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Syria Flexes it's muscle, moves tank to Turkish border and bans all Turkish

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* TUAF can wipe out Asad's air force in 72 hours or less. [Much generous]
* Once Asad's army doesn't have CAS- their armor will be fried in no time.
* Once Asad's armor is annihilated, his army [80% alawites] will lose its technological edge over FSA
* Once all above aspects, are taken into account FSA would have a better chance of winning the war.
* Turkey wont send its ground troops inside Syria.

And who Will fill the power vacuum? Assad learnt the lesson. Most appropriate roadmap to peace would be to return to status que Ante bellum with Assad giving larger civil liberties to the people.

Economical cost of interethnic intersectarian civil war in Syria would be astronomical for Turkey in the years to come. We have to bear the weight of 100.000 refugees. They became Assad's lovely present to Turkish people. In case of assad stays, they Will be our countrymen; and in case of assad goes, many more to come as refugees.
Actually Syrian air defense has a potential to shot down all 200 Turkish F-16s in 72 hours or less.

If Turkish army enters Syria today, assad Would be hiding in sewers tomorrow. :D

But then again, tomorrow there would be a different Syria which would be hard to control. With Arabs, Turkmens, Kurds, Christians, Alawites killing eachother, we would be forced to participate in it.
And who Will fill the power vacuum? Assad learnt the lesson. Most appropriate roadmap to peace would be to return to status que Ante bellum with Assad giving larger civil liberties to the people.

Economical cost of interethnic intersectarian civil war in Syria would be astronomical for Turkey in the years to come. We have to bear the weight of 100.000 refugees. They became Assad's lovely present to Turkish people. In case of assad stays, they Will be our countrymen; and in case of assad goes, many more to come as refugees.

Syrians will fill the power vacuum. Turkish costs will pay off by having a friendly Syria in the future, because in my logic it should make friends with Syrians, there is no better investment. Status quo means a Syria ruled by an enemy of Turkey, i don't know if you want that.

Actually Syrian air defense has a potential to shot down all 200 Turkish F-16s in 72 hours or less.

Disagree, Syrian air force is made of junk the air fleet wont last long. Once CAS is gone and in the meanwhile Turkey has anti radiation capacity to either knock out or jam Asad's radar and defense systems.
Syrians will fill the power vacuum. Turkish costs will pay off by having a friendly Syria in the future, because in my logic it should make friends with Syrians, there is no better investment. Status quo means a Syria ruled by an enemy of Turkey, i don't know if you want that.

I dont trust US and Israel. They would play the Kurdish card in a near future. Which Will burn Kurds with Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. But I guess, playing Defence wont bring any Good.

Yes, Turkey entered into a road in which there is No turning back. At the end of the road, flames of civil war Will spread on to our soil as well. Better stock some gold, some grain and some bullets.
Better stock some gold, some grain and some bullets.

:lol:.......nice way of putting it.....

imo turkey should have stopped with giving refuge to the syrians escaping from syria and not armed them if it does not have the capability to deal with a civil war in the future.......actually i think it has the capabilty.....but all the hard won economic progress would be down to a naught in case of a civil war spilling over.....

<conspiracy theory>

i think the west and israel were becoming increasily wary of the islamist policies of turkey and secretly wanted to cut own turkey and erdo to size...that is why they have goaded turkey into joining the civil war in syria knowing fully well it will spill into turkey too...

it will fulfil the double intentions of getting rid of iranian friendly regime in syria and also cutting down islamist turkey to size

</ conspiracy theory>

it is three side game:

- Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Russia (Shia bloc)
- Turkey, Saudi Arabia, GCC (Sunni bloc)
- USA, Israel, Kurds (Zionist bloc)

Zionists havent made a move. They wait till their opponents get exhausted.
Actually Syrian air defense has a potential to shot down all 200 Turkish F-16s in 72 hours or less.

