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Sunnis refused to identify Shias in front of terrorists-Babusar killings

They kill Sunnis as well, and they tried to kill more but couldn't as we rejected them. The problem here is that you call Sunnis ""Wahabis" or Salafis. Killing innocents is forbidden in Islam and it doesn't matter what is their religion or beliefs unless they attack you first, then you should fight back without killing innocents. You are playing the victim card here, although there are many Shea terrorist groups who cruelly slaughterer Sunnis by their names in Iraq. Those terrorists you are talking about deem Al-Saud as their biggest enemy and tried several times to assassinate/ undermine them and failed. So, if they were "Wahabi"=Sunni, then why do Al-Saud have them? And why are those pray for Al-Saud?

The terrorists in Pakistan running amok are all Salafists/Wahabi so in the case of Pakistan the comment is justifiable.
it hasn't got anything to do with sunni or shiite. it seems there is decency and compassion in every muslim heart that is not yet touched by wahabi terrorism and saudi evil
aim? You think these wahabis have logic? Have you ever seen a hardcore salafi/wahabi from up close? I have, and it wasn't a pretty sight/experience. You're basically dealing with a more uneducated version (by a factor of 100) of orthodox Jews. They have no aim. They're just thought to hate the infidels and that they must kill shias, who are agents of Iran and even worse than the Jews, who they must push into the seas. lol

The Taliban are Deobandis who predominantly follow the Hanafi Fiqh of Islamic Jurisprudence ! They are not Wahabis/Salafis who, in Pakistan, are known as Ahl-e-Hadith (the People of the Hadith) and are around 4% of Pakistan's Muslims (Encyclopaedia of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. pp.172.) whereas the Deobandis Seminaries, as per Heritage Foundation, are something like 65% of all Seminaries in Pakistan !

Either way...this is a good news for Pakistan, don't spoil it by bringing in your Arab-Persian fights here !
The Taliban are Deobandis who predominantly follow the Hanafi Fiqh of Islamic Jurisprudence ! They are not Wahabis/Salafis who are known as Ahl-e-Hadith (the People of the Hadith) and are around 4% of Pakistan's Muslims (Encyclopaedia of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. pp.172.) whereas the Deobandis Seminaries, as per Heritage Foundation, are something like 65% of all Seminaries in Pakistan !

Either way...this is a good news for Pakistan, don't spoil it by bringing in your Arab-Persian fights here !

Yaar are you Wahabbi? Let me enlighten you,

The Deobandi movement is known for its harsh stance against many practices common in the Indian subcontinent such as building over tombs, celebrating Milad al-Nabi, and calling on the prophets and saints for assistance. The founders of the Deobandi movement were influenced by the Wahhabi movement. Global encyclopedia of Islamic Mystics and Mysticism, page 62

Deobandi Islam

Although the majority of the Islamic population (Sunni) in Afghanistan and Pakistan, belong to the Hanafi sect, the theologians who have pushed Pakistan towards Islamic Radicalism for decades, as well as the ones who were the founders of the Taliban, espoused Wahabi rhetoric and ideals. This sect took its inspiration from Saudi Hanbali theologians who immigrated there in the 18th century, to help their Indian Muslim brothers with Hanbali theological inspiration against the British colonialists. Propelled by oil-generated wealth, the Wahhabi worldview increasingly co-opted the Deobandi movement in South Asia.

They claim to follow Hanafi sect but all their literature and to a much larger degree their actions are Wahabbi/Salafi inspired.
The Taliban are Deobandis who predominantly follow the Hanafi Fiqh of Islamic Jurisprudence ! They are not Wahabis/Salafis who, in Pakistan, are known as Ahl-e-Hadith (the People of the Hadith) and are around 4% of Pakistan's Muslims (Encyclopaedia of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. pp.172.) whereas the Deobandis Seminaries, as per Heritage Foundation, are something like 65% of all Seminaries in Pakistan !

Either way...this is a good news for Pakistan, don't spoil it by bringing in your Arab-Persian fights here !

Does the Hanafi say killing innocents is halal? I find that hard to believe.
See my previous post #17 with ID# post3332322

Even if we assume USA is doing it (although this has been happening for over two decades) now and Malik Ishaq was released with US influence etc etc, rather far fected if you ask me, then the solution is simple. Stop interference in Afghanistan. No?

By "They" I think he means the large number of Indian posters who keep creating threads about the Shia-Sunni violence. I think he means that Indians like to highlight the Shia/Sunni Muslim-on-Muslim violence because (he feels that) "they are desperate to prove two nation theory was not right".

I don't think he was talking about the terrorists themselves. What could they have to do with the Two-Nation Theory?

