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Sunni ISIS murdered 500 Yazidi, make 300 women sex slave

Islamic caliphate, what a joke! Can only imagine what it must have been like for "infidels" back in the days, when there was no media no nothing.

Allah hu Akbar indeed.
It's not too difficult to 'imagine'. It's not necessary any more to imagine anyway. We got a live demo going on right now unfortunately.
Where are they selling these women? I might give couple of buffaloes I have in my yard for one !!!

Children died in Gaza? No, they are Yazidi

You SOB stop your nonsense .. They are not yazidies or sunnies or jews They are childrens .

Everyone wants the end of these basterds called ISIS.. no one want them.. But You pig is showing it like every sunni are killing or terrorist you basterd stop your hate post and just aware the world about these pigs.
Islamic caliphate, what a joke! Can only imagine what it must have been like for "infidels" back in the days, when there was no media no nothing.

Allah hu Akbar indeed.

The victors wrote history, and even then they have recorded enough of the massacres, slavery and imperialism its sickening. And watching their modern day occupied minds make up all kinds of esoteric justifications would have been amusing had not these fcks doing it even today.

I hope the great satan America blows these religious fcks into tiny pieces. Just watch these internet terrorists get stomach pain at that though. Of course they all hate ISIS lol!

US officially launches air strikes in Iraq
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German Sunni supporting ISIS. These people hate democracy and want caliphate. They are expert in hate. They want genocide of others and want sex slave.


The victors wrote history, and even then they have recorded enough of the massacres, slavery and imperialism its sickening. And watching their modern day occupied minds make up all kinds of esoteric justifications would have been amusing had not these fcks doing it even today.
Unlike all other imperialists, these invaders made it a point to be particularly proud of their exploits even exaggerating the number of enemy civilians slaughtered! Somewhat like the Einsatzgruppen did in Russia albeit over a shorter period of time.
So Sunni is giving rights to Shia, Yazidi and Christian?

The right to get rape and murdered?

Better to live under Jews.

Allah will be please with Sunni.
Come to my country and find out for yourself.
You really need to get your facts right.
I have my own fan. Not to worry.

Nope. I make a mistake, Sunni do not cheer ISIS. Everyone are cursing them. Wonder why I never hear them.


Fan of ISIS in Europe. Allah hu Akbar.

This bunch represent all Sunnis? Forget that how many Sunnis on pdf support IS, most of PDF Muslims are themselves Sunnis go ahead.
Stop this bullshit.... Islam teaches us "respect for women" and "love for childerns"
Not entirely, same groups like ISIS exist in many places over the world like Nigeria, Pakistan.

Syrian conflict could have been prevented. ISIS existed before Maliki came to power, doesn't matter if you put Saddam back in power ISIS will remain, they might have less support among locals but they will continue with the terror.
You wrote it,less support.
This bunch represent all Sunnis? Forget that how many Sunnis on pdf support IS, most of PDF Muslims are themselves Sunnis go ahead.

The problem is not support but people need to condemn these bastards.
I agree not many support isis though
Islamic caliphate, what a joke! Can only imagine what it must have been like for "infidels" back in the days, when there was no media no nothing.

Allah hu Akbar indeed.

Really you are going to compare a unrecognized state that is not even accepted by a quarter of the Muslim population today to the caliphates of the past pathetic. There is a reason most Muslims do not accept Baghdadi as Caliph or IS as a caliphate.
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