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Syria crisis: Saudi Arabia to spend millions to train new rebel force


May 9, 2007
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Riyadh 'fighting two wars in Syria' as new force Jaysh al-Islam excludes al-Qaida affiliates in bid to defeat Assad regime


Saudi Arabia is preparing to spend millions of dollars to arm and train thousands of Syrian fighters in a new national rebel force to help defeatBashar al-Assad and act as a counterweight to increasingly powerful jihadi organisations.

Syrian, Arab and western sources say the intensifying Saudi effort is focused on Jaysh al-Islam (the Army of Islam or JAI), created in late September by a union of 43 Syrian groups. It is being billed as a significant new player on the fragmented rebel scene.

The force excludes al-Qaida affiliates such as the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham and Jabhat al-Nusra, but embraces more non-jihadi Islamist and Salafi units.

According to one unconfirmed report the JAI will be trained with Pakistani help, and estimates of its likely strength range from 5,000 to more than 50,000. But diplomats and experts warned on Thursday that there are serious doubts about its prospects as well as fears of "blowback" by extremists returning from Syria.

The Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, is also pressing the US to drop its objections to supplying anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles to the JAI. Jordan is being urged to allow its territory to be used as a supply route into neighbouring Syria.

In return, diplomats say, Riyadh is encouraging the JAI to accept the authority of the US and western-backed Supreme Military Council, led by Salim Idriss, and the Syrian Opposition Coalition.

"There are two wars in Syria," said Mustafa Alani, an analyst for the Saudi-backed Gulf Research Centre. "One against the Syrian regime and one against al-Qaida. Saudi Arabia is fighting both."

Saudi Arabia has long called publicly for arming the anti-Assad rebels and has bridled at US caution. It has been playing a more assertive role since September's US-Russian agreement on chemical weapons - which it saw as sparing the Syrian leader from US-led air strikes and granting him a degree of international rehabilitation.

The JAI is led by Zahran Alloush, a Salafi and formerly head of Liwa al-Islam, one of the most effective rebel fighting forces in the Damascus area. Alloush recently held talks with Bandar along with Saudi businessmen who are financing individual rebel brigades under the JAI's banner. Other discreet coordinating meetings in Turkey have involved the Qatari foreign minister, Khaled al-Attiyeh, and the US envoy to Syria, Robert Ford.

In one indication of its growing confidence – and resources – the JAI this week advertised online for experienced media professionals to promote its cause.

The appearance of an "Army of Muhammad" – with its equally obvious Islamic resonance – appears to be part of the same or related effort proposed by Syrian Sunni clerics to unite disparate rebel groups into a 100,000-strong force by March 2015.

It is too early, however, to see any impact of the Saudi move on the ground. "Militarily it's not significant," said one senior western official.

"I don't see it producing any dramatic change yet. It's a political step. These new rebel formations seem to be relabelling themselves and creating new leadership structures. It's part of a quite parochial political game – and above all a competition for resources."

But the Saudis are making an energetic case for their strategy – and playing on western anxieties. "The Saudis are saying that if you don't join the fight against Assad you will end up with a much bigger jihadi problem," said Emile Hokayem of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. "They are being a lot more proactive. That means taking the rebellion a lot more seriously and trying to develop as many proxies and allies as possible."

Saudi assertiveness has grown along with unhappiness over US policy towards Syria and Iran, the kingdom's regional rival. Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former Saudi intelligence chief, described Obama's approach to Syria as "lamentable".

Last month the Saudis cancelled their annual speech at the UN general assembly and turned down their first election to a security council seat in protest over the Syrian situation. The Saudis, like the Israelis, also fear a US "grand bargain" that leaves Iran free to develop nuclear weapons.

Alani, echoing official Saudi views, warned of the risk from an emboldened al-Qaida unless more moderate forces prevailed in Syria. "Al-Qaida is getting stronger," he said. "It is undermining the Syrian revolution and giving the US an argument for not supporting it. It will backfire against Saudi Arabia and the Gulf sooner or later – like what happened in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq."

Other experts argue that the kingdom is taking risks by being so proactive, relying on funding and weapons for influence, concentrating on military pressure on Assad without developing a clear political strategy and focusing on strengthening groups with an overtly Sunni character.

"The Saudi leadership should be careful what it creates in Syria," Yezid Sayegh of the Carnegie Foundation warned in a recent commentary."Muhammad's Army may eventually come home to Mecca."

The effort also faces problems of capacity, coordination and delivery. "The Saudis and Qataris lack the means to shape insurgent groups," suggested Thomas Pierret of Edinburgh University.

"They have a lot of money but very poor intelligence and human resources and organisational skills. They are very dependent on the western military. They are too used to having relationships with clients and using personal networks.

