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Suicide bombing on military vehicle in Fatehjang

on topic .. RIP
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Here's the mangled Vigo.

Its inside Job.

Intel came from within the agency! Terrorist scum have a lot of support inside our agencies.
o bhai its no an inside JOB have you been to that area?? ISI , IB , MI , SPD officials use that route security lapse not an inside job
o bhai its no an inside JOB have you been to that area?? ISI , IB , MI , SPD officials use that route security lapse not an inside job

I am from Hyderabad Pakistan so no I have not been to that area, but its common sense that specific target was hit and why. Please don't tell me suicide bomber was running around area frequented by intelligence officials without being spotted looking for some one to hit.

He or she was waiting for these individuals why them I don't know, but they were definitely the target.
I am from Hyderabad Pakistan so no I have not been to that area, but its common sense that specific target was hit and why. Please don't tell me suicide bomber was running around area frequented by intelligence officials without being spotted looking for some one to hit.

He or she was waiting for these individuals why them I don't know, but they were definitely the target.
that is why i said security lapse unko chahia tha k udr railway crossing pa intelligence wala ko rkhta udr hi to car slow hoti hai hence an easy target for suicide bomber and i dont know who were the targets because its not clear whether they were nuclear security officials or ISI officials looking at the destroyed Vigo then i must say ISI officials dont use vigo they mostly use Double cabin army style vehicle SSG and SPD guys use vigo
Intelligence official being taken out hmmm.. , may be they were moles and hence ISI itself took out them.
actually thats not possible because some of those FATA based people are working for our govt

This part is also being worked out , the bust has already happened , some enemies of the state that got into government jobs using Pakistan ID cards using bribes/connections have already been caught by the intelligence agencies but obviously more needs to be done to root them out
This part is also being worked out , the bust has already happened , some enemies of the state that got into government jobs using Pakistan ID cards using bribes/connections have already been caught by the intelligence agencies but obviously more needs to be done to root them out
those who were caught by the intel were afghani not people of FATA
I will say something that a lot of readers here might find offensive. This whole area; Tarnol, G-14 and G-15 are full of recent pakhtun migrants from fata and afghans. They are literally ghettos. Before 2007, when these settlers hadn't come into the city, Islamabad and Rawalpindi were one of the safest cities in Pakistan, where children could ride a bike in the street. Now even an adult can't walk in a street. Majority of these people are illiterate and tribalistic, and incapable of living in a developed society like Islamabad. For a local islamabadi-pindiate, sending his children to school is the biggest goal in life. These people on the other hand would rather send their children to deobandi madrassahs and not spend a single penny on them. In rawalpindi, and Potohar as a whole, majority of natives are barelvis influenced by the poetry of Mian Muhammad Bakhs or shia. There has never been any shia sunni riot here in the area's known history. As soon as these fata and other deobandi jaahils started migrating in droves, there have been riots. 10 years ago, car jacking was almost unheard of. Now Islamabadis can't park their cars in the streets.because of all the vermin that has moved in. There must be an informer among these jaahils passing intelligence to Fazlullah. It is said that all these people prefer settling in suburbs close to motorway, so that they can quickly escape. The whole area that I mentioned has been called the hub of carjackers and described as "sohrab goth" by local Islamabadis. Go to any deobandi madrassah or masjid in rawalpindi or islamabad, it would be full of pashto speakers. Go to any sufi shrine or barelvi masjid, everyone would be a Punjabi/Potohari.

My point being, Pakistan desperately needs cross-provincial movement laws. I have no problem with educate pakhtuns from places like DI khan, Mardan etc. But it seems like afghans and Fataites are born criminals/terrorists. Incapable of living in peace or letting others live in peace. Yesterday, someone even fired at elite police force from the lal masjid.

And trust me, a lot of Potoharis share my sentiments. They just don't have a political voice or a party. This whole issue can get out of hand and develop into an ethnic fight.

its the Afghans who bring the problems....not the people of FATA, though there are misguided elements in FATA no doubt and some bring their baggage with them

and like in ANY country when you have rural to urban migration, the phenomenon takes place because of JOBS and because of SAFETY - both of which are easier to find in the twin cities.

so before the next time you go on some ethno-centric diatribe full of emotional CRAP, keep that in mind before being a jahhil yourself

if you want the Afghans removed, lobby for such measures (I'd support it too, and I hail from FATA this "vermin" area as you would call it)...

not the bus yara double cabin officers are pick and dropped by double cabin not by bus and sure these chutyas Afghani migrants are behind this attack

its TTP...Afghan intelligence isnt ineffective as you think, they also have ground informants and operatives sent by Kabul

i can imagine after an audacious attack like this in which two Officers have been killed not far from the capital - the response to this will be massive. We already killed scores of terrorists on the Afghan side through the use of mortars and rockets of varying size and I think now we should tell the Afghans that if this continues then we WILL seize Afghan border posts and widen the buffer zone

PAF should do some low altitude sonic booms over Kabul/Paktia/Kunar to send a strong message and rattle them up psychologically (the enemy, not the civilians). They should see the Pakistani flags on the aircraft and the bombs that CAN drop on their heads at the push of a button

our soldiers' death NEVER goes in vain; its these miscreants hell-bent on waging war against Pakistan will die a 1,000 deaths - God willing

unable to understand
why govt suspend dialogue process

because peace did not follow!
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