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Suppose 2030 China will reach the same level with US, Now What? Can China imagine new Technology?

China has made a point of propping them up

no, china has made no such point, it merely refuses to be a us poodle and sanction nations just because the US said so, the only legitimate sanction are UN ones in china's eyes. it has not expended national wealth propping them up in any notifble scale like the us and soviet would do for their puppets back in the cold war, only enough to prevent their collapse, the rest is up to those nations on how they want to develop
if china actually wanted to "prop" a puppet state up, those nations wouldn't be in abject poverty using extremely outdated weapons.

It is 2022 not 1953
sure is, and to this day the us continuously threatens china. people on tv literally calling for a throne of chinese skulls. so.
no, china has made no such point, it merely refuses to be a us poodle and sanction nations just because the US said so, the only legitimate sanction are UN ones in china's eyes. it has not expended national wealth propping them up in any notifble scale like the us and soviet would do for their puppets back in the cold war, only enough to prevent their collapse, the rest is up to those nations on how they want to develop
if china actually wanted to "prop" a puppet state up, those nations wouldn't be in abject poverty using extremely outdated weapons.

sure is, and to this day the us continuously threatens china. people on tv literally calling for a throne of chinese skulls. so.

Trump and MAGA despite being populist, if allow to emerge will be far better for US. Today the Jewish supported BLM, antifa, gay, feminist agenda will being US to hell.



I think there is more than just the appearance of innovation at play too, the same system that incentivizes high quantity low quality patent applications in China probably encourages inventors to make false claims. Subsidies, investment in start-ups, non-monetary rewards like promotions in companies or the party hierarchy, there are a lot of ways to exploit this system.
That's the different between Western and Eastern school of thought on innovation.

In the western world, innovation is to serve the application, which mean I am looking at ways to improve thing and if there are new way to do it, west only invent something that are going to benefit to them. Say for a smart phone, the West did not get many patents out of smart phone technology, probably a few hardware related (like how touch screen works) and software related (like Apple iOS) The west keep the innovation at the minimum and re-uses a lot of stuff that have been known to work. But no one probably can argue despite the low patent number related to Smart Phone, Smart Phone had changed our everyday life and is probably one of the best, if not the best, innovation came out in early 2000s

In the East, it's more of a result driven, you measure the progress not by how the new invention help your application, but rather the sheer amount of innovation you come up with. Something that are at all no use to improve modern technology. Granted, not all of them are like that but most of the time when Chinese or Japanese or Taiwanese invented something, we will have to scratch our head on what's that use for?
That's the different between Western and Eastern school of thought on innovation.

In the western world, innovation is to serve the application, which mean I am looking at ways to improve thing and if there are new way to do it, west only invent something that are going to benefit to them. Say for a smart phone, the West did not get many patents out of smart phone technology, probably a few hardware related (like how touch screen works) and software related (like Apple iOS) The west keep the innovation at the minimum and re-uses a lot of stuff that have been known to work. But no one probably can argue despite the low patent number related to Smart Phone, Smart Phone had changed our everyday life and is probably one of the best, if not the best, innovation came out in early 2000s

In the East, it's more of a result driven, you measure the progress not by how the new invention help your application, but rather the sheer amount of innovation you come up with. Something that are at all no use to improve modern technology. Granted, not all of them are like that but most of the time when Chinese or Japanese or Taiwanese invented something, we will have to scratch our head on what's that use for?
Yeah, I'm sure when I look at my laptop, rice cooker or fridge I don't know what they are for.
During the early 00s, some of Japan's feature phones were having features that Apple even dreamed off, but the stupid japanese keep their phones in their island and refuse to market it to the world, so they get beaten by Apple. The West is only good at marketing, they can sell a POS product just by good marketing.

Thankfully, the chinese will not repeat this mistake and properly marketize their stuff.
That's the different between Western and Eastern school of thought on innovation.

In the western world, innovation is to serve the application, which mean I am looking at ways to improve thing and if there are new way to do it, west only invent something that are going to benefit to them. Say for a smart phone, the West did not get many patents out of smart phone technology, probably a few hardware related (like how touch screen works) and software related (like Apple iOS) The west keep the innovation at the minimum and re-uses a lot of stuff that have been known to work. But no one probably can argue despite the low patent number related to Smart Phone, Smart Phone had changed our everyday life and is probably one of the best, if not the best, innovation came out in early 2000s

In the East, it's more of a result driven, you measure the progress not by how the new invention help your application, but rather the sheer amount of innovation you come up with. Something that are at all no use to improve modern technology. Granted, not all of them are like that but most of the time when Chinese or Japanese or Taiwanese invented something, we will have to scratch our head on what's that use for?
I read Peter Thiels book zero to one a couple of years ago, its a book that has influenced me a great deal. He talks about the fact that as a venture capitalist and tech entrepreneur he has not observed any common approach to innovation in business, he is often asked what the formula for success is in innovative start-ups and he replies there isn't one. There really isn't any way to teach someone how to be innovative.

