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Syria using Iranian snipers as violent crackdown continues


May 28, 2011
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Syria using Iranian snipers as violent crackdown continues - The Scotsman

IRANIAN snipers are being used in Syria to put down the growing tide of demonstrations against president Bashar al-Assad, claims a member of the regime's secret police who has fled to Turkey.
The 25-year-old officer offered a detailed account of increasingly brutal tactics used by security forces to end the five-month uprising, including parading women naked through the streets and shoot-to-kill orders against unarmed protesters.

He said he had beaten prisoners and shot at protesters in Dasmascus. At times during the past two months he was aware of Iranian troops operating alongside his team in the Syrian capital.

Speaking in Yayladagi, the nearest town to the refugee camp where he now lives, he said: "We knew they were from Iran because we were not allowed to speak to them and they were kept well away from us. When we had operated with the Syrian army we would always mix with them and chat."

His account confirms other reports that Syria has turned to its closest ally for help - including training and military hardware - in putting down the protests directed at the Assad family's four decades in power.

August has seen an escalation in government operations. Tanks and snipers have been deployed to quell protests in several areas during Ramadan, even as America and the European Union have increased pressure on Mr Assad to end the violence.

Last night, Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu said he had told Mr Assad that military operations against civilians must end immediately, warning the Syrian president that this was Ankara's "final word".

"If these operations do not stop, there will be nothing left to say about the steps that would be taken," he said, though he did not elaborate.

Until the latest unrest, Turkey was a close ally of Syria. Iran is now its lone regional friend.

Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of the Iranian parliament's foreign affairs committee, this week said ending support for Syria would spell disaster.

He said: "The interests of the Muslim people command that we mobilise to support Syria as a centre of Palestinian resistance."

So far more than 1,700 people have reportedly been killed since pro-democracy activists took to the streets in March.

Yesterday, Syrian forces continued to shell residential districts in the Mediterranean port city of Latakia for a third day.

Latakia is the latest city to be stormed after Hama, Deir al-Zor, capital of a tribal province bordering Iraq's Sunni Muslim heartland, and several towns in the north-western Idlib province, which borders Turkey.
What the hell is OIC doing? Got nothing to say? After all, Muslim countries can warn Syria openly can't they? They why this hypocrisy? Why isn't Pakistani government issuing a political condemnation? Why is Bangladesh politically silent?

Double standards, truth be told..
western media is known for their blatant lies

i remember they said gaddafi massacred thousands which was COMPLETELY FALSE, they also said his troops were given condoms to rape, another COMPLETELY FABRICATED story. and these were from MAINSTREAM western media.
What the hell is OIC doing? Got nothing to say? After all, Muslim countries can warn Syria openly can't they? They why this hypocrisy? Why isn't Pakistani government issuing a political condemnation? Why is Bangladesh politically silent?

Double standards, truth be told..

Actually Muslim countries NOT issuing a condemnation is not a double standard, of truth be told.

Only issuing condemnation against violation of human rights with dismal HR records back home themselves is double standards.

For instance, I recently saw KSA and Bahrain withdrawing their ambassadors as a sign of protests against the violation of Human rights in Syria....KSA and Bahrain ?? Seriously ??You gotta be fcking kidding me. The states which only months before performed violent crackdowns in their own homes against pro-democracy protesters using all means possible condemning Syria which is doing the same thing :lol:
What the hell is OIC doing? Got nothing to say? After all, Muslim countries can warn Syria openly can't they? They why this hypocrisy? Why isn't Pakistani government issuing a political condemnation? Why is Bangladesh politically silent?

Double standards, truth be told..

Actually Muslim countries NOT issuing a condemnation is not a double standard, iof truth be told.

Only issuing condemnation against violation of human rights with dismal HR records back home themselves is double standards.

I recently saw KSA and Bahrain withdrawing their ambassadors as a sign of protests against the violation of Human rights..KSA and Bahrain ?? Seriously ??You gotta be fcking kidding me. The states which only months before performed violent crackdowns in their own homes against pro-democracy protesters condemning Syria :lol:

The Arab states, including Syria have an agreement that they won't invade each other's territory, and did so for good reasons. Saddam dishonored that treaty.

The OIC is more or less an Islamic Tea Party. Don't see how Pakistan or Bangladesh fits in the picture. They (we) have our own problems to deal with!
What the hell is OIC doing? Got nothing to say? After all, Muslim countries can warn Syria openly can't they? They why this hypocrisy? Why isn't Pakistani government issuing a political condemnation? Why is Bangladesh politically silent?

Double standards, truth be told..

Forget OIC, where the hell is NATO and others?
The OIC is more or less an Islamic Tea Party. Don't see how Pakistan or Bangladesh fits in the picture. They (we) have our own problems to deal with!

Because even when a Muslim gets scratched in an infidel dominated country(read India), these 2 countries are at the forefront in criticizing GoI for discrimination, genocide and what not...but they are absolutely silent in this case.
Maybe its okay for Muslims to kill eachother even to the extent that it boderlines ethnic cleansing.

---------- Post added at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------

Forget OIC, where the hell is NATO and others?

They are busy protecting Libyan rebels from Col.Qaddafi's wrath.
WTH NATO are you serious ? Does South American republics,Korea,Vietnam,Grenada,Panama,Iraq,Afghanistan ring a bell.

This issue could have been solved by OIC provided that it had been active.

There must be some sort of OIC peace keeping army sort of like UN peace keepers which would be responsible to put down such things in Muslim countries.
Because even when a Muslim gets scratched in an infidel dominated country(read India), these 2 countries are at the forefront in criticizing GoI for discrimination, genocide and what not...but they are absolutely silent in this case.
Maybe its okay for Muslims to kill eachother even to the extent that it boderlines ethnic cleansing.

Er, yeah just keep all that crap to yourselves - okay?

Many Arab countries don't like Iran for reasons best known to themselves. Nothing to do with us.

Here, we have already expressed criticism of Bashar's brutal regime along with Iran's hypocrisy.
This is probably just american propaganda. We can no longer take any notice of what america or americans say. They are liars extraordinaire
This is probably just american propaganda. We can no longer take any notice of what america or americans say. They are liers extraordinaire

Yeah, I have never heard of the news source. Also Google, and the sources coming up with the report are virtually unknown. Nothing from CNN or BBC.

They used to claim that Iran funded the Taliban. Considering the fact that Iran is Shia and the Taliban are Sunni extremists. They almost went to war with one another.

Anyways, I don't know how credible the report is.
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