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Swachh Internet: Modi Govt To Block Adult Websites

So you mean since there is going to be Rape anyway, we should make it legal ? :coffee: ........after all by your logic people who want to do it will find a way around it.

These are the benefits of free access to pron in Kerla, "Gods own Country".

Kerala shame: Father, brother, uncle rape minor over 2 yrs | Watch the video - Yahoo India

Seniors rape 4-year-old LKG girl at Kerala school - The Times of India
LordManvan comes with his usual anti Kerala venom..
Ok,Rape is happening only in Kerala..agreed..Go and fly a kite..
But the advantage is that it wont be EASILY accessible to all,which would ultimately reduce the number of customers or as in this case the number of audiences.

You have no idea, :D I have grown up during a time when internet and mobile phones were science fictions. Even in small towns hundreds of CDs were available for Rs. 5-10 everywhere, and then there were plenty of photo and story books and video parlours. :D

And **** is available on facebook, youtube, whatsapp also, what else will they ban?

Most importantly, once you start such moral policing then there is no end to it, tomorrow they will say love affairs and marrying without family's consent is against Indian culture, so from then on film makers will not make love stories or films related to more complicated human relations, who knows where this swacch Indian culture will take us.
i m worried feku might ban alcohol too just like gujarat:(
no... gujarat has alcohol banned because of being "gandhi's land"... feku must try banning alcolhol in karnataka, ncr and tamil nadu...

and i am muslim socialist... i want alcohol banned in the world.. :-)
Total ban on this is not possible but making it hard for kids is good thing....
just a month ago I observe 4-5 kids watching online clips & they are in the age group of 8-10 yrs... feel sorry for their perents... one of the was saying he can't stop watching them all day ...
tell me do you support it, as an individual :D


As you grow older you realize how dangerous it really is.

There is a great movie on this, "Don Jon". Watch it. Its worth it.

Well I think kids shouldn't be allowed to watch, but adults- everyone to his own decision. Fact is whether you support ban on **** or not, it is a gateway to several other serious problems like pedophiles and so on. It is also known that in countries like Japan when the more aggressvie versions of **** were allowed it did result in increase in sexual crime. Some control is necessary, but if complete ban is the idea- that's just lame in today's times. Not gonna happen.
no... gujarat has alcohol banned because of being "gandhi's land"... feku must try banning alcolhol in karnataka, ncr and tamil nadu...

and i am muslim socialist... i want alcohol banned in the world.. :-)

Blasphemy :angry: How can u say something like that ? god will punish you for that :partay:
@levina @DRAY @Prometheus

one technology i really want banned is cell phone... i am sick and tired of people always with ears and fingers on that accursed non-utility... yakking off as if vladimir putin himself is taking advise from them... and who has ever benefited from having a cell phone... communication must be via email or one way video message... the world must ban the bloody cell phone.
i m worried feku might ban alcohol too just like gujarat:(

Trust me, you can get alcohol in Gujarat. Hell our 'dry campus' in ahmdabad was 'wetter than the ocean'. There was a raid once and all the students dumped the alcohol on a stream behind the hostels :D . Those were the days :enjoy:

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