Good innovators tend to be good business strategists, both require an intuitive approach. I know this from experience, I have developed a product range over a peiod of more than ten years that we are in the early stages of bringing to market. I've broken nearly all the rules in the industry I'm about to enter to develop my product, I'm a non-conformist. Those within this industry are bound and conditioned by its norms, as are those in most industries, and it will often require input from outside those industries to bring in new ideas and innovate.

The reason why China doesn't innovate in business, at least to any great extent, is that they are a conformist society. Non-conformists are rare and discouraged to the extent that they are suppressed. Yes, as Peter Thiel discusses, they have become good at scaling up and globalizing businesses, what he refers to as n+1 businesses, taking something that already exists (often improving it) and mass producing it. But how many truly original ideas in business have they produced? Comparatively few. Under the leadership of Xi China has become an even more repressed society, and the CCP itself has become a rigid barrier against innovation. Their approach is wasteful and inefficient, case in point the Big Fund in the semi-con industry that has seen billions spent for little real result.
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Yeah, I'm sure when I look at my laptop, rice cooker or fridge I don't know what they are for.
During the early 00s, some of Japan's feature phones were having features that Apple even dreamed off, but the stupid japanese keep their phones in their island and refuse to market it to the world, so they get beaten by Apple. The West is only good at marketing, they can sell a POS product just by good marketing.

Thankfully, the chinese will not repeat this mistake and properly marketize their stuff.
The problem is not the technology behind the laptop, rice cooker and fridge, but the thing that control the laptop, rice cooker and fridge. Take Rice Cooker for example,

The thing is, you are talking about a Rice Cooker, sure, if you want soft and fluffy rice or you want to make sushi, then those Japanese invention would help you a lot, but then most people don't do that, when I use rice cooker, I just want it to cook rice as quickly as it can because I want to eat said rice.....

Apple on the other hand is not an innovation. When I say smart phone, I mean smart phone in general, from the old Samsung Phone that I have can play MP3 back in 1999 to Nokia N-Gage (The so called Gamer Phone) to Blackberry. What do Apple invented?? Probably the connectivity on iOS. That's probably just it. Even iTunes was copy from the old Samsung MP3 playing system that the first-generation Samsung Phone uses.

This is not about Marketing, this is about end use compatibility, and I am afraid the Chinese are falling into the same trap.
The generalization of world most successful physics model the "Yang Mills" is discovered by Yang Chen Ning. This is on pal with Newtonian Mechanics, Maxwell Equations and Relativity. (Far more profound than Quantum)
I read Peter Thiels book zero to one a couple of years ago, its a book that has influenced me a great deal. He talks about the fact that as a venture capitalist and tech entrepreneur he has not observed any common approach to innovation in business, he is often asked what the formula for success is in innovative start-ups and he replies there isn't one. There really isn't any way to teach someone how to be innovative.

Good innovators tend to be good business strategists, both require an intuitive approach. I know this from experience, I have developed a product range over a peiod of more than ten years that we are in the early stages of bringing to market. I've broken nearly all the rules in the industry I'm about to enter to develop my product, I'm a non-conformist. Those within this industry are bound and conditioned by its norms, as are those in most industries, and it will often require input from outside those industries to bring in new ideas and innovate.

The reason why China doesn't innovate in business, at least to any great extent, is that they are a conformist society. Non-conformists are rare and discouraged to the extent that they are suppressed. Yes, as Peter Thiel discusses, they have become good at scaling up and globalizing businesses, what he refers to as n+1 businesses, taking something that already exists (often improving it) and mass producing it. But how many truly original ideas in business have they produced? Comparatively few. Under the leadership of Xi China has become an even more repressed society, and the CCP itself has become a rigid barrier against innovation. Their approach is wasteful and inefficient, case in point the Big Fund in the semi-con industry that has seen billions spent for little real result.
Think the term you are looking for is visionary.......

You don't just go blindly invent something people never had before, or never used before, well, you can, but you will most likely need an application to go with, there is a chance the reason why people never have that or never thought of that is because that product that patent applies to is useless or pointless. Like this thing

Body-Connected bike.jpg

A Body-Connected Bike (US Patent 6805657 - 2004)

A patent is a patent, I mean it was designed to do something, and that as not been done before, but a patent is not innovation, nor can it quantify the term, because an innovation is a product of advancement in technology that benefit Human Kind.

