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Sunnis ask why US drones seem to target them only ???

Well , Their is no doubt that Sunni countries never given mandate on sectarian basis before . We chosen over governments on the basis of our basic issues . but we never considered that it would turn in way where our own governments would play in hands of others , I'm sure you are full aware of recent geo-political developments in the region . Ever seen any strong stance taken by these pro-iranian Governments against drone attacks ? Its a responsibilty of state government to protect the soveriegnty of state .

. Once you have Sunni and after a few words no sectarian mandates that makes it gibberish .

And i have no idea which pro-iranian government are you talking about .

Apart from Assad i don't see any pro-iranian government in the region .

And you have very right about your last statement . Its responsibility of the state to protect it's citizen .
@K-Xeroid, drones do not have sunni detection tech. If a shia is in the vicinity in af-pak region where drones operate, he will be killed too.

Well , The operater of user of this tech have always targeted more civilians then the militants and Shias do live in that region , but again they target those who they actually hate or they actually wan'na kill. Insider attacks in Afghanistan are already increasing day by day . and Rampage shooting incidents by U.S soldiers are also increasing at their .
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. Once you have Sunni and after a few words no sectarian mandates that makes it gibberish .

And i have no idea which pro-iranian government are you talking about .

Apart from Assad i don't see any pro-iranian government in the region .

And you have very right about your last statement . Its responsibility of the state to protect it's citizen .
Are suffering from comprehension problem , I mentioned that sectarian nationalism have increased in current period of time , even I myself never try to see things in that direction before, I'm talking about Pakistani government . . Ever seen any strong stance against drones attack . even our military resources says that If our government decides to shoot down them then we are capable of bringing them ground . .

read my post #4, it gives you answers...
the west support those terrorists, but they want to show the world we are fighting terrorism, look the west is "fighting" them in Mali and such.....

and the author of the article is nothing but a sedition (fitna) starter...
Well , Whenever anyone talk for sunnis , then you start to call him a sedition creator . Thats totally injustice .
Well , The operater of user of this tech have always targeted more civilians then the militants and Shias do live in that region , but again they target those who they actually hate or they actually wan'na kill. Insider attacks in Afghanistan are already increasing day by day . and Rampage shooting incidents by U.S soldiers are also increasing at their .

is there any way to tell who is who based on appearance? like say dress.
Well , Whenever anyone talk for sunnis , then you start to call him a sedition creator . Thats totally injustice .

You asked for it.... you can't really compare Alqaeda with anything else? even if you try to say Hezbollah is a terrorist group just like the west claims... Hezbollah has front wars most of the time...
and btw the author is one racist person, and its obvious...

and you will probably want to call Hezbollah terrorists now, just like the west, why is Hezbollah terrorists? for defending their land? for defending resistance? for defending the Palestinian case?
Huh , They are their since 2000 .. They are atleast aware of demographics of the region .

yes, but your assumption seems to be that americans use drones to kill random sunni. They must be using local intel and view from top to decide who is hostile. Do these shia people engage in hostile act in that region?
You asked for it.... you can't really compare Alqaeda with anything else? even if you try to say Hezbollah is a terrorist group just like the west claims... Hezbollah has front wars most of the time...
and btw the author is one racist person, and its obvious...

and you will probably want to call Hezbollah terrorists now, just like the west, why is Hezbollah terrorists? for defending their land? for defending resistance? for defending the Palestinian case?
Well , Organisations like Hezbollah actually protecting the interest of Iranians in the name of Palestanians cause .. They actually killed more sunnis then protecting the land of Lebanon . But its a matter of U.S interests that they always put sunnis on the recieving side , like all human right laws don't apply for them .
Well , Organisations like Hezbollah actually protecting the interest of Iranians in the name of Palestanians cause .. They actually killed more sunnis then protecting the land of Lebanon . But its a matter of U.S interests that they always put sunnis on the recieving side , like all human right laws don't apply for them .
I would like to see a video of Hezbollah beheading a person because they are not Shia....
Look at you blaming Hezbollah for the death of people... instead of Israel... Israel is an angel for you now, correct?
what a shame that people like you want to kill your own brother just because they are Shia, and leave the west and Israel even tho they are the one killing you...
yes, but your assumption seems to be that americans use drones to kill random sunni. They must be using local intel and view from top to decide who is hostile. Do these shia people engage in hostile act in that region?
Their lose stance against others and completely hitler sort of stance against Sunnis do creates insecurity among Sunnis . .
and If sanctions o Iran matters , then we and many Sunni countries have faced more sanctions in Past , even faced the heat from front . . . At then we need world to raise voice for us , for our rights . . Today we really missing the importance of sunni nationalism , someone who speaks for us . . for the sacrifices that we have given in the name of wars that world had imposed on us . .
I would like to see a video of Hezbollah beheading a person because they are not Shia....
Look at you blaming Hezbollah for the death of people... instead of Israel... Israel is an angel for you now, correct?
what a shame that people like you want to kill your own brother just because they are Shia, and leave the west and Israel even tho they are the one killing you...
What an A$$ are you? Damn !! :drag:
Their lose stance against others and completely hitler sort of stance against Sunnis do creates insecurity among Sunnis . .
and If sanctions o Iran matters , then we and many Sunni countries have faced more sanctions in Past , even faced the heat from front . . . At then we need world to raise voice for us , for our rights . . Today we really missing the importance of sunni nationalism , someone who speaks for us . . for the sacrifices that we have given in the name of wars that world had imposed on us . .

What an A$$ are you? Damn !! :drag:

If it is a war against sunnis, why are they supporting them in syria. Also, why is KSA and most sunni nations in ME are close to west?
You are just trying to make common cause with rest of sunnis in the world, whereas they simply do not agree with you. You think even asian sunnis (bangladeshi/indonesian) will sympathize with you?(let alone arabs)
No that is just for oil . it is not medieval era that "western nations"( a very broad and sweeping terms in current perspective) have anything to fear of "muslim unity" .

It was not west that started or drum up Shia sunni thing . Even the article written here is by an Sunni i believe .....

Who will provide them oil while the issue of Palestine will be on if Muslims would be united???
well divided people can't pressurize em while united can and export factors,technological superiority,weapons,loans and sooo on what about them allz if these countries would be united...
all for US will show downfall ....
well about this article I will say i don't wanna discuss on dumb things....:yu:
Man, this is too awkward thinking. Rather then asking to stop the bombing on them, these idiots are trying to find comfort by asking USA to bomb shia areas.
This is what is called as finding solace in some ones pain.
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