"That's why they've been forced to turn to Syrian groups which already have military credibility. They are becoming less selective and more realistic and putting aside their reservations about who they support. But I doubt they are able to unify the whole thing. The Saudis say 'you should unite and we will give you money.' But some will end up getting more money than others and the coalition will break apart."

Syria crisis: Saudi Arabia to spend millions to train new rebel force | World news | theguardian.com
Majority Sunnis needing so much help against few Alawis as you like to tell us.
When those majority were arm-less and untrained being killed by few Allawites who used to operate one of the most heavily armed military in the world and heavily supported by Russia, Iran and HZ, then yes they need help.

Military conscription was for all including Sunnis, many defected.
It wasn’t Alawites going into military service only, the lower rank greater manpower was made out of the Sunnis.
I don't buy your shit don't try again.
Why not instead spend time trying to set up a peace conference, seeing as the US and Russia are (apparently) unable to do it together... bringing more death and destruction is counter-productive
Millions is nothing when the fight is done in the enemy territory

The wars in Iraq & Afghanistan have cost 5000 billions dollars only good for the JEWS banks

If Iran, Syria, Egypt, Iraq don't want to attack Saudi Arabia and slowly die and never react when Irael punch them, it's them who decide.
Military conscription was for all including Sunnis, many defected.
It wasn’t Alawites going into military service only, the lower rank greater manpower was made out of the Sunnis.
I don't buy your shit don't try again.
That's true but who control everything? Sunnis were nothing but puppets.
That's true but who control everything? Sunnis were nothing but puppets.

Only on the highest positions but that is the case of many countries.
We are talking about manpower, the majority of the SAA were Sunnis before the war, as conscription was for all meaning they were the largest force of infantry at the start of the war.
Also there was no such division, your pushing for the division, it isn't completely valid as your trying to show or believe.
That's true but who control everything? Sunnis were nothing but puppets.

First you're a salafists anti-sunnis sect

Second the SAA is still sunni and fight against invaders from 80 countries.

I don't see the SAF bomb a lot and they don't have guided bombs. The majority of the fights are made on the ground.

If the war is so long it's because the salafists take the people in hostage and infest the urban areas and wait that the SAA comes

Third, in Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Iraq you slaughter sunnis so don't make as if you care
The article stated they'll train non Jihadist Islamist and Salafi unit led by a Salafi leader Alloush yet share the same ideologies as other groups but prefer see Saudi Arabia as a key ally while others don't right? This doesn't make any sense, if it's true then according to a Syrian activist on social site Jan, JAI, Isis, Harakat ahrar sham and one FSA group took the operation of the military base days ago. Absoluty ridiculous, they took the role together yet the article stated this unification is to confront both regime and al qaeda factions but where is the news condemning for giving the green light to work together on the operation few days ago? It had also mentioned Salafist, Jihadist and Islamist repeatdly but what's the difference when they still share the same ideologies but receives different support internationally?

I call this article false, even if it's true then why did they reveal the plan on the mainstream media like this? This will find jihadist more suspicious and it will lead to deepen division since they are far away from winning which will probably take another 2-4 years.
The article stated they'll train non Jihadist Islamist and Salafi unit led by a Salafi leader Alloush yet share the same ideologies as other groups but prefer see Saudi Arabia as a key ally while others don't right? This doesn't make any sense, if it's true then according to a Syrian activist on social site Jan, JAI, Isis, Harakat ahrar sham and one FSA group took the operation of the military base days ago. Absoluty ridiculous, they took the role together yet the article stated this unification is to confront both regime and al qaeda factions but where is the news condemning for giving the green light to work together on the operation few days ago? It had also mentioned Salafist, Jihadist and Islamist repeatdly but what's the difference when they still share the same ideologies but receives different support internationally?

I call this article false, even if it's true then why did they reveal the plan on the mainstream media like this? This will find jihadist more suspicious and it will lead to deepen division since they are far away from winning which will probably take another 2-4 years.

Difference is that the leaders of those organizations enjoys a good salary from the Gulf countries but the fighting force does not differ a bit from other jihadists, only the higher commanders play according to Saudi interests. But since when do jihadists care about commanders.. they will go their own way eventually, today a human commander that does not fight, does not carry a gun and meets with "kings"/ politicians is nothing worthy to follow, he is worth little in jihadist society.
Only on the highest positions but that is the case of many countries.
We are talking about manpower, the majority of the SAA were Sunnis before the war, as conscription was for all meaning they were the largest force of infantry at the start of the war.
Also there was no such division, your pushing for the division, it isn't completely valid as your trying to show or believe.
Don't make me teach you everything. Alawites control all "SAA" arms arsenal and used it. They tried to fill the void of defected Sunnis by calling for Shia mercenaries help from all around the world, including Lebanon, Yemen, Iran and Iraq. The arms FSA had were either seized, locally made, or given by foreign countries. In other words, despite the fact that most "SAA" used to be Sunnis, they couldn't take with them but small arms when defected.

I hope you understand now.
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