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Swiss Tourist is gang-raped

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Not in the least unless you don't understand simple English. Pointed out your extreme stupidity in passing comments about other people's garbage while sitting in a garbage heap.

Reaction to gang rape shows India isn't as 'backward' as US

Paul H. Robinson and Shyam BalganeshThe Christian Science Monitor
March 15, 2013

The December 2012 gang rape in New Delhi, India, deserves the public condemnation and outrage that it has brought. But much of the commentary on the case has gone beyond this, holding up the case as evidence of India’s larger flaws. The subtext writes India off as a backward and incorrigible third world country, whose primitive norms and lack of rule of law put it outside of modern democracies with more reliable norms and laws.

The unfortunate truth is that India’s reported rape rate, and even the slightly higher rate in New Delhi where the gang rape occurred, is less than that of typical European and American rates. In the days following the attack, scores of protests were held all over India but mostly in the New Delhi region where the attack occurred. Democracy went on the move, as thousands upon thousands of people joined in the calls for justice.

The Indian reaction to the incident is in many ways more gratifying and promising than reactions to American rape cases. Take the Steubenville, Ohio, case, which began trial on Wednesday. It has not generated nearly as much public outrage as the case in India. If there is a larger lesson that the gang rape and the public outcry that followed teach us about India, it is one of promise and hope, not alienation and despair.

But commentators have painted a different picture. Lakshmi Chaudhry wrote in The Nation: “[T]here is only one India, a social Darwinian nation where there is no rule of law; where might always makes right, whether your power derives from your gender, money, caste or sheer numbers, as in the case of a gang rape.... The young girl who paid an astronomically steep price for an evening out at the movies proved that the so-called 'new India' exists in a bubble built on the delusion of safety.”

Is India indeed “a social Darwinian nation,” to be marked off from other, civilized democracies?

According to UN figures, India’s reported rape rate is 1.8 per 100,000 population (Delhi City’s is 2.8), as compared, for example, to Ireland’s 10.7, Norway’s 19.2, or America’s 27.3. Of course, given the intimate nature of the offense and its social stigma, the actual rape rates are generally higher than these official rates based on reports to police. By last official US estimate, only a half to a third of rapes are reported; and it could be that the reporting rates are even worse in other countries, including India. But the larger picture suggests that the India rape problem may not be that different from the West’s.

Perhaps it is the outrageousness of the conduct that sets the Indian case apart?

Sadly no. Last August in Steubenville, Ohio, for example, young men carried a drunken, incapacitated 16-year-old girl from party to party where two high school football players, Trent Mays and Ma'lik Richmond, are accused of repeatedly raping her, one party being hosted by the assistant football coach. Photos of the girl in compromised positions later surfaced on social media.

In October 2009, outside a school dance in Richmond, Calif., a 15-year-old was gang-raped over several hours as others looked on. Two years previously, several teens in Dunbar Village, Fla., were convicted of a brutal gang rape, torture, and forced incest of a woman and her 12-year-old son.

Perhaps it is instead the insensitive reaction by some Indians to the New Delhi rape that marks out India as different?

Unfortunately no. In the Steubenville case, the young men charged with rape and the people at the parties were calling and texting about their alleged exploits in real time. No one at any of the parties apparently did anything to stop the alleged rape or to report it to police.

The rapes at the Richmond high school dance went on for hours, with many observers. After the perpetrators were charged in the Dunbar Village case, neighbors told a local paper that the boys were just kids and didn’t think they should go to jail.

If one is appalled by indifference and inaction in the face of horrendous rapes, the US cases would seem to offer as much or more to condemn than does the Indian case.

Certainly the public outrage in each of these US cases did not rival the mass protests in India and the international attention the reaction drew. Commentary on the New Delhi gang rape should avoid condemning and ostracizing India but should rather join, support, and praise its people for their outpouring of support for the victim, the outrage at the rape, and the overwhelming calls for justice and changes to India’s legal system and culture. This is the process by which a society -- be it in India, the US, or any other country -- changes and internalizes important norms.

None of this is meant to deny the fact that the New Delhi gang rape does highlight problems that are specific to India. Because the Indian criminal justice system is severely backlogged, with millions of cases pending before criminal courts, justice for victims of sexual violence is often elusive. To make things worse, rape victims in India routinely encounter resistance from local police when reporting their rapes and during the subsequent investigations of the crimes.

All of this is exacerbated by the general disrespect that women are commonly subjected to in Indian society and the impunity with which they are frequently harassed in public places -- realities that the outrage and protests in India highlighted.

Yet what was perhaps most striking in the Indian public’s outrage at the incident, in their identification of the malaises in society’s treatment of women, and in their call for change, was the fundamental belief that the law and the legal system had a continuing (and critical) role to play. A commitment to the rule of law and to refining how it works were front and center in the public rallies. This fact is both heartening and inspiring -- and is hardly reflective of a “social Darwinian” society.

In taking stock of the New Delhi rape case, we ought to recognize that India is a young democracy, struggling in fits and starts to move its laws and criminal justice system to better reflect its people’s shared judgments of justice in the modern world. That is a path of promise, not despair.

Reaction to gang rape shows India isn't as 'backward' as US | Alaska Dispatch

Just making it easier to read ....
Seriously ? Can we say same thing about few eastern countries lying in upper part of Northern hemisphere ?

eeer. i agree with him. at least people wear less in hotter places.a woman in BIKINI is more attractive than in DOWN JACKET.
I suggest you stop replying to Windjammer .......hes not worth your time .............better you argue with some intelligent pakistanis ....