I could be wrong. This is just how I interpreted his comment.....

You are kidding right? He's clearly referring to the attackers. You have a very low opinion of the poster if you imply he's more worried about Indians posting news than the dead Shias.
Does the Hanafi say killing innocents is halal? I find that hard to believe.

Read what Hanafis believe and compare it to the actions of the Taliban/ TTP and then decide for yourself if they follow that jurisprudence.
Read what Hanafis believe and compare it to the actions of the Taliban/ TTP and then decide for yourself if they follow that jurisprudence.

According to this Jordanians follow Hanafi school! There are four schools in Sunni Islam, they have the same beliefs but there are minor differences, like Hijab for instance, one school says it's ok not to cover the face and the another says it must be covered. Forbidding killing innocents is the very basic teaching of Islam that all Muslims and Sunnis in specific adhere to from all schools.

According to this Jordanians follow Hanafi school! There are four schools in Sunni Islam, they have the same beliefs but there are minor differences, like Hijab for instance, one school says it's ok not to cover the face and the another says it must be covered. Forbidding killing innocents is the very basic teaching of Islam that all Muslims and Sunnis in specific adhere to from all schools.

one would figure committing such barbarous crimes has long evicted these animals from the house of islam - just doesn't stop them from being saudis or saudi-indoctrinated and saudi-funded goons.
one would figure committing such barbarous crimes has long evicted these animals from the house of islam - just doesn't stop them from being saudis or saudi-indoctrinated and saudi-funded goons.

Yes of course, I hear everyday news about Saudis killing Shea in the eastern area.
wtf is this blackeagle talking about? when the **** did I say wahabis=sunnis???
In Iran we call khalijee Islam, wahabism. Don't get all cute with me boy, you know what I mean. I'm talking about Al Quida Islam, bin laden islam, taliban islam, saudi islam etc... couldn't care less about your semantics. These morons are slaves to a hate filled ideology created in the peninsula arab region. Sunni North Africans are dope people. They're friendly and loving people. It's only you khalejee arabs that seem to have a problem with shias.

The irony here is that BE and Mosa once had a conversation in Arabic about their desire to see shias burned. They conversed in Arabic and thought nobody would understand it lol. Can somebody plz post a screenshot? Now this guy is trying to make me look bad. These wahabis man.
Yaar are you Wahabbi? Let me enlighten you,

The Deobandi movement is known for its harsh stance against many practices common in the Indian subcontinent such as building over tombs, celebrating Milad al-Nabi, and calling on the prophets and saints for assistance. The founders of the Deobandi movement were influenced by the Wahhabi movement. Global encyclopedia of Islamic Mystics and Mysticism, page 62

Deobandi Islam

Although the majority of the Islamic population (Sunni) in Afghanistan and Pakistan, belong to the Hanafi sect, the theologians who have pushed Pakistan towards Islamic Radicalism for decades, as well as the ones who were the founders of the Taliban, espoused Wahabi rhetoric and ideals. This sect took its inspiration from Saudi Hanbali theologians who immigrated there in the 18th century, to help their Indian Muslim brothers with Hanbali theological inspiration against the British colonialists. Propelled by oil-generated wealth, the Wahhabi worldview increasingly co-opted the Deobandi movement in South Asia.

They claim to follow Hanafi sect but all their literature and to a much larger degree their actions are Wahabbi/Salafi inspired.

Yup..I am !

The Deobandi Movement has its origins in the teachings of Shah Waliullah who himself lived during the same period as Abdul Wahab ! There is nothing that has gone before my scrutiny that suggests that the Deobandi Movement was significantly inspired or influenced by Hanbali Theologians from Arabia and that they are anything but predominantly Hanfi Muslims !

The Global Security link that you posted hasn't mentioned a single 'reference' to substantiate that claim ! As for the 'Encyclopedia' reference it is so because both the Deobandi Movement as well as the Barelvi Movement and the Wahabi Movement were reformist in nature and so it maybe so that they share similar traits with each other amongst many other fundamental differences for example the Wahabi Movement shuns Taqlid and instead asks for reinterpreting Islam in the light of the Koran and the Sunnah instead of imitating the sayings or doings of the Muslim Scholars of ages past and present. Both the Deobandi and the Barelvi stream, to the best of my knowledge, embrace Taqlid !

