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Swachh Internet: Modi Govt To Block Adult Websites

Please, even the liquor ban of Gujrat was not working properly. Its not that easy mate..
I never said it is easy. A lot of things in life aren't easy but people do it, don't they? Is the liquor consumption in Gujarat same as before the ban, has it increased or has it decreased?
Such bans make the banned things difficult to access, which reduces their use if not completely stop it. That makes a huge difference.
I have already posted it in my earlier. If you do not get it, read it again. Repeat till you get it. The is the only way out..

Inshort, there is nothing you have that implies me.. Your statement are just hot air!! :lol:

So ? People can access drugs by different means too. they can even share drugs. So what is your point ? That we should make it legal ?

In my school days, marijuana plant was growing wildly in my neighbourhood.

Earlier child pronography was allowed on the internet, now its illegal in the rest of the world. Why do you think that is ? ..... its because statistics have proved that there is a DIRECT correlation between pron and sexual abuse and crimes.

Why do you think the statics of "rape" cases in US is more than 10 TIMES that in India ? There are equal number of unreported rape cases in the US too ..... in case that was going to be your excuse.

My point is complete ban of **** is not going to happen. So youths are going to get spoiled one way or another..
I never said it is easy. A lot of things in life aren't easy but people do it, don't they? Is the liquor consumption in Gujarat same as before the ban, has it increased or has it decreased?
Such bans make the banned things difficult to access, which reduces their use if not completely stop it. That makes a huge difference.

This is what I am saying too.. Complete ban is not going to work.. Those who wanted it will find a way or another.. There might be a decrease in watching **** through internet.. But smuggling of **** CD's and magazine from abroad will increase.
Inshort, there is nothing you have that implies me.. Your statement are just hot air!! :lol:
My point is complete point of **** is not going to happen. So a youths are going to get spoiled one way or another..

So what if some youth will get spoilt? there always will be bad apples. It does not mean society should encourage them to become that way.
much needed......but not going to be a big success.. one proxy server and the **** is back.
And please put a ban to not to show rape and rubbish contents on the tv.... that's more than enough

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