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Suicide Bombers For Sale

Bill Longley

Apr 15, 2008
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LOST IDENTITY: Suiside Bombers For Sale
Interior mister Rehman Malik yesterday disclosed that suiside bombers are sold from 500000Rs to 1500000 Rs .... After the attack their handlers pay the said sum to the families....

according to investigations the suiside attack on March 1st on dera of MNA Khursheed Akbar Nawani was also work of one such suicide bomber... That bomber according to news report

According to Crimes Investigation wing of the police, Waqas Hussain and his four accomplices had hired a suicide bomber and explosives expert from Wana to kill a former