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Super Hercules aircraft lands at Kargil for first time


At Daulat Beg Oldie

The newly acquired strategic aircraft by the Indian Air Force C -130-J called as Super Hercules landed at Kargil airfield for the first time on Friday.
Once it’s get fully operational it will be a great boost for the civilian population and will play an important role for the military planning in future.

Beside this the humanitarian efforts of the Indian Air Force continues with the airlifting of large number of stranded local population from far flung areas of Ladakh, Jammu and Srinagar region by the mighty jet of IAF i.e IL-76.

People who were stranded during winters were able to meet their relatives and families at Kargil, Jammu and Srinagar.

A large number of students and teachers were also there who can start their school on time after their winter vacations.

On Friday, about 650 passengers including children, ladies and students were airlifted from Jammu, Leh and Srinagar.

The welfare and humanitarian efforts of the Indian Air Force for the local population continues in all possible ways and the same will continue in future.

Super Hercules aircraft lands at Kargil for first time | APN News
Well, what big deal flying an str its new plane in Indian inventory. Indian posters excitement is understandable .
Only difference Indian can now park one extra four wheeler.

Most recent delivery to PAF


Simply put, C-130J-30 Spec-Ops versions are a lot better than any other C-130 versions out there.

It can't be used against enemies that have air defence and fighter jets. Only in completely uncontested airspace can it be used. So USA can use it against talibunnies in caves, or Iraqi insurgents. It can't be used against countries with a professional military. It would be a turkey-shoot for the enemy.

Fair enough...but make sure you add attack helicopters to your turkey shoot list then. In fact since your helicopters are useless i'd recommend you give them to your enemies to put them at a disadvantage.:woot:

Or maybe...just maybe..helicopters and AC130's may actually be useful on the battlefield if not used stupidly.
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Fair enough...but make sure you add attack helicopters to your turkey shoot list then. In fact since your helicopters are useless i'd recommend you give them to your enemies to put them at a disadvantage.:woot:

Or maybe...just maybe..helicopters and AC130's may actually be useful on the battlefield if not used stupidly.

Do you see any other military operating AC-130 gunship equivalents? Is it because it is too technologically challenging to put a gun on a transport aircraft? Or maybe...just maybe....other countries find no utility for such a contraption, since they don't expect to fight the kind of wars that the USAF does, with one side completely controlling the airspace?

Helicopters present a much smaller target to detect and track, and are much cheaper than AC-130s. They are much more survivable than the huge AC-130s, in a dense air defence environment.

Ask yourself why no other country operates AC-130 equivalents, but all countries operate gunships, and you will begin to see the difference.
Do you see any other military operating AC-130 gunship equivalents? Is it because it is too technologically challenging to put a gun on a transport aircraft? Or maybe...just maybe....other countries find no utility for such a contraption, since they don't expect to fight the kind of wars that the USAF does, with one side completely controlling the airspace?

Helicopters present a much smaller target to detect and track, and are much cheaper than AC-130s. They are much more survivable than the huge AC-130s, in a dense air defence environment.

Ask yourself why no other country operates AC-130 equivalents, but all countries operate gunships, and you will begin to see the difference.

I guess you have little faith in your Air Force gaining air superiority to use an AC130. Sorry my bad for giving you Air Force some credit and be as to help your soldiers on the ground.
I guess you have little faith in your Air Force gaining air superiority to use an AC130. Sorry my bad for giving you Air Force some credit and be as to help your soldiers on the ground.

None of the other countries in the world have that faith either. You didn't answer my question of why no other country uses it. The answer is simple - we need to fight against professional militaries, not talibunnies in caves or Iraqi insurgents. No, we do not have faith that we can fly AC-130s over Pakistani or Chinese airspace, and neither would you. And we don't expect to fight ragtag militias in Afghanistan or Somalia or Iraq for decades, so we have no use for it. We have to use our limited budget to procure things we can actually use against our enemies.
They start it, we finish it.:toast_sign:

Ill be the one finishing it.. and you dont want me to finish it for you.

C-130s have been operating in the Sub=continent under harsh condiitons for much earlier than this. back in the early 60's.. C-130s would be flying passengers between the two Pakistani wings.. making a stop at Indian airports. Usually at the time Indian airfields would end up being closed by thick fog.. but the PAF pilots would regularly make landings as if nothing was wrong due to their training by the Initial C-130 Cadre of USAF. These actions probably enforced the myth of Pakistanis having superior aircraft.. while all it was was training provided to tackle situations.

As for the measuring contest.. I would suggest it not continue for the benefit of any member crossing lines and insulting anyone. Or they will face my wrath
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@Oscar : Why was my response to post number 19 by @Peter C deleted, and a few other ones as well? They were not troll posts or off topic, at least in response to that post. They were about the suitability or not of the gunship version of the aircraft under discussion. Surely they were not so off topic as to warrant deletion?
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