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Supreme Court Pakistan and COAS Bajwa Extension: News & Discussions

Tomorrow night, not tonight.

I am more interested in this. Basically, this lowkey implies that the law is indeed unclear on this issue, but because the court never got into this nitty gritty before, hence it was never taken up, until now.

Another thing which I am hearing is that the PM sent the summary of reappointment of COAS, while he can only send a recommendation.

It's become a clvsterfck.
He need to reconsider his lawyers team and principle Secretary Azam Khan. Specially he need to get rid of Azam Khan who can't even advice him on rules of business correctly.
CJP used this for political gains after judiciary was exposed for letting Nawaz go.

Eventually appointment will stand but it's also IK and his advisors, babuz and the AGP making blunders upon blunders over wordings on the appointment.

Why didn't IK ask SC for guidance on the appointment as constitution allows PM to ask SC for advise on any legal matters.

What's the ultimate goal of all this? I think it's to cause a rift between PMIK and COAS.

IK should have fired a lot people he was recommended to fire.

I have said this many times over. Infact at the time when IK sworn in. He should have ripped apart the bureaucracy and bring in his own people. This is exactly what Shareef and Zardari clan have done in past whenever they got to the power.

It was the stupidity of the highest order to rely on bureaucracy who was basically put in place by Shareefs and Zardaris. Now its coming to bite IK.
I have said this many times over. Infact at the time when IK sworn in. He should have ripped apart the bureaucracy and bring in his own people. This is exactly what Shareef and Zardari clan have done in past whenever they got to the power.

It was the stupidity of the highest order to rely on bureaucracy who was basically put in place by Shareefs and Zardaris. Now its coming to bite IK.
You are asking IK to put a spanner in a running wheel.
I have few points
1. Notification was issued on 19 aug ,was sc was sleeping nd just woke up 3 days b4 the start of extention
2. Ahtizaz ahsan clearely said its not the domain of sc to hear this case ,why is he exceeding his limits
3. Gen kiyani was granted extension under same preceedure was that illegal too if yes what about the transfer and promotions he made
4. Is cj looking for a rift among army officers and demoralize army ,i bet he has been paid billions by shareefs
5. This cheif justice is against suo motos the only one he takes is against army ? Why
6. The person who submitted the application wanted to take it back why cheap justice didnt let him
7 ,is it a suo moto now or hearing of an application ?
@The Eagle @Reddington @Verve @Signalian @PakSword @HRK @RIWWIR


Chief has reached PM Office.

I fear he might resign.. this will be big loss to the momentum of Miltary Diplomacy and CPEC.

This tamasha was NOT needed.


Don't be surprised if Chief resigns. Such decision may be a by-default action. Nevertheless, some goons made it controversial when it was totally negligence by legal team. However, there is another picture for this meeting and will discuss once his services are extended. :D
You are asking IK to put a spanner in a running wheel.

Running wheel? You call this running wheel?

Whole Punjab bureaucracy and police is the pet of Shareef clan. How can IK run his government with the people who are devotees of Shareef and Zardari clan?
So what were the discussions that happened during PMIK and Sir.Bajwa visit to USA at the same time ? :angry:
Is it a myth or reality that every chief is selected by USA ? Just a masoomana sawal.

Don't be surprised if Chief resigns. Such decision may be a by-default action. Nevertheless, some goons made it controversial when it was totally negligence by legal team. However, there is another picture for this meeting and will discuss once his services are extended. :D
Presidential system ?
@The Eagle @Reddington @Verve @Signalian @PakSword @HRK @RIWWIR


Chief has reached PM Office.

I fear he might resign.. this will be big loss to the momentum of Miltary Diplomacy and CPEC.

This tamasha was NOT needed.


Every dark cloud has a silver lining ,

the minds of our (Pakistan's) decision makers (establishment / deep state / boys in boot / boys in disguise / add IK as well if he thinks with his head) all of them will/should be up to their name & worth in problem solving and use IK resignation as a System Wrap Up opportunity, if it has come to such a point and shit is about to hit the fan.