Having said that I firmly believe that the words 'Wahabi or Salafis' have become a dirty word and Saudi Arabia unjustly targeted for the ills in the Muslim World when neither the Taliban nor the Al Qaeeda are Salafis/Wahabis; the former are Deobandis and the latter are followers of Syed Qutub's teachings. Even here in Pakistan some of the most vocal supporters of the blasphemy law and advocating severe punishment against any who'd, in their opinion, blaspheme against the Prophet (PBUH) aren't Wahabis (or Ahle-Hadith) or Deobandis but rather Barelvis ! I'm sure KSA has a lot of things that she does wrong, as does any country, and I'm sure that there is a lot of abuse of Salafism/Wahabism, as there is of every creed, but neither KSA's nor Wahabism's crimes or shortcomings *choose your pick* are any worse off than our own...perhaps even less and yet we have blame them and their creed unreservedly without any evidence whatsoever !
Even if we assume USA is doing it (although this has been happening for over two decades) now and Malik Ishaq was released with US influence etc etc, rather far fected if you ask me, then the solution is simple. Stop interference in Afghanistan. No?

It is not ordinary Pakistanis or the PPP/PML/PTI Government that is interfering in Afghanistan. It is the Army/ISI.

Here is why:

(1) Ghairat
(2) Indian Threat (East)
(3) Ghairat
(4) Strategic Depth (West)
(5) Goto (1)

So the Army/ISI will always do the following:

(1) Keep twirling their big mustaches
(2) Repeatedly insist that they not wearing Chooriyan
(3) Talk incessantly about Ghairat
(4) Keep Interfering in Afghanistan
(5) Unwittingly invite retaliation
(6) Goto (1)

I hope this explains the point. Not being a Martial Nation, I think Indians have a harder time understanding this way of thinking.

You are kidding right? He's clearly referring to the attackers. You have a very low opinion of the poster if you imply he's more worried about Indians posting news than the dead Shias.

I am afraid you have not understood the underlying nature of our Tribal Society. The most important things in our system are "Naak Kat Jayaygee Biradari Main", "Naam Badnaam Hoga", "Izzat Ka Faludah Bun Jayayga", et cetera.

The fact that a lot of innocent people get killed is a minor, trivial point. The most important thing that is of extreme concern to many Pakistanis is that Indian Posters will highlight it and "Give a Bad Name" to Pakistan in the eyes of the World.

So Indian Posters who highlight these incidents are far, far, far more dangerous & damaging than the homicidal terrorists who actually do the mass murders.

The aim is to show thew world that in Pakistan minorities even when they are muslims are not safe. So how can a hindu, a christian or sikh be safe? Giving a bad name to Pakistan of being a intolerable society.
Does the Hanafi say killing innocents is halal? I find that hard to believe.

The Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi and Hanbali - the 4 fiqhs of Islamic Jurisprudence that almost all of the Sunnis follow - are more or less teaching the same thing with differences in only minor things like if Fiqh (A) would say that you should break the fast at 5:00...Fiqh (B) would put it at around 5:05 ! Nothing major ! Its the different movements emanating from these fiqhs that have contributed to the growing differences which even still aren't that big unless they are politicized ! If I had to put a number on it and don't quote me on this, most of what Sunnis believe is probably 90% the same thing with an agreement on almost all major theological issues but minor differences when it comes to laws, rules, rituals etc...which even still aren't that big ! And even these movements in themselves are pretty good movements ! No where in Deobandi, Barelvi or any other form of Islam (Sunni or Shi'ite) would you find anything that encourages violence or even bad conduct but when these things become politicized then like all good things these kind of things happen as they are happening all over the Muslim World.
wtf is this blackeagle talking about? when the **** did I say wahabis=sunnis???
In Iran we call khalijee Islam, wahabism. Don't get all cute with me boy, you know what I mean. I'm talking about Al Quida Islam, bin laden islam, taliban islam, saudi islam etc... couldn't care less about your semantics. These morons are slaves to a hate filled ideology created in the peninsula arab region. Sunni North Africans are dope people. They're friendly and loving people. It's only you khalejee arabs that seem to have a problem with shias.

The irony here is that BE and Mosa once had a conversation in Arabic about their desire to see shias burned. They conversed in Arabic and thought nobody would understand it lol. Can somebody plz post a screenshot? Now this guy is trying to make me look bad. These wahabis man.

Mosa said that out of anger and I know that we don't have to justify that , and I challenge you to come with one single word that prove I said such things about Shea. I hate their disloyalty to their countries (some of them). And I believe they will get back to serve their countries when Iranian Mullahs get kicked out. They are being used and deceived. However, you are not here to categorize who is Muslim or not, with all due respect, you are from a minority who has no right whatsoever to question the ones who represent Islam of their Islam. Why aren't Shea being slaughtered in KSA? And guess what, Sunnah in Iran are the ones who are being hanged up in public streets. You are ruled by a terrorist disgusting regime. Never ever question others Islam, you are not in a position to say that.
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