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Swedish Stealth fighter concept FS 2020


May 5, 2010
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Swedish Stealth fighter concept FS 2020






looks good..swedes are a small country at the edge of the earth with harsh climate and only 9 million people.but look at them.......country like pakistan with 160 million people...temperate climate..large area is decades if not centuries behind them.
well sweden has a long history of making its own fighters for the airforce. im not so surprised that they came up with fifth G fighter, and im pretty sure if this becomes reality then it would probably the most cost effective 5th G fighter!

..........unless chinese come up with a single engined fighter.
saab have ability of making such type of jets
they use american engine like in saab gripen
avionics,stealth material, and rcs can be made by saab
Still waiting for somebody to say canards cannot be incorporated into a low observable, or "stealthy" as more commonly know, design. According to some, canards = deal breaker.

United States NATF program, Northrop's design:
I guess stealth tech is now the new rage in fighters. Everybody wants to make one....Until an a stronger air defense comes into play then everybody is going to look for something else.
hats of to swedes, a very proud nation i must say. to bad our stupid government doesnt want to work with saab when it comes to its airforce and sweden in general on defence topics!
India can get this tech as they have money and after FGFA they will be in need of single engine 5th gen workhorse plane like US has F-35 to do the job but it is costly for other countries, but this can be cost effective and more importantly it is sanction free and JV country can get whatever they want in their jet.

Wished Pakistan had enough money to invest in this project as it will be more advance and capable then any other single engine jet available to Pakistan (F-35 not included as it may not be available to Pakistan even if we have funds).
looks good..swedes are a small country at the edge of the earth with harsh climate and only 9 million people.but look at them.......country like pakistan with 160 million people...temperate climate..large area is decades if not centuries behind them.

To top it off, Sweden is an oppressive monarchy where people are simply subjects ruled by a king or a queen who rule simply for being born into that position. Pathetic in this day and age. Just imagine what Sweden could be if it becomes a republic where people do not live their lives like serfs.
sounds and looks better than the Qaher-313
I like the Swedes, but this is really unrealistic
sounds and looks better than the Qaher-313
I like the Swedes, but this is really unrealistic

Unrealistic, just like Japan's F-3 project. Not because of technology, but because of politics. The US and the EU would never allow Japan and Sweden to develop 5th generation jets or else they would steal the US and the EU's market share. Swedish technology is phenomenal. Volvo tramps Toyota, Honda, Nissan.
Unrealistic, just like Japan's F-3 project. Not because of technology, but because of politics. The US and the EU would never allow Japan and Sweden to develop 5th generation jets or else they would steal the US and the EU's market share. Swedish technology is phenomenal. Volvo tramps Toyota, Honda, Nissan.
What 5th gen jets market share does the EU have?
Unrealistic, just like Japan's F-3 project. Not because of technology, but because of politics. The US and the EU would never allow Japan and Sweden to develop 5th generation jets or else they would steal the US and the EU's market share. Swedish technology is phenomenal. Volvo tramps Toyota, Honda, Nissan.

I guess that's true to some extent
but a lot goes into building such a 5th gen jet.
none of the above have any experience with stealth materials
none can produce a 5th gen engine
none can produce a 5th gen radar
the avionics is the question mark can Sweden,Japan,Korea match the F-35s avionics???

and by 2018/19 the F-35 will be in FRP the price per jet will be significantly cheaper and more mature than it is today.

then add in Chinese and Russia 5th gens you gotta wonder if there would be any market left to exploit
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