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Syria Children's Torture By Security Forces Revealed

not even foreign invading military do such a bloodshed and massacre of innocent people and children as is B al asad is doing....May almighty bless the our syrian brothers with success....
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln
Egypt was VERY lucky that their revolution succeeded with minimum bloodshed. The only reason that Mubarak didn't massacre you like sheep is because the army was planning to "retire" him but didn't know how. 01/25 was golden opportunity for them. Its not our problem that Egypt is insignificant in international affairs, I suggest you read the first quote carefully.
George Friedman - The Next Decade - YouTube
i am called a fool by you ... what do you call a country who is a puppet to us and isreal also you are trying to save their economy you gladly do any dirty work they want you to do and many more even betray your muslim brothers all for ths us i am glad you said i am a fool that means i am in the right path
about the revelotion it was us the brave people who went to the streets willing to die for our country and the army didnt shoot becouse unlike others our army is not a mercenery army it is the army of the people if there is a revelotion in saudi it is you who will be killed like sheep that is if you soldiers can hit what they are aiming at
our army is the first desplined army in history
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I've read the article, and a lot of posters here judge based on emotions, not with the intelligence.

1. Consider the source. Lying and faking of these and similar news is a bread and butter for US and its alies. Remember the claims how Gaddafi was mass distributing Viagra to rape girls? It was a fake.

Or girl who testified against Hussein about killing babies? Later it appeared the girl was a daughter of Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Again fake wartime propaganda.

There are literally thousands of such examples, and only naive would accept such news at a face value.

2. Lets say for argument sake that the kid was tortured, why? That article suggests just because he was in a demonstration, and thats preposterous. There were tens of thousands in demonstrations (not many in such big country, but still), and from those Assad cherry picked kids to torture? Its smells like a propaganda for people who cant think for themselves, and believe whatever media feeds them. Syrians would very quickly raise against Assad if that were true, and thats the goal of such propaganda, but it seems Syrians arent buying this nonsense.

Now, in my opinion, if that boy was tortured at all, he was armed and was participating with terrorists. We already saw how kids carry the AK47, and 13 years old wont even be the youngest among them. That would be a secondary logical explanation, primary - its fake news.
Now you will find people derping "This is Syria's internal affairs". I would like to say to them if you have not an ounce of humanity in you don't expect me to be as devoid of soul as you are.

& Bahrain ?
i am called a fool by you ... what do you call a country who is a puppet to us and isreal also you are trying to save their economy you gladly do any dirty work they want you to do and many more even betray your muslim brothers all for ths us i am glad you said i am a fool that means i am in the right path
about the revelotion it was us the brave people who went to the streets willing to die for our country and the army didnt shoot becouse unlike others our army is not a mercenery army it is the army of the people if there is a revelotion in saudi it is you who will be killed like sheep that is if you soldiers can hit what they are aiming at
our army is the first desplined army in history

Lets not blame our brothers for their insecurity as a small country. This is a universal problem, all countries that are below a certain size need protection from powerful countries, unless they find and work on their own team that can be strong enough for self protection. And if any of these small countries have some sought after resources, then they they become even more vulnerable. Just remember one word my Egyptian brother, Fitna, it is no good. Division and fighting among brothers will allow others to take advantage.
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