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Supreme Court verdict boost for Narendra Modi


Dec 14, 2010
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(Reuters) - The Supreme Court rejected on Monday hearing a case that links Gujarat's chief minister Narendra Modi to the deadly religious riots in 2002, a move that may help the opposition politician's chances if he runs for prime minister in 2014.

Modi, who has been popular for attracting investment in Gujarat, may be the best hope the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has of beating the Congress party-led government in 2014 elections.

"God is great," he posted on his Twitter feed after the decision was announced. But the sixty-one-year-old is tainted by allegations he turned a blind eye to mobs that killed up to 2,500 people, mostly Muslims, in the 2002 riots. He has been denied a visa to the United States.

Still, polls show him to be the BJP's most popular lawmaker and he enjoys the support of prominentbusinessmen. The top court ordered the case be passed on to a Gujarat tribunal, lowering its profile. It is still is looking at other cases related to the riots.

The ruling party said the Supreme Court had not let Modi off the hook and that a guilty verdict was still possible in the lower court.Relatives of victims had asked the Court to prosecute Modi on charges that he colluded with the police to fan the violence.

"I am disappointed with the verdict," said Zakia Jafri, the widow of a politician belonging to the Congress party, who was killed by rioters, along with dozens of neighbours. She vowed to keep fighting the case in court.

Monday's ruling was welcomed by the BJP, a right-of-centre party that governed India from 1998 to 2004 and uses religion to mobilise voters.

Religious violence has often flared up in India. The Gujarat riots followed a fire on a train that killed dozens of people, mainly Hindu pilgrims. In March this year, 11 people were sentenced to death for starting the fire.

The BJP now hopes to capitalize on an anti-corruption protest movement led by activist Anna Hazare that electrified India's middle classes and made the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh look weak and indecisive.

Singh's Congress party is grooming Rahul Gandhi, the great-grandson of first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, to be its candidate in the 2014 polls.


Now BJP needs to get its act together. I want to see this legend of a man as the Prime Minister of India in 2014. :)
Wow! that is a wonderful news. I hope he becomes the Prime minister in the next elections. I'm sure congress would not let any stone unturned to get him into trouble, because his becoming the PM would spell doom to their future...
Are there any polls of the Muslims in India, to see how they feel about Modi?

I heard the Muslims in Gujarat are fine with him, but what about the others.
Are there any polls of the Muslims in India, to see how they feel about Modi?

I heard the Muslims in Gujarat are fine with him, but what about the others.
If muslims in Gujarat are fine with him then why should it bother others? because it was they who were affected. Others who talk against him are the once who want political mileage & nothing else.
Im not even Hindu yet I am smart enough to see this guys potential for India. he is the only one who can change India for the BEST. MODI 2012....come on lets make it happen. I dont mind MMS as econonmic minister and AK Anthony as Defence minister..but MODI as PM>>>
yeah, modi as PM, why dont we piss on raj ghat while we are at it. Its an insult that some people can really envision a future for this man outside of gujrat.
The thing is that he may not be governing out of love for gujrat but out of fear for his own skin. If he acted like mayavati and got kicked out on his communal *** next election, the next govt wont be under-riding the justice system and tampering evidence and transferring cops just to save him.
Its funny to see so many indians proud of the multiethenic multicultural society they live in but ready to piss on it as soon as they hear this goons name.
Im not a blind supporter of the congres9alot are corrupt, most are power hungry)or of all muslims(some are really effed up in their head.) but this man is the shame of India and what we consider ourselves to be. JUST because of him and advani and VHP RSS bs there is no alternate for me to put my vote to throw the damn corrupt out on their *****.