To hunt TurAF within hours, Syria has all those capabilities (that I didn't know) to be listed below;

-I didn't know Syria has counter-EW capabilities to defeat Turkish SOJ (Stand off Jammer) devices before shotting down 240 F-16 + 50 F-4E2020 + 18 F-4 Isik + 16 F-4 Simsek and others

-I didn't know Syria has clever tactics/jammers to counter hundreds of anti-radiation drones to be flown over Syrian skies to destroy all radar stations before airforce attack.

-I didn't know Syria has 100+km SAM's to engage TurAF aircrafts carrying stand of cruise missiles to be launched their missiles with a range from 100+km (KGK), 140km(JSOW), 160km (Popeye), 290km (Slam-Er), 350km (SOM).
Actually Syrian air defense has a potential to shot down all 200 Turkish F-16s in 72 hours or less.

The person talking about TurAF like that, must be either an ignorant, or having some different purposes such as trolling. I advice you to learn more about TurAF, education standarts, training hours, training areas including Aegean, munitions used on aircrafts, tactics and old experiences in Kosova, Serbia, Bosnia and N. Irak.

A Likely TurAF attack on Syria (I hope It will be never occured) looks like using unbalanced force on civilians..

it is three side game:

- Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Russia (Shia bloc)
- Turkey, Saudi Arabia, GCC (Sunni bloc)
- USA, Israel, Kurds (Zionist bloc)

Zionists havent made a move. They wait till their opponents get exhausted.

Which bloc is NATO?
To hunt TurAF within hours, Syria has all those capabilities (that I didn't know) to be listed below;

-I didn't know Syria has counter-EW capabilities to defeat Turkish SOJ (Stand off Jammer) devices before shotting down 240 F-16 + 50 F-4E2020 + 18 F-4 Isik + 16 F-4 Simsek and others

-I didn't know Syria has clever tactics/jammers to counter hundreds of anti-radiation drones to be flown over Syrian skies to destroy all radar stations before airforce attack.

-I didn't know Syria has 100+km SAM's to engage TurAF aircrafts carrying stand of cruise missiles to be launched their missiles with a range from 100+km (KGK), 140km(JSOW), 160km (Popeye), 290km (Slam-Er), 350km (SOM).

Obviously Syria has counter-EW capabilities why would they purchase modern air defenese systems after all. Obviously Syrians are not idiots and would provide proper training for their ar defense operators.

Yes, Syria has 100+km SAM (S-200). But anyway lets see what options Turkey has.

TuAF doenst even have a single AWACS. If they dont want to lose all their aircrafts they would need to start a long and enduring campaign to knock off all of Syrian air defense assets first. Do they even have enough of long range missiles for the job? Im quite sure they dont. It will took them weeks to significantly weaken Syrian air defense. And all that time Syrian artillery and MLRS systems will pound Turkish territory, cities and infrastructure. So they have another option to rush in and it will be disaster for their air force.

You see actually Turkey is not in very good position here.
Obviously Syria has counter-EW capabilities why would they purchase modern air defenese systems after all. Obviously Syrians are not idiots and would provide proper training for their ar defense operators.

Yes, Syria has 100+km SAM (S-200). But anyway lets see what options Turkey has.

TuAF doenst even have a single AWACS. If they dont want to lose all their aircrafts they would need to start a long and enduring campaign to knock off all of Syrian air defense assets first. Do they even have enough of long range missiles for the job? Im quite sure they dont. It will took them weeks to significantly weaken Syrian air defense. And all that time Syrian artillery and MLRS systems will pound Turkish territory, cities and infrastructure. So they have another option to rush in and it will be disaster for their air force.

You see actually Turkey is not in very good position here.

I doubt turkey will attack unless syria does something really stupid (say fires missiles into turkey). Even then turkey will prefer to have a local conflict than a full scale war.
to those people who are praying and hoping for war i say go back to stone age... you blood lovers...
Syria and Turkey will never directly engage in an actual war... because the world wont let that happen.. because if does happen then it will be a key to WWIII...

And aeronaut you talk like you are a general in the Syrian military.... its funny to read your comments about Turkey destroying SAF in 72 hours... you might be "correct"... but trust me... Turkey does not want any WMD to explode in its country..... before you comment think.... this is not only attack and war is over... this is attack vs defense .....
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