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SUPARCO is sleeping! Can someone wake it up?

Chinese "M-9" ?

Extended DF-11A with nozzle and skirt extension

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Pakistani Shaheen-1


Copy of DF-11A with nozzle and skirt extension (M-9)


Chinese DF-15


The first short variant DF-15


DF-15B rear

Comparison DF-15/DF-15A
Chinese DF-15A, -B, -C

DF-15A, -B, -C are stretched DF-15 with various wareheads





suparco is doing it's given tasks. The name and purpose is only cover-up of something else.
Chinese "M-18" (DF-25?)

The M-18 is a two-stage missile with 1.40 m diameter
(allegedly shown at the 1987 Beijing air show)


Chinese solid L-SpaB-140B: 7.15 x 1.40 m; 15.10 t prop.; 594 kN vac.


Pakistani Shaheen-2 & III



New Shaheen-III (is an extended Shaheen-2)

@amardeep mishra :)

Any questions !?

Hi dear @SOHEIL
I do not understand what do you imply by the picture but I am sure you are really not that naive to think the shaheen was designed in pakistan. Till date,there is no available technical discussion,research paper or patents on shaheen missile systems that casts serious doubts as to who holds various IPRs in the case of shaheen.The lesser said the better!

& About the picture !

SHAHEEN-III is convertible to a capable SLV ( 200-300 kg to polar orbit )


@SOHEIL brother what u are implying here..?
Pakistani missile are copy of chinese? And shaheen 3 can be slv with modifications?
Hi dear @MM_Haider
Allow me to shed some light on this situation based on my experience. Firstly let me ask you a couple of very easy questions-
(a) What according you are the ingredients for developing space vehicles?
(b) What do you think are the primary reasons for india and china to be way ahead of pakistan in aerospace research in general and space research in particular?

The establishment of SUPARCO well before ISRO should have given them some head-start provided there existed some sort of "research culture" and "industries" in pakistan. Firstly,to have any kind of space research activity you need
1) Your own indigenous research
2) A decent industrial base
3) Young population motivated to pursue research in Aerospace
4)And above all decent "funding"
sadly in pakistan,all the 4 are sourly lacking! all the points from 1 to 3 would become invalid if #4 is not adequate or worse doesnt exist! Sadly,if i recall correctly,pakistan's total space related funding is paltry $7mn(kindly correct me if I am wrong-from authentic sources)- Compared to that ISRO's annual budget is now gradually touching $1.5bn and would exceed $3bn in next 5 years- Now that is a respectable figure.
At the moment,pakistan doesnt really produce either quality or quantity research in Aerospace. I mean come on,you cant really dream of sending your own satellites into space with no equivalent of JPL(NASA's) or LPSC(ISRO's) in pakistan! You need to have solid research facilities that are dedicated to development of propulsion systems be it cryogenic,semi cryogenic,hyper-gollic or even ion propulsion!Solid rockets are just too in-efficient to send satellites into space- their mass fractions are pathetic compared to cryogenic rockets.If you see all the modern launchers be it from china,japan,US,or india- the trend is to use either fully cryo or semi cryo as main stage.Sometimes large solid rockets are used as boosters though like ISRO's S-200 in GSLV-mk3 design.

Your posts are interesting and contains much knowledge. I really like them....:-) :tup:
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