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Sylheti is a language on its own right.

Sylheti is spoken in all settings, apart from official communication between Sylhet and rest of BD for obvious reasons.
I respectfully differ from you, let us leave this aside as you are left with no option but to toe your country's line. I understand.

Want to make a quick point though. After all this years your fellow countrymen from other places would struggle to speak with you in somewhat related Sylheti, but in my state i found many Dimasas from Cachar speak to those from Barak in fluent Sylheti. That was decades back during my college years, and it was news to me that Tibeto-Burman Kacharis could imbibe a foreign tongue. This is the difference between the ethno fascist Bangladeshis and us NE Indians. Here most of us can speak/understand 4-5 languages but are nevertheless proud of our mother tongue.

All Assamese and bengoli Muslims I know dislike syleht people.
They call them sylhetia geda.They don't marry with them.
But the Bangladeshis here aren't acknowledging this fact!! Don't you think the Bangladeshi Sylhetis would be happy instead being a part of India in their own little space..:agree:
Sylheiti just needs to be made a co-official language and taught to schoolchildren in the division, mainly so they can learn to read and write in the Sylheti script.
Do you mean to say Sylheti is not taught in schools?
Everyone in Sylhet speaks Sylheti at home and so the new generation are totally fluent in Sylheti. While they do not know the Sylheti script, most are more fluent in Sylheti than Bengali.
It's a shame that you don't know the Sylheti script. It's an important part of any language.

Clearly, India as a country atleast preserves regional languages and scripts.
Do you mean to say Sylheti is not taught in schools?

It's a shame that you don't know the Sylheti script. It's an important part of any language.

Yes it is not taught in schools in Sylhet and I do not know the Sylheti script.

I am interested in learning it one day - just need the free time in my diary.
I respectfully differ from you, let us leave this aside as you are left with no option but to toe your country's line. I understand.

Want to make a quick point though. After all this years your fellow countrymen from other places would struggle to speak with you in somewhat related Sylheti, but in my state i found many Dimasas from Cachar speak to those from Barak in fluent Sylheti. That was decades back during my college years, and it was news to me that Tibeto-Burman Kacharis could imbibe a foreign tongue. This is the difference between the ethno fascist Bangladeshis and us NE Indians. Here most of us can speak/understand 4-5 languages but are nevertheless proud of our mother tongue.

But the Bangladeshis here aren't acknowledging this fact!! Don't you think the Bangladeshi Sylhetis would be happy instead being a part of India in their own little space..:agree:
Yes out of all Bangladeshis, syleht people are close to our people.
But nobody like them or trusting them.
If they ok in living in Bangladesh no problem. Good
But if problem then they can also come here like chakmas. No problem, they like us.
Yes it is not taught in schools in Sylhet and I do not know the Sylheti script.

I am interested in learning it one day - just need the free time in my diary.
Which languages are taught in schools in Sylhet then? I assume just Bengali and English then. And what's the proportion of people knowing the Sylheti script? Be careful, even if 1 generation forgets the script, it has the chances of getting extinct from common usage.
Which languages are taught in schools in Sylhet then? I assume just Bengali and English then. And what's the proportion of people knowing the Sylheti script? Be careful, even if 1 generation forgets the script, it has the chances of getting extinct from common usage.

Bengali and English are taught in schools.

No idea what proportion know the Sylheti script but it is probably in the low single-digit percentage.
Bengali and English are taught in schools.

No idea what proportion know the Sylheti script but it is probably in the low single-digit percentage.
Then if you really want to preserve the Sylheti language, not only in its speaking form but in the writing form as well, you should take it upon the BD government. India has way many languages than BD and still the Centre allows all local languages to be taught in schools.
Do not talk about something upon which you have little understanding. Standard Bengali language is derived from dialect of greater Kushtia and Jessore region of Bangladesh and adjoining Nadia district of West Bengal. Spoken dialect of Kushtia and Jessore is almost same as standard Bengali which is not coincidence as during 19th century people form this region were advanced in education and cultural achievement and they used their dialect to write literature. Most of the people of Kolkata were migrants from this Nadia,Kushtia, Jessore belt as Kolkata was then the capital of Bengal and the hub of literature publication. Over time, their dialect and literature accepted as the standard form of Bengali for valid reason. The connection between Kolkata and standard Bengali language was thus established because of Kolkata's dominant migrant population of Kushtia-Jessore region. Standard Bengali language is not the original dialect of Kolkata, but from our very own Kushtia Jessore region and Bangladesh's own heritage.

During 19th century, some caste Hindus tried to forcibly Sanskritize Bengali language, but their attempt mostly failed. You should read the literature of Ishawar Chandra Gupta and will understand how far removed the modern Bengali language from that Sanskritized version. Farsi words still remain the most used foreign vocabulary within Bengali language.

Who was Iswar Chandra Gupta?
Tbh, from my posts it is apparent that i despise the illegal Mymensinghia gedas in our Brahmaputra valley who have nothing in common with us. Sylhetis with their linguistic and cultural similarities to NE are much better in their region..

If problems arise, Chakmas and BD Sylhetis would join India with their territory...:enjoy:
It not possible but if problem we can only help them.
There language and culture can be saved but before that they have to become sure of there identity and if they want save it or become different.
It not possible but if problem we can only help them.
There language and culture can be saved but before that they have to become sure of there identity and if they want save it or become different.
True, it is upon them to oppose the Bangladeshi hegemony and fight for their rights. Other option is getting subsumed into the Bangladeshi identity. We will remain as their well wishers...
Its hilarious that dumb chinks like you actually think you belong in the sub continent or are part of it. Indians do not consider you indians.... deny it as much as you like but you people are irrelevant and forever destined to remain second class citizen. Run along back to whereever you came from. You have no say whatever happens between indians or bangladeshies.
No we are Indian.
You are someone who ran away from motherland for money,,, dui takar theke.
If you so much love Bangladesh why not come to your motherland.
Why, you cannot make normal money in your home? Not that good in work?
Or just want more money?
Its hilarious that dumb chinks like you
Post reported for racial slur, you are one despicable Bongal geda. @AgNoStiC MuSliM , please note that there was no name calling from me to anyone until now. This is something i take offence to.

And if possible, add this shameful term to your list of banned words if you haven't done already.
Tbh, from my posts it is apparent that i despise the illegal Mymensinghia gedas in our Brahmaputra valley who have nothing in common with us. .:enjoy:
Post reported for racial slur, you are one despicable Bongal geda. @AgNoStiC MuSliM , please note that there was no name calling from me to anyone until now. This is something i take offence to.

And if possible, add this shameful term to your list of banned words if you haven't done already.

Oh really ..... simply looking up a couple will clarify who made the first racial comment

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