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Swachh Internet: Modi Govt To Block Adult Websites

So you mean since there is going to be Rape anyway, we should make it legal ? :coffee: ........after all by your logic people who want to do it will find a way around it.

These are the benefits of free access to pron in Kerla, "Gods own Country".

Kerala shame: Father, brother, uncle rape minor over 2 yrs | Watch the video - Yahoo India

Seniors rape 4-year-old LKG girl at Kerala school - The Times of India

Dont put words on my mouth. May be its hard for you comprehend what I am saying.. There is no absolute fool proof method of banning ****..People will find a way to watch **** if they needed it. There are pron books available even for 5 rs now a days. Good luck with stopping **** all together.
Dont put words on my mouth. May be its hard for you comprehend what I am saying.. There is no absolute fool proof method of banning ****..People will find a way to watch **** if they needed it. There are pron books available even for 5 rs now a days. Good luck with stopping **** all together.

It is your own logic which I have used for a different scenario. After all you logic says we should allow everything since people will find a way around it.

Just because drugs are illegal, it does not mean people do not take drugs. Or because theft is illegal, people do not steal. But that is no reason to make them legal.

I expect the govt. to crack down on all kind of pron. Not only on the internet.
It is your own logic which I have used for a different scenario. After all you logic says we should allow everything since people will find a way around it.

Just because drugs are illegal, it does not mean people do not take drugs. Or because theft is illegal, people do not steal. But that is no reason to make them legal.

I expect the govt. to crack down on all kind of pron. Not only on the internet.

Show me once instance where I said that these things should be allowed?? Its what you wanted me to say..

And tell me how many of guys have not watched a **** video? Dont get into moral high horse..
Show me once instance where I said that these things should be allowed?? Its what you wanted me to say..

And tell me how many of guys have not watched a **** video? Dont get into moral high horse..

You have not said it, your logic however implies it.

Everybody has watched pron in their lives, does not mean its a good thing. No one is getting on a high moral horse. I have watched plenty of pron and I can say it with certainty that it should be largely restricted and should not be easily available.

Its your christian morality that makes you view it from a moral angle, for me its a simple matter of protection our value systems and society.
Does banning both stopped public from using it? Those who wanted **** will also find a way around it..
Then the govt. will find a counter to "the way around it". It works both ways
I expect the govt. to crack down on all kind of pron. Not only on the internet.
It will be a tough job, but better doing something than nothing. As its well know that things reach children who are too young for such stuffs.
How mate? Is there banning of anything worked properly here in India?
Leave that to the govt. If it hasn't worked properly in the past then it does not mean that it won't work now or in the future. This is a new govt. so lets wait and watch.
You have not said it, your logic however implies it..

Do explain how my logic implies that I wanted to allow drugs and prostitution? I want to know!!

Everybody has watched pron in their lives, does not mean its a good thing. No one is getting on a high moral horse. I have watched plenty of pron and I can say it with certainty that it should be largely restricted and should not easily available.

As I told you, a person can access **** by different means.. Even they can share **** through different IM features in a phone.. There are CD's and books easily available in public. In my school days internet was not available and still **** books and videos were there..
Leave that to the govt. If it hasn't worked properly in the past then it does not mean that it won't work now or in the future. This is a new govt. so lets wait and watch.

Please, even the liquor ban of Gujrat was not working properly. Its not that easy mate..
Do explain how my logic implies that I wanted to allow drugs and prostitution? I want to know!!

I have already posted it in my earlier. If you do not get it, read it again. Repeat till you get it. The is the only way out.

As I told you, a person can access **** by different means.. Even they can share **** through different IM features in a phone.. There are CD's and books easily available in public. In my school days internet was not available and still **** books and videos were there..

So ? People can access drugs by different means too. they can even share drugs. So what is your point ? That we should make it legal ?

In my school days, marijuana plant was growing wildly in my neighbourhood.

Earlier child pronography was allowed on the internet, now its illegal in the rest of the world. Why do you think that is ? ..... its because statistics have proved that there is a DIRECT correlation between pron and sexual abuse and crimes.

Why do you think the statics of "rape" cases in US is more than 10 TIMES that in India ? There are equal number of unreported rape cases in the US too ..... in case that was going to be your excuse.

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