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Supreme Court Pakistan and COAS Bajwa Extension: News & Discussions

even if he is made field marshall cjp will suspend that notification also
:angel: Just an innocent person, I am.


btw latest news incoming is that new summary is being made after today's objection. IMO, if the matter doesn't gets resolved tomorrow in court, this route maybe adopted. I wonder though if it will be immediately done or has to be done on ending of current tenure or time will be taken for when it is right time. Don't know the technicalities of it all. But the Govt. is quiet clear in wanting the service of GQJB to continue.
I wonder though if it will be immediately done or has to be done on ending of current tenure or time will be taken for when it is right time.

The SOP will be followed. QJB will retire and then appointed as the New Draft. New COAS being appointed. Simple.

even if he is made field marshall cjp will suspend that notification also

The competence & far sightedness of CJP suggests that if there was any loop hole in new notification, he will again rectify the issue or at-least I want him to do so. Let's appreciate the right thing if you didn't mean otherwise. All I can say that only thing is left for CJP to do is that "writes down new draft by himself and tells PTI lawmakers to make it a fair one and issue". I am saying that because of negligence within team & IK will have to roll them heads.

Islamabad: The federal government has decided to prepare new draft for an extension in tenure of Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa.

As per details garnered, PM Khan presided over the huddle of senior members of federal cabinet.

The meeting was also attended by COAS Bajwa and legal team.

As per details garnered, new draft will be get approved from the Federal Cabinet tomorrow. New draft has been prepared after questions raised by Supreme Court of Pakistan (SC).

Earlier today, apex court adjourned hearing of Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Bajwa Extension case till November 28, GNN reported.
A three- member bench of the apex court, headed by Chief Justice Asif Saeed Khosa and comprising Justice Mansoor Ali Khan and Justice Mazhar Alam Khan resumed the hearing today.

As the hearing went underway, the Attorney General (AG) presented the new notification pertaining a three-year extension in the army chief’s tenure.

The attorney general argued that the process was "nothing new". "Extensions were notified in the same manner in the past."

To this, Justice Alam responded: "In the past the court never stepped in to assess someone's extension in tenure."

“If this can happens to army chief today, it will happen to prime minister and the president in future”, remarked CJP.

CJP further observed that re-appointment means that previous tenure had expired.

While grilling the AG, CJP remarked as to why not to verify degrees of the members of the federal cabinet.

SOURCE: http://gnnhd.tv/index.php/Pakistan/11940-1574794800
The Judicial system of Pakistan along with the DEMOCRAZY are rotten and cannot be part of Pakistan anymore.
Them most likely scenario is that legal technicalities would be taken cared of, by whatever means, and the SC would eventually deem it as 'satisfactory' and move on, letting QJB continue to serve as the COAS for the extended period of time. The opposition, particularly PPP, would go along with it as it believes in minimal intervention by other institutions into civilian executive's authority, cabinet workings, and parliamentary procedures. But more importantly, PPP itself had given an extension to Gen Kayani. Thus, Aitzaz Ahsan has publically asserted that it is PM's constitutional right to appoint Army Chief, PM has the prerogative to give Army Chief an extension, and that SC does not have jurisdiction in this regard. Noteworthy thing is that if SC feels satisfied it might create legal precedence for all future COAS to seek extensions.

The second scenario is of IK unconstitutionally overruling the SC somehow, which, however, is likely to create an unprecedented and dangerous constitutional and political crisis, which IK/PTI might not be able to manage or survive. The opposition which appears to be mutedly going along with the extension might not be so silent and dormant if this happens. Of course, it largely depends on the magnitude of IK's action. He can still do something extraordinary and get away with it. He just needs to trade carefully. Also, he should revamp his constitutional advisory team. Clearly, they are not doing their job well.

The third scenario is QJB honourably resigning as the COAS.
Ultimately, this gang of three judges would have the final say.
nawaz also relied on musharaf times bureaucracy ,look at zahid Hamid ,talal chaudry,danial aziz ,all such people are bootpolisher of musharaf and became part of nawaz govt ,it is very difficult to bring new people unless system is changed

Shareefs and Zaradaris have always, historically speaking, brought the crooks in bureaucracy to facilitate their own corruption, because that was their main aim for coming to power. IK wants to emulate the state of Madina, he cant copy that model with all these legacy crooks around him.
So desperate for that extension, everything has been put on stop - meetings beig held, new draft being made, army chief suddenly visitin prime minister house, imran khan saying he will address the nation - its as if India has declared war, it shows where the priorities of this Government lies.

Imran Khan paying back Bajwa's favor for getting gim elected again.
So desperate for that extension, everything has been put on stop - meetings beig held, new draft being made, army chief suddenly visitin prime minister house, imran khan saying he will address the nation - its as if India has declared war, it shows where the priorities of this Government lies.

Imran Khan paying back Bajwa's favor for getting gim elected again.

People like you don't understand the technicalities and post like some experts.
So desperate for that extension, everything has been put on stop - meetings beig held, new draft being made, army chief suddenly visitin prime minister house, imran khan saying he will address the nation - its as if India has declared war, it shows where the priorities of this Government lies.

Imran Khan paying back Bajwa's favor for getting gim elected again.
It’s a major challenge to the powers of the elected government. The appointment of the COAS is an elected government prerogative. The court has clearly overstepped on this issue:
1. By nit picking over cabinet members presence, who signed what first etc. does the court really think that the PTI govt doesn’t have everyone in cabinet on board?
2. By arguing over whether the extension is necessary, the judiciary is basically saying that the judges, and not elected government, should have final say on any government appointment.

The SC has turned this into a critical issue.
An IQ test for All including @The Eagle do you believe deep state exist ? then there will be a next question and your half questions will be answered,
It’s a major challenge to the powers of the elected government. The appointment of the COAS is an elected government prerogative. The court has clearly overstepped on this issue:
1. By nit picking over cabinet members presence, who signed what first etc. does the court really think that the PTI govt doesn’t have everyone in cabinet on board?
2. By arguing over whether the extension is necessary, the judiciary is basically saying that the judges, and not elected government, should have final say on any government appointment.

The SC has turned this into a critical issue.

1. Legal and constitutional procedures need to be followed. Now that the matter is in the SC, it has to be decided whether or not "extension" or "reappointment" can be granted.

2. That's not what they're saying. The SC interprets the Constitution and laws. The SC will decide the limits of the government's power and whether or not they are entitled to make the decisions they have made.

The Judicial system of Pakistan along with the DEMOCRAZY are rotten and cannot be part of Pakistan anymore.

Just because you don't agree, does not make the judiciary wrong. If you really care, you can file a review petition and a larger bench. There is no other way.

Malafide intentions of this gang of three judges are quite evident and palpable.

Can't see. Please explain.
It’s a major challenge to the powers of the elected government. The appointment of the COAS is an elected government prerogative. The court has clearly overstepped on this issue:
1. By nit picking over cabinet members presence, who signed what first etc. does the court really think that the PTI govt doesn’t have everyone in cabinet on board?
2. By arguing over whether the extension is necessary, the judiciary is basically saying that the judges, and not elected government, should have final say on any government appointment.

The SC has turned this into a critical issue.

Well it has brought to light one things, that in fact there is no rule or regulation governing the extension of an Army Chief.

And it has been going on as a convention since long. It just happens that now the courts have woken up.

Another issue is that the Army Act does not specify who qualifies to be COAS, and the Attorney General said in court that a retired officer can also be COAS. But I think this is more media hype than being an actual bone of contention.

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