So leave the AKP Kurds Turkey will ever come when that day comes / koparılacağı Do not see the politics at all?

Or we can with pure, knowing that everyone is doing everything? ..
Are they trying to find a way a excuus for Turkey - Syria war?

I think Turkey is at the moment , taking orders from US ...

Why the hell would you intrude in Syrian Airspace otherwise ?
. .
I think Turkey is at the moment , taking orders from US ...

Why the hell would you intrude in Syrian Airspace otherwise ?

I love the mentality of these guys. "Going against Iran = US puppet" :rofl: All hail Wali faqeeh :lol:
Russia can continue on supporting dictators around the world, but it will hurt you in the end.

What do you think will happen in Syria when the dictator Assad falls?

Russia is doing the same what the US has done ferociously for decades with false flag / clandestine operations and other unethical methods ! Do you remember the fate of Libya ? How is the country doing without Qaddafi ? Any better ? :azn: I need all propagandists of democracy and freedom to answer that ! Deal with it , one system is never good for the whole world !

Anarchy , Civil War , Syria gone to **** ... Wasn't the answer obvious looking at the situation in Libya today ? :azn:

I love the mentality of these guys. "Going against Iran = US puppet" :rofl: All hail Wali faqeeh :lol:


Where did you see Iran in my post ? :azn: Assuming things by yourself ?

What would you do if Syria intrudes in your airspace ?

Let me be clear on one account I am not supporting the Regime in Syria currently but I am supporting the peace and dialogue may it take Years did it not take Ages and Yet Palestinian issue is on the Table without resolve, which cannot be resolved by funding rebels and terrorists by saudi arabia-qatar-u.a.e,US-NATO and now Turkey is being given task to do NATO's dirty Job.

You also need to come up with a credible answer as to why were Turkey-Saudi Arabia in hibernation when Lebanon and Palestine were-are bombed for weeks. You guys cannot resolve a 42+ Years issue of Palestine with the number of people dead and atrocities-murders taken place and you are heading for a brotherhood cause in Syria, it is better you guys mind your own business let Syrians resolve it internally.

Well Said :tup:

Seems that they reserve the strength to fight against fellow Muslims only now ! :hitwall:

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