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Swedish cartoonist insulting the Prophet, ﷺ, got burned to death in an accident

To all Muslims and non-muslims; Muhammad SW is the last prophet of Allah, whether you endorse it or not. You may have your opinion about Islam or Muhammad, it's your right. You can even insult Islam, and I have seen many surviving even after that. But the way the people end up who insulted Muhammad SW, really testifies that he is indeed the Prophet and if you don't want anything bad happening with your life then refrain from insulting Muhammad SW.

Just a friendly suggestion.

Being respectful to all and any is human decency
He is burned here and will burn in hell for the rest of eternity. poor soul, his hatred have led him to eternal damnation.
To all Muslims and non-muslims; Muhammad SW is the last prophet of Allah, whether you endorse it or not. You may have your opinion about Islam or Muhammad, it's your right. You can even insult Islam, and I have seen many surviving even after that. But the way the people end up who insulted Muhammad SW, really testifies that he is indeed the Prophet and if you don't want anything bad happening with your life then refrain from insulting Muhammad SW.

Just a friendly suggestion.

This cartoonist was an ignorant just like that supposed atheist but really an agent of the Crusader Western governments - Christopher Hitchens. To me the way the cartoonist died I am neither happy nor angry though if he would have been a member of this forum some sensible members could have dispelled his wrong notions about the last prophet and his religion.
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People sending lanat here are discussing freedom of academia under Hindus, begarati jammat :lol: :lol: :lol:
This cartoonist was an ignorant just like that supposed atheist but really an agent of the Crusader Western governments - Christopher Hitchens. To me the way the cartoonist died I am neither happy nor angry though if he would have been a member of this forum some sensible members could have dispelled his wrong notions of the last prophet and his religion.
The problem is not how he dies. The real issue will start with his death: the eternal fire.
And a learnd educated guy getting roasted in fire will really look ugly.
Good, hopefully, this arse hole got roasted real slow.
Glimpse of hell just before he dies
God has his own way of revenge! Good kill.
Why are people happy someone burnt to death... The Prophet himself forgave his worst enemies in Makkah and Taif, so why are modern muslims so easily angered at stupid cartoons?
The Prophet S.A.W also ordered to kill several blasphemers. It was the choice of Prophet S.A.W whom to punish and whom to forgive. The Sahaba in their lives killed anyone who committed blasphemy.
If u read Surah lahab with translation than u will know that ALLAH ordered an angel to strangle the wife of abu lahab who used to hurt Prophet S.A.W by laying thorns on the path where Prophet S.A.W used to walk. and she will burn in hell till eternity for hurting Prophet S.A.W. ALLAH himself punished the blasphemer.
إِنَّا كَفَيْنَاكَ الْمُسْتَهْزِئِينَ
(verse: 95 , Surah Al-Hijr)
Agree to disagree is the best way. We all have got different views on different aspects of life and there are so many people with different religions, beliefs, views and thoughts are populating the planet and there is nothing wrong with that. Problem arises when some one thinks of there own wisdom to force there beliefs on others. Then there is a segment of people who are engage in getting the cheap publicity or trying to show there arrogance with doing these sort of acts.
If some one wants to earn publicity then go and do something good for yourself or for others so world can remember you with the good name not when got burnt alive and no one is going to shed a single tear for your demise due to hurting others. Its a sad way to go but tears are shed for the loved ones not for the ones who hurt you knowingly and feel above the rest.
Talk about dying a violent death. God works in mysterious ways.
If you make jokes and blasphemous about religion in the west is "freedom speech"
If you make jokes about homosexuality, transexuality, feminism or immigrants in the west is "hate speech" and you will face serious problems.

We dont have more freedom speech than muslim countries, we have just differents taboos.

If some muslim want to take revenge against blasphemous magazines is easy, just make a magazine making jokes about homosexuality/feminism/immigrants and delivery for free in main western cities, you will know what is real fanatism.
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