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Surgical Strike 1.0 was Fake and India lost Conventional edge after 27 Feb. Praveen Sawhney

Forget about the any source. Give me exact co-ordinates of JeM camp and I will Google Earth the images for you - myself.

Have a read of this and put the Indian government propaganda down for a moment:

"High-resolution satellite images reviewed by Reuters show that a religious school run by Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) in northeastern Pakistan appears to be still standing days after India claimed its warplanes had hit the Islamist group’s training camp on the site and killed a large number of militants.

The image is virtually unchanged from an April 2018 satellite photo of the facility. There are no discernible holes in the roofs of buildings, no signs of scorching, blown-out walls, displaced trees around the madrasa or other signs of an aerial attack.

The images cast further doubt on statements made over the last eight days by the Indian government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the raids, early on Feb. 26, had hit all the intended targets at the madrasa site near Jaba village and the town of Balakot in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province."

He has one chance to either provide independent sources backing up his claims or accept he doesn’t have any evidence, otherwise he’s getting banned for trolling.
Believe me Bhai, he can't provide anything. So, ban him and save your precious time. I think you have many other important things to do.

Have a read of this and put the Indian government propaganda down for a moment.

High-resolution satellite images reviewed by Reuters show that a religious school run by Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) in northeastern Pakistan appears to be still standing days after India claimed its warplanes had hit the Islamist group’s training camp on the site and killed a large number of militants.

The image is virtually unchanged from an April 2018 satellite photo of the facility. There are no discernible holes in the roofs of buildings, no signs of scorching, blown-out walls, displaced trees around the madrasa or other signs of an aerial attack.

The images cast further doubt on statements made over the last eight days by the Indian government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the raids, early on Feb. 26, had hit all the intended targets at the madrasa site near Jaba village and the town of Balakot in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Bhai, aap kuch bhi post kar lo, an Indian will remain an Indian. Their high egos are stopping them to see the truth.
Bhai, aap kuch bhi post kar lo, an Indian will remain an Indian. Their high egos are stopping them to see the truth.

I like to go against my better judgement and give everyone the chance to prove themselves, to see if they're just willfully ignorant or haven't thought been nudged enough to think more critically. Let us see what happens next.
Define independent sources in your opinion.
Reuters, BBC, Al Jazeera, CNN, AFP - I believe all of those organizations have referenced satellite imagery analysis done by non-Pakistani experts that debunks Indian claims. I’d expect organizations like that to pick up any credible satellite imagery analysis that supports Indian claims as well.
Let us see what happens next.
Le me tell you what is going to happen next, any mod will do the job and this guy is going to get banned. After this recent clash between India and Pakistan, Indians have faced a lot of humiliation and they can't digest that. Before this standoff, they were thinking that IA and IAF is invincible, but PA and PAF has showed them their true 'aukaat and Indians are still in a state of shock.

BTW best of luck with your 'experiment'.
If you're basing your argument on Reuters article then why is Pakistan blocking access to the site to foreign journalists?

This is also from the same Reuters article and more recent than the article you just quoted:


So how did the Indian government manage to verify any of their claims? Did they bungee jump from their plane, count the dead and see the damage, and hopped back off across the border? Why do you expect us to believe Indian claims where no evidence is presented and reject one from an independent, and neutral source, with evidence as mentioned in the article?
So how did the Indian government manage to verify any of their claims? Did they bungee jump from their plane, count the dead and see the damage, and hopped back off across the border? Why do you expect us to believe Indian claims where no evidence is presented or from an independent, and neutral source, with evidence as mentioned in the article?

So, I guess if Indian claims are indeed false then maybe Pakistan can themselves organize a press conference and provide journalists a tour of the site showing no damage? Let's put this whole conspiracy to rest and expose the Indians.
So, I guess if Indian claims are indeed false then maybe Pakistan can themselves organize a press conference and provide journalists a tour of the site showing no damage? Let's put this whole conspiracy to rest and expose the Indians.

Nice, you keep changing goal posts faster than I change my undies during the week. Didn't you talk about Google Maps/Images or something earlier? I presented a third party source that used high-resolution satellite images. Now that you have chosen to change your criteria of proof. I will take my leave.

Let me reiterate for one last time, the burden of proof lies on the Indians. Until concrete, indisputable evidence is presented, you will convince no one but only those amongst you who have taken leave of their ability to think critically and objectively. Which thankfully, are not the only types of Indians I happen to know.

Good night!
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