Nothing will be more important than public opinion and backing and it can be made in their favour. The only thing IK (not PTI) has left is his brand and Trust public still has on him.

PS:- If IK listens to his head and advice from boots not the ones who have brought him to his knees.
I have few points
1. Notification was issued on 19 aug ,was sc was sleeping nd just woke up 3 days b4 the start of extention
2. Ahtizaz ahsan clearely said its not the domain of sc to hear this case ,why is he exceeding his limits
3. Gen kiyani was granted extension under same preceedure was that illegal too if yes what about the transfer and promotions he made
4. Is cj looking for a rift among army officers and demoralize army ,i bet he has been paid billions by shareefs
5. This cheif justice is against suo motos the only one he takes is against army ? Why
6. The person who submitted the application wanted to take it back why cheap justice didnt let him
7 ,is it a suo moto now or hearing of an application ?

That bold part, this is the crux of whole issue.

WHY NOW when his extension was just about to start. I am now off the view that Nawaz paid billions to Judiciary to get the desired verdicts.

Off shore companies and bank accounts needs to be checked very urgently.
Don't be surprised if Chief resigns. Such decision may be a by-default action. Nevertheless, some goons made it controversial when it was totally negligence by legal team. However, there is another picture for this meeting and will discuss once his services are extended. :D

Not even few bread crumbs for us until than ?? :angel:
Don't be surprised if Chief resigns. Such decision may be a by-default action. Nevertheless, some goons made it controversial when it was totally negligence by legal team. However, there is another picture for this meeting and will discuss once his services are extended. :D
Bhai, tag me as well when you spill the beans.
I am afraid to tell you my age is not going to make much difference on your ability to answer a simple question..

As the study has shown, many toddlers like yourself with language delays have difficulty learning to answer questions. Common problems include:

  • Repeating or the last few words of the question rather than answering
  • Answering incorrectly such as shaking their heads yes when you ask them a question with 2 choices
  • Giving an off-target response such as answering, “Two,” when you ask, What’s your name?
  • Not responding or ignoring questions.
I can only smile, and understand your misery,,

Keep us posted on relevant things!

Not even few bread crumbs for us until than ?? :angel:

Bhai, tag me as well when you spill the beans.

One thing I can tell you right now that whatever gullible souls think at the moment or are looking at the picture through Media glass or by view of some self styled analyst; isn't the real deal at all. People think that such order suspension has worried the someone in power corridor yet they all forget that the plan & strategy designed to get over such hurdles is well in place and being executed whenever necessary. The hype is merely being the picture of Pakistani politics & people's emotion otherwise, SCP is all bout to rectifying issue, helping PM to flush out the rotten eggs from House and set a highly plausible legal precedent.

I told a bit to @Mangus Ortus Novem before as well that people shouldn't react in hype to current situation because on other hand, SCP will be helping you to find the most negligent within ranks inside PM House so also, will remove the lacuna as no one will ever bring subject again. Imagine if extension was proceeded and then after few days or even on next day of extended period; there was someone filing petition in SCP on the same point as of now and then all the hell been breaking loose in Pakistan? Imagine the irony and crying foul on the same time. So, currently the so-called objection is yet another blessing in disguise.

Rest about current meeting, it may take couple of hours and you will find out the same if you pay close attention to the bulletins and body language of few analysts. Hoorah.

So what were the discussions that happened during PMIK and Sir.Bajwa visit to USA at the same time ? :angry:
Is it a myth or reality that every chief is selected by USA ? Just a masoomana sawal.

Those who doesn't know the business, are the one that spreads more conspiracy theories and follows wild imaginations. However, internally, you will in-fact choose the one that will fill in the blank with quality & superior leadership skills but to say that the names are being selected by US is like, we would have handed over our POWER BAGS to the hostile long ago as what the Washington or her minions would have wished. :D

Presidential system ?

Presidential system isn't connected to current situation and parliament will go on with it once decided. Why wouldn't PMLN will please the ruling party, in-case if wishes to have some soft approach. Get the drift.

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