So now we have an agony aunt on the forum to give advise.....way to go.
m i enjoying the threads??? are out your head??? m i abuseing.??? look into other thread who is abuseing... mods are insecure that much that they hannt given us INDIAN mod... where as every county like china, bangaladesh iran got it.........
its mods who are responsible for this kinda thread.... look thing is simple.. rape case thread wont leads us anywhere in this fourm... pakistani will blame indian show them their news and indian will do it vice versa........ and in return people like @Gigawatt will get bann

when did i say that you are abusing??i am only forbidding you to blame poor mods and webmaster brother--and read my post again!!! and my previous post--
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Not in the least unless you don't understand simple English. Pointed out your extreme stupidity in passing comments about other people's garbage while sitting in a garbage heap.

I am not from the US. The woman raped holds same citizenship as myself. Now in regards to the pile of garbage-we all know where your inspiration of garbage comes from-most likely you just need to take a look through the window and smell people's freedom of taking a dump anywhere.

Funny that you would believe stats anyway, a country of 1.2 billion has 18,359 reported cases, while a country of 300 million has over 90,000. What does not compute here?

India the cesspool of rapes !

@Awesome Did you say civil ?

A member called Rapist Indians, he even called me rapist. :omghaha:

Sir, I am ready to discuss over any topic. But the thing is Moderators allow most pathetic comments on Indians and give excuses that we can't be online every time. But if some anti-Pakistani thread is opened, it gets Deleted within few pages.

And before telling us to check our egos, may be you should ask Pakistani posters to come out of their denial and stop posting Conspiracy theories.

And great thing is that when 5 American soldiers got killed in Heli crash, Pakistanis were saying good riddance, RIH, no one got banned, but when 24 Pakistani soldiers are killed today, one sarcastic comment and an Indian guy was banned.

Go to 5 CRPF soldiers killed thread, Pakistani posters were calling Indian soldiers, terrorists. Making fun of their death.

Just openly say that You will allow whatever you want, instead of giving weak explanations which doesn't do justice to your and at least my intelligence.
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when did i say tha you are abusing??i am only forbidding you to blame poor mods and webmaster brother--and i myself am condaming my pakistani brothers to stop this nonsense and indiand to reply them---check my previous post in which I forbid windjammer!!!

i relly Respect @WebMaster
he is fair enough.... but its a bann topic.... and their won't be any conclusion thats why webby put this topic in bann topic list...
as i said earlier pakistani will show indians rape. and indians will do same with pakisatni....
but the thing is it has to be discussed above the country level.. because its a very common ecah and every country... i sure you will agree with this... don't put ego in it... and trun it into inda pakisatn rape war.......
webby was right in banning this topic
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eeer. i agree with him. at least people wear less in hotter places.a woman in BIKINI is more attractive than in DOWN JACKET.
So you think rapes are more in California than any middle eastern country ?

Burqa in place of Bikini can save a women from these animals ?

Dude, how old are you ?
@Awesome Did you say civil ?

A member called Rapist Indians, he even called me rapist. :omghaha:

Sir, I am ready to discuss over any topic. But the thing is Moderators allow most pathetic comments on Indians and give excuses that we can't be online every time. But if some anti-Pakistani thread is opened, it gets Deleted within few pages.

And before telling us to check our egos, may be you should ask Pakistani posters to come out of their denial and stop posting Conspiracy theories.

And great thing is that when 5 American soldiers got killed in Heli crash, Pakistanis were saying good riddance, RIH, no one got banned, but when 24 Pakistani soldiers are killed today, one sarcastic comment and an Indian guy was banned.

Go to 5 CRPF soldiers killed thread, Pakistani posters were calling Indian soldiers, terrorists. Making fun of their death.

Just openly say that You will allow whatever you want, instead of giving weak explanations which doesn't do justice to your and at least my intelligence.

you spoke my mind. Rightly said.
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i relly Respect @WebMaster
he is fair enough.... but its a bann topic.... and their won't be any conclusion thats why webby put this topic in bann topic list...
as i said earlier pakistani will show indians rape. and indians will do same with pakisatni....
but the thing is it has to be discussed above the country level.. because its a very common ecah and every country... i sure you will agree with this... don't put ego in it... and trun it into inda pakisatn rape war.......
webby was right in banning this topic

I am emphasizing the same thing--man!!! I am sure that @Aeronaut or @nuclearpak will close this thread as soon as they are online so until then calm down and relax!!!!
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India the cesspool of rapes !
Beacon of Civil Discussion. :omghaha:

And they lecture us over pride rather than controlling their shameless posters. :D

i relly Respect @WebMaster
he is fair enough.... but its a bann topic.... and their won't be any conclusion thats why webby put this topic in bann topic list...as i said earlier pakistani will show indians rape. and indians will do same with pakisatni....
but the thing is it has to be discussed above the country level.. because its a very common ecah and every country... i sure you will agree with this... don't put ego in it... and trun it into inda pakisatn rape war.......
webby was right in banning this topic
@Awesome If you don't know I have asked @Aeronaut @nuclearpak and @WebMaster to make Sticky thread on Rapes in India.

I can forward all those PMs. So if you want a good discussion, at least organize it and take away the reasons for which people start these threads, i.e. revenge thread.
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