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Supreme court Bench broken

قدر و قیمت جانچنے کے پیمانے الگ ہوتے ہیں سب کے
ہم صَحْرا نَِشِینوں کو یہ صحرا بھی گلستان نظر آتا ہے
Appreciate the sentiment but theres only so much you can do to change a desert.
All eyes on Chief Justice Omer.
Save this state from the clowns. Or else there will be no credibility left.
Awaam ko corner mat karen. It will backfire badly.
I hope i am wrong. but we have too high hopes from this weak CJP Ted Bundiyal. All this mess is his own doing. He could simply call CEC , COAS and PM to explain their reason for abrogating the consitution limit of conducting elections in 90 days. Its the constituional duty of COAS to provide security and of CEC to conduct election. He could enforce contempt of court or Article 6 on these scondrels delaying elections. But he doesnt have the guts.

He has been silent on the abductions, kidnappings, s*xual abuse of senators and ordinary civilans by dirty muneer and homo naseer. He is also blind to what happened to Azam Swati in the Judical complex. He is still sitting on the petitions from the President and ex-PM to open investigation into the cipher.

I would not be disappointed if he is booted out by the other rogue justasses of the SC. He deserves every bit of the humiliation.
There are still hurdles to cross for the crooks and establishment at their back.

The President can (and most likely will) send the bill to Supreme Court for feedback. This bill can no way impede SC working. The SC takes suo moto action under article 184-3. To change that article needs 2/3rd majority. This bill will be struck down.

Sajjad Ali Shah, the former CJ who was hounded by Goon League and Establishment in 1997. His son gives a very insightful interview here.

You must listen to this to understand modus operandi of Goon League & Establishment in attacking Supreme Court.

There is no bigger crook in judiciary than Qazi Fraud Isa. People like him act anti-establishment but are actually establishment poodles and bark when establishment needs them.
And Noora Kushti continues, PTI should stop foolishly offering unconditional support and acceptance of any kind of decision of kangroo courts. Their decision after all this circus will create more confusion than solving something which didn't required more than 5 mins to begin with.
Why is it so difficult to just come out with a ruling

‘Kanjaro elections 90 days post dissolution, no ifs and buts as written unequivocally in the constitution’

These boomers are hogging Pakistan’s taxpayer money like no tomorrow and yet drag their foot on every cases. This is a slam dunk case.
Why is it so difficult to just come out with a ruling

‘Kanjaro elections 90 days post dissolution, no ifs and buts as written unequivocally in the constitution’

These boomers are hogging Pakistan’s taxpayer money like no tomorrow and yet drag their foot on every cases. This is a slam dunk case.

I am 100% sure that after all this "Jumla Baazi", decision will be given in a way that Govt. will say it's in her favor and PTI will say it's in her favor (And yes, they are very much capable of doing so, I don't need to give examples). Then usual cock fights in press conferences and media for some days, PTI again filling petition and cycle repeats.

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