As for conformist, well, you cannot invent something better if you keep following the wheel, that's the entire point I was talking about, in the West, people invent stuff to either improve or change the way we do things. In the East, people invent stuff basically for the sake of, well, inventing stuff...That's a major different there.
it will be a healthy competition in my opinion,
As a nation grows economically and technically, the new inventions also ease the life of a common person.
And if you think about Power distribution, that will sadly put everything near to
The problem is not the technology behind the laptop, rice cooker and fridge, but the thing that control the laptop, rice cooker and fridge. Take Rice Cooker for example,

The thing is, you are talking about a Rice Cooker, sure, if you want soft and fluffy rice or you want to make sushi, then those Japanese invention would help you a lot, but then most people don't do that, when I use rice cooker, I just want it to cook rice as quickly as it can because I want to eat said rice.....

Apple on the other hand is not an innovation. When I say smart phone, I mean smart phone in general, from the old Samsung Phone that I have can play MP3 back in 1999 to Nokia N-Gage (The so called Gamer Phone) to Blackberry. What do Apple invented?? Probably the connectivity on iOS. That's probably just it. Even iTunes was copy from the old Samsung MP3 playing system that the first-generation Samsung Phone uses.

This is not about Marketing, this is about end use compatibility, and I am afraid the Chinese are falling into the same trap.
Most rice cooker on the market are used to cook rice, additional features (cooking soup) are superflous. If you buy high end rice cooker, there might be some confusion in operation but most cheap or mid-ones are simple.

And I restate that Apple is just good at marketing, nothing more. Camera or screen, Sony has better camera and 21:9 aspect ratio; AI image processing, Samsung; price, Xiaomi or Oppo; connectivitity, most Android phones have Google Drive & Photos. Now Apple can't even do stuff like folding phones like Samsung, Xiaomi and Vivo.

Yet when I ask Apple users why they use Apple, they just say Apple is "good" or something generic like that and stick with it. It's cultist behaviour built from marketing.
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In US these days, it is better to meet Trump's MAGA and Proud Boys on streets than all those Democrats' "very-discriminated" communities such as ANTIFA, BLM...etc

The MAGA think white are good guys and superior than Asians, and most of them at least show you some courtesy. The ANTIFA and BLM will just loot, rape or beat East Asians.
Think the term you are looking for is visionary.......

You don't just go blindly invent something people never had before, or never used before, well, you can, but you will most likely need an application to go with, there is a chance the reason why people never have that or never thought of that is because that product that patent applies to is useless or pointless. Like this thing

View attachment 877088

A Body-Connected Bike (US Patent 6805657 - 2004)

A patent is a patent, I mean it was designed to do something, and that as not been done before, but a patent is not innovation, nor can it quantify the term, because an innovation is a product of advancement in technology that benefit Human Kind.

As for conformist, well, you cannot invent something better if you keep following the wheel, that's the entire point I was talking about, in the West, people invent stuff to either improve or change the way we do things. In the East, people invent stuff basically for the sake of, well, inventing stuff...That's a major different there.
Yeah the word visionary is used a lot in business strategy, I tend to avoid it myself. I kept on being told that was I was trying to do was impossible, but I would eventually prove everybody wrong (including myself at times). My only guide really was my intuition, making a leap into the unknown to acheive the outcome and later working backwards using the science to fully understand what I had created. And what I have created didn't exist anywhere until I made it a reality. There weren't really any points of reference to work from either, the body of work that underpins my product doesn't exist anywhere else.

The nature of the product means I cannot patent my creation, the only practical form of IP protection I have are trade secrets. My strategic planning is focused on maintaining exclusitivity. I can't begin to explain how much that complicates what I'm doing, its very easy to lose control of IP.
During the early 00s, some of Japan's feature phones were having features that Apple even dreamed off, but the stupid japanese keep their phones in their island and refuse to market it to the world, so they get beaten by Apple. The West is only good at marketing, they can sell a POS product just by good marketing.

I think the main reason people buy iPhones is because they work not because of exotic features.

This is like why people buy the Toyota Camry. This a boring car that isn't even very fast. However as long as you change the oil it will drive for 250,000 miles with almost no repairs. It sells well because it is extremely low maintenance...that's the main reason.

So it has nothing to do with marketing. Toyota can run flashy advertisements or no advertisements at all and still sell a ton of them year after year.

If somebody makes a more reliable car then Toyota can start worrying...otherwise they just cruise along at their own speed and don't care about anybody else no matter what the latest gimmick is.

"...the Camry has been the best-selling sedan in America almost every year for the past 20-plus years."

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That sounds like alot but in the grand scheme of today's world it's more like a drop in the bucket.

For instance just the clothes you are now wearing. If it is synthetic it is likely a Western invention. So is the zipper and the snap buttons..the list is ridiculously long. It may take you a year to utter them all. Just think of all the man-made things you see when you walk around outside and in buildings.

Errr no.
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