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Syria gets S-300 and Iran officially joins the fray in Syria

Sorry bro will never happen as long as you call our chinese enemies as your ally.

We will slaughter chinese in WW3 like there is no tomorrow.


Bro, don't be so emotional. You have to admit that Pakistan has come this far, at least in the defence sector, with the help of the Chinese. If it was not for the Chinese support those indians with full support from assrahell and uncle sam would have invaded Pakistan by now. So, the reality of this region forbids Pakistan to go against China. Personally I do not agree with China's present policy of equating even legitimate struggle against tyranny of despots like sissy and asad with China's Xinjian experience. Policy driven by phobia brings about nothing but disaster in the long run. Daesh is commanded by the officers of Saddam's army who are very much like sissy. They are doing it for revenge and the zionazis are providing assistance in order to malign legitimate struggle against repressive regimes like the sissy and asad regimes.
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S-300 may be outdated for US/Europe but for Syrians, it's a big leap and even Western Powers will avoid free flight hang outs now.
Bro, don't be so emotional. You have to admit that Pakistan has come this far, at least in the defence sector, with the help of the Chinese. If it was not for the Chinese support those indians with full support from assrahell and uncle sam would have invaded Pakistan by now. So, the reality of this region forbids Pakistan to go against China. Personally I do not agree with China's present policy of equating even legitimate struggle against tyranny of despots like sissy and asad with China's Xinjian experience. Policy driven by phobia brings about nothing but disaster in the long run. Daesh is commanded by the officers of Saddam's army who are very much like sissy. They are doing it for revenge and the zionazis are providing assistance in order to malign legitimate struggle against repressive regimes like the sissy and asad regimes.
Are you referring to those Indians who liberated your country from West Pakistani Army..? If it was not for those Indians, you might not be alive today to type this Crap.. You are one guy who seems to have enjoyed those cullings and rapings committed by West Pakistanis..
You look for Indians wherever it is possible to bash, huh..??
Mujib - ur- rahiman sahab would have been so proud of you my boy if he was alive today .. keep it up..

S-300 may be outdated for US/Europe but for Syrians, it's a big leap and even Western Powers will avoid free flight hang outs now.
Dude, S-300 is still far more potent than anything the Americans bring up.. If the systems supplied were of S300 - PMU variants, then the real game is on.. I will be eager to see any fighter aircraft getting inside the Syrian airspace and making it out in one piece..
Are you referring to those Indians who liberated your country from West Pakistani Army..? If it was not for those Indians, you might not be alive today to type this Crap.. You are one guy who seems to have enjoyed those cullings and rapings committed by West Pakistanis..
You look for Indians wherever it is possible to bash, huh..??
Mujib - ur- rahiman sahab would have been so proud of you my boy if he was alive today .. keep it up..

Dude, S-300 is still far more potent than anything the Americans bring up.. If the systems supplied were of S300 - PMU variants, then the real game is on.. I will be eager to see any fighter aircraft getting inside the Syrian airspace and making it out in one piece..

I agree but that's if they are PMUs and still, it's not a S-400 system. However, as I said, you are right, no more free flying for Allied AFs.
Can someone educate me on Sino-Turk rivalry. I really didn't know that those small time proxy groups had led them to be so thirsty of each other's blood or is our Turk flag friend here, just giving his personal views?
Where you get fuel for all that? :lol: Ground bases systems have advantage over flying machines.
Its actually the contrary. Air assets always maintain superiority over ground based systems, the best way to kill a plane is by using a plane.

Can someone educate me on Sino-Turk rivalry. I really didn't know that those small time proxy groups had led them to be so thirsty of each other's blood or is our Turk flag friend here, just giving his personal views?
East turkistan movement.
Are you referring to those Indians who liberated your country from West Pakistani Army..? If it was not for those Indians, you might not be alive today to type this Crap.. You are one guy who seems to have enjoyed those cullings and rapings committed by West Pakistanis..
You look for Indians wherever it is possible to bash, huh..??
Mujib - ur- rahiman sahab would have been so proud of you my boy if he was alive today .. keep it up..

You couldn't refute what I said so you decided to sing the 1971 tune. There's no crap in what I said but your reply is definitely irrelevant crap. There's one section where you can start a thread for singing your 1971 crap but this isn't that section.
Sorry bro will never happen as long as you call our chinese enemies as your ally.

We will slaughter chinese in WW3 like there is no tomorrow.

hi turkey! you, traitor of muslim world, dont spit shit here. you.are embarrassing. your country.

Sorry bro will never happen as long as you call our chinese enemies as your ally.

We will slaughter chinese in WW3 like there is no tomorrow.

hi turkey! you, traitor of muslim world, dont spit shit here. you.are embarrassing. your country.
Wake me up when they will shoot down an Israeli jet, until then its just hot air.
hi turkey! you, traitor of muslim world, dont spit shit here. you.are embarrassing. your country.

hi turkey! you, traitor of muslim world, dont spit shit here. you.are embarrassing. your country.

Shut up you dumb fool. I know how to speak with chinese beasts like you.

If Japan declares war on Turkey i would start to worry, but china...HAHA you are a joke!
Mujib - ur- rahiman sahab would have been so proud of you my boy if he was alive today .. keep it up..
We don't give a crap about Mujib, Mr.Cheerleader. It might break your hearts but Zia was the one who did the most during the Independence War. Mujib just invited your R@*ist Army to Bangladesh. R@*es increased at a significant rate when Indian Army entered Bangladesh and that is a fact.

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