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Surgical strike was fake, we lost conventional deterrence against Pakistan, India not ready for war

Comparing India and Turkey is not appropriate.
Unlike Turkey, India was neither part of NATO nor a partner in the F-35 program.

Also, CAATSA was brought in 2017. Had India closed the S-400 back in 2014/2015, this whole talk of avoiding CAATSA sanctions would have been irrelevant. Modi just bungled this whole procurement.


Dont matter what's signed or not. There are several high end US equipment and assembly lines, offsets going India's way that are susceptible for sanctions simply due to that purchase. Hell, Tejas program can have heart attack right now if engines werent supplied. Spares for C17, Super Hercules, Apache, Chinooks and all the offset partners can go to hell, simply due to that purchase. That program wasnt just between India and Russia, that's for sure.

Sorry I did not get you. How are French deals with Egypt and Qatar tied to French Offsets for India?

They are simply buying off the self, with the pricing and quantity of the program lower, I am sure the offsets had to be reworked as well. I am sure this took time. Not to mention they're trying to stop a legacy grid lock between HAL and Dassault as a completely new government.
Dont matter what's signed or not. There are several high end US equipment and assembly lines, offsets going India's way that are susceptible for sanctions simply due to that purchase. Hell, Tejas program can have heart attack right now if engines werent supplied. Spares for C17, Super Hercules, Apache, Chinooks and all the offset partners can go to hell, simply due to that purchase.

Do you think India is not susceptible now due to delaying the S-400? US can and will pull the plug on its equipment, spares & support anytime, irrespective of whether you had an agreement or not. That is the risk of procuring anything from the US.
Do you think India is not susceptible now due to delaying the S-400? US can and will pull the plug on its equipment, spares & support anytime, irrespective of whether you had an agreement or not. That is the risk of procuring anything from the US.

Sure it is. That's the risk India took. Never the less, I am sure it was hesitant to even pull the trigger on the program. Much of it's military purchases have geopolitical influences. And that one I am sure took balls to even pull the trigger on. Matter a fact, I am surprised it even went through. Giving Russians a plant for AK203 production(another program done btw) is one thing, buying that is another.
They are simply buying off the self, with the pricing and quantity of the program lower, I am sure the offsets had to be reworked as well. I am sure this took time. Not to mention they're trying to stop a grid look between HAL and Dassault.

HAL was already out of the picture. Modi announced the G2G for 36 Rafales on APRIL 10, 2015 but did not close the deal until SEP-2016.
HAL was already out of the picture. Modi announced the G2G for 36 Rafales on APRIL 10, 2015 but did not close the deal until SEP-2016.

Glad it happened as fast as it did. Not used to that speed. Especially back in those days, actually.
How and in what sense, in your opinion, has Pakistan been lucky?

Pathetic and lethargic Indian procurement = Pakistan got the opportunity to catch up with India

For example, as India was stuck with no movement on MMRCA deal for two decades, Pakistan inducted 200+ JF-17 thunders.
Pathetic and lethargic Indian procurement = Pakistan got the opportunity to catch up with India

For example, as India was stuck with no movement on MMRCA deal for two decades, Pakistan inducted 200+ JF-17 thunders.
I wouldn't worry about those.
Chinese junk.
Hmm their ministers and chief of army staff says otherwise.



I wouldn't worry about those.
Chinese junk.

Yeah right. You should tell that to a Sanghi.
So you are saying f it Indians go to war ASAP :rofl:

That goes out for both the warring nations. Both of the nations could be ready to wage war within moments.

Do you not remember the time when Lahore was attacked in the middle of the night? Did you not see when the Indians were fully "ready & prepared" and the defenders of Lahore were taken by surprise yet they succeeded in the defence?

The point is, that for both the nations, circumstances for war could be created out of thin air even if none of them is prepared, if Allah has destined the two nations to fight again.
The problem is that they have realized their weaknesses and will definitely work to rectify them as soon as possible.

However, we shouldn't sit back and think we can take them on we have to also plan to counter their strategies when they learn and rectify their shortfalls. Things need to improve and evolve from our side.

The scary thing is that they believe we have a nuclear "bluff". When infact it is not a bluff but reality. They might try to check if we are serious and that escalation ladder will make us also retain the escalation ladder and nuclear war could be triggered by them provoking us.

Currently we are on top we must NOT let any slippages happen we cannot be complacent.
I dont think we are sleeping.
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