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Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

Russian missiles there is nothing wrong with them. PAK-FA I think will have the RVV-MD WVR AAM with
max 40km range with offboresight capabilities and can engage targets maneuvering at 12g.

I am not saying there is anything wrong. I am just asking him on the comparison point. He is good with info
R-73 was the first IR missile to have off-boresight capabilities. It went into service in 1980s the West didn't match it until the early 2000.

Not really, even older AIM 9 versions had better, but the west were surprised by R73s agility with TCV features, that's why they added this capability in newer vesions to counter that advantage. Not to mention that since the fall of the Soviet Union, there is hardly much improvement in regard to fighter weapons, or avionics anyway.

Credits to Gessler
Not really, even older AIM 9 versions had better, but the west were surprised by R73s agility with TCV features, that's why they added this capability in newer vesions to counter that advantage. Not to mention that since the fall of the Soviet Union, there is hardly much improvement in regard to fighter weapons, or avionics anyway.

Oh really

In 1985, the Soviet Union did field a solid rocket motor (SRM) missile (AA-11 Archer/R-73) that was very similar to Agile. At that point, the Soviet Union took the lead in SRM technology and correspondingly fielded improved InfraRed Counter Measures (IRCM) to defeat or reduce the effectiveness of the latest Sidewinders.

AIM-9 Sidewinder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
well is the pic edited by our indian member GESSLER.

if it true then gessy darling has done a good job:D

Yes it is, although his referals to EOTS might not be correct, it's indeed a good job.

Btw, some more of Pak Fa:



And another video of the latest prototype:

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Sancho it appears the nose finish of the 4th prototype is finer than the earlier 3 modles

There seems to be some changes around the airframe and the new high resolution pics are great to compare.
^^^^ very nice picture .

A flattened nozzle would have been more beautiful .
2D (or 2.5D) flat stealthy nozzles are under development in Russia right now - I expect them by 2014.

They already have the technology .


AFAIK , they have patented a new concept for PAK FA

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Russia’s 5th Generation Fighter Jet to Start State Tests in March

Russia's fifth-generation stealth jet fighter, the T-50, will start state flight tests in March 2013, Russia’s Air Force Commander, Lt. Gen. Viktor Bondarev said on Sunday.

Currently three fighter jets are performing test flights at the Zhukovsky airfield outside Moscow, the fourth plane is undergoing factory test trials and the fifth plane is in the process of factory approvals, the commander said.

All these planes will fly to Akhtubinsk in the Astrakhan Region in March next year where “state tests will begin,” he said.

There will be a total of eight planes involved in state trials in Akhtubinsk throughout 2013, the commander said.

“We’ll complete them [the tests] within 2-2.5 years and somewhere in 2015-early 2016 these planes are expected to go into serial production and we’ll start receiving them and supplying our combat units with them,” the commander said...

...The Russian Defense Ministry plans to purchase a first batch of 10 evaluation aircraft and then 60 production-standard aircraft after 2015.

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