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Supposed supply of new batch of Tanks for Assad

21st Century Vampire

Jul 8, 2019
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Russia sends a new batch of T-90 and T-72 battle tanks to support Assad in Syria

– The Russian Ministry of Defense is continuing its military equipment deliveries to the Syrian Arab Republic, as another cargo ship was photographed transiting the Bosphorus Strait between the Mediterranean and Black seas, learned BulgarianMilitary.com citing AMN.

Read more: BulgarianMilitary.com 24/7 – War in Syria: Who controls what and what happens

According to maritime observer Yoruk Isik, the LST Saratov 150 of the Black Sea Fleet was seen transiting the Bosphorus Strait, en route to the Syrian port-city of Tartous.

As pointed out by Isik below, the Saratov 150 specializes in transporting armored vehicles, including tanks and armored personnel carriers (APC).

“Russia’s Syria campaign continues: ВМФ Project 1171 ЧФ BlackSea Fleet 197th Landing Ship Brigade Tapir (NATO:Alligator) class tank/APC carrying LST Saratov 150 transited Bosphorus towards Med en route to Russian naval base in Tartus (formerly 720th Logistics Support Point)” Isik said in his Twitter account.

The delivery of tanks and other armored vehicles to Syria is incredibly important at this juncture, especially since the Turkish military’s attack on the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) equipment in early March of this year.

During the Turkish military attack, several soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces (NDF) were killed, while tens of armored and technical vehicles were destroyed by the barrage.

Since the attack, however, the Russian Ministry of Defense has increased its cargo shipments to Syria, as this is the third time this year that Moscow has shipped tanks and other armored vehicles to the Arab Republic.

Russia usually amplifies these deliveries to Syria when they are planning a new offensive; this is especially true, given the Syrian Army’s buildup around the Jabal Al-Zawiya region of southern Idlib.

On June 16, Moscow sent a ship with heavy military equipment to support Assad regime

BulgarianMilitary.com recalls that on june 16 this year a Russian cargo ship was photographed transiting the Bosphorus Strait towards the Mediterranean waters this week, as they continue to send military equipment to the government forces in Syria.

According several sources the Saint Petersburg-based TGK-SPB’s Russian flag roro vessel, Sparta, which is owned by Ministry of Defense’s Oboronlogistika, transited the Bosphorus Strait en route to the Syrian port-city of Tartous.

They said the ship’s cargo was made up of military and technical supplies, which undoubtedly be delivered to the Syrian Armed Forces, who are currently in the process of preparing for a new offensive in the Idlib Governorate.

Two days ago the Turkish forces inflicted heavy artillery strikes on the Syrian army positions

Recall, that the shelling of the Syrian Arab Republic army’s positions in the south of Idlib province was carried out by the Turkish military on July 4.

The report of several local sources said that on July 2, 2020, the Turkish military, who were stationed north of the city of Kafr Nabla, fired on the positions of the Syrian army, and victims were avoided among the soldiers and officers of the Syrian army.

Before the shelling, units of the Syrian army shelled opposition forces in the area of this post. Nobody was going to shoot specifically at the Turkish military. The target was jihadist units.

The report emphasizes that the Turkish forces are constantly attacking units of the Syrian army from positions that are close to the positions of the Turkish military. Return fire almost always leads to skirmishes with the Turkish military.

The report said that Turkey has introduced an additional contingent of troops to the province. This could result in casualties from Turkish forces from accidental artillery hits.

Recall, on June 14, 2020, the Syrian Republic aviation destroyed a convoy of cars on the road between the cities of Deir – Sunbul and El-Baraa. In the column were fighters of the Huras ad Din group, branches of Al-Qaeda.

Russian submarine armed with Kalibr cruise missiles headed for Syria

As we reported a heavily-armed Russian submarine was monitored on January 24, transiting the Bosphorus Strait for the eastern Mediterranean.

According to maritime observer Yoruk Isik, the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet 4th Independent Submarine Brigade’s Project 636.3Kilo+ class submarine Rostov-na-Donu Б237 has entered Mediterranean waters, armed with Kalibr cruise missiles.

While the destination for the Russian submarine is still unknown, it is likely to deploy to the coast of either Syria or Libya.

Typically, when these heavily-armed submarines head to Syria, they often carry out attacks against enemy forces.


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