This guy deserves to be in jail ALOT more than A Raja and you know it.
This animal will NEVER reach the national stage.
THIS ANIMAL WILL NEVER BE PM, stop dreaming. Not just cause of 145 Muslims but cause of proud Hindu mohyal Brahmins like me.
I see a lot Sonia worshipper's behind burning ! Are you Diggy Singh in disguise ? Keep an idol of Rahul and Sonia at home and worship ! People like you more dangerous than ISI + LeT put to gether !
yeah, modi as PM, why dont we piss on raj ghat while we are at it. Its an insult that some people can really envision a future for this man outside of gujrat.
The thing is that he may not be governing out of love for gujrat but out of fear for his own skin. If he acted like mayavati and got kicked out on his communal *** next election, the next govt wont be under-riding the justice system and tampering evidence and transferring cops just to save him.
Its funny to see so many indians proud of the multiethenic multicultural society they live in but ready to piss on it as soon as they hear this goons name.
Im not a blind supporter of the congres9alot are corrupt, most are power hungry)or of all muslims(some are really effed up in their head.) but this man is the shame of India and what we consider ourselves to be. JUST because of him and advani and VHP RSS bs there is no alternate for me to put my vote to throw the damn corrupt out on their *****.

This guy deserves to be in jail ALOT more than A Raja and you know it.
This animal will NEVER reach the national stage.
THIS ANIMAL WILL NEVER BE PM, stop dreaming. Not just cause of 145 Muslims but cause of proud Hindu mohyal Brahmins like me.

It boils down to this, BJP might have done some evil things, Congress has definitely done a lot of evil things, they are responsible for pretty much every other communal riots in India. On top of that Congress is full of corrupt leaders who do f8ck all for the country and is run by "Gandhi" dynasty. On the other hand BJP has this leader who has done wonders for Gujarat, economically.

Does Congress have an leader to match him? No they don't. So why the hell should anyone support them? If Congress had a capable man like him, I would support Congress.

And now that Supreme Court has acquitted him of any wrong doings in Gujarat riots, I and many others like me feel no guilt in supporting this man. And you are or your judgement is not bigger than the Supreme Court of India.
The problem that i have with the RSS VHP and modi types is that they want to make our religion like the worst forms of islam and christianity.
It is very un-hindu to force your belief on other hindus that is why we have so many sects and gods. it is why tolerance and multiculturalism comes naturally to us unlike the Europeans. The want all of us to worship ram and krishna and be regimented idiots like some of the intolerant idiots from parts of Pakistan or the bible belt.
I dont know if any of you are brahmins or not but there are a few things that i needed to get of my chest.
It is partially our fault that there were so many conversions to buhhidism and then islam. Even though the mohyals didn't, many bhramins regimented the caste system to a point it was a kind of slavery.
We went away from our ideals for a little power over fellow men."Har Har Mahadev' anyone? Everyone is God, or 'Sab Parmathma"
We abandoned these to get a few people to clean our shoes and then people are surprised when they find sufi islam or Buddhism appealing?
It is understandable to blame others for our problems but as a Brahmin i and the herder of my stock aka all creations of god, be it muslims, gays, hindus or even C**** who think like modi. I cant do that if my mind is clouded with hate or lust or even bogged down by dogma. Hate kills the appeal of a religion, but pride doesn't help either.

So before someone calls me a Pseudo-secularist c*** , i dont know about you. But my personal dharma doesn't allow me stand for the killings of innocents. Its not what Parshuram or Ram or Krishna or Mahadev or even Gandhi stood for.

These people killed Gandhi, Frankly i like to think of myself as a peaceful person, but this guy can Fu*k right off.
We shouldn't tolerate intolerance.
yeah, modi as PM, why dont we piss on raj ghat while we are at it. Its an insult that some people can really envision a future for this man outside of gujrat.
The thing is that he may not be governing out of love for gujrat but out of fear for his own skin. If he acted like mayavati and got kicked out on his communal *** next election, the next govt wont be under-riding the justice system and tampering evidence and transferring cops just to save him.
Its funny to see so many indians proud of the multiethenic multicultural society they live in but ready to piss on it as soon as they hear this goons name.
Im not a blind supporter of the congres9alot are corrupt, most are power hungry)or of all muslims(some are really effed up in their head.) but this man is the shame of India and what we consider ourselves to be. JUST because of him and advani and VHP RSS bs there is no alternate for me to put my vote to throw the damn corrupt out on their *****.

This guy deserves to be in jail ALOT more than A Raja and you know it.
This animal will NEVER reach the national stage.
THIS ANIMAL WILL NEVER BE PM, stop dreaming. Not just cause of 145 Muslims but cause of proud Hindu mohyal Brahmins like me.

It was because of people like you that Congress has bee having a field day for last almost 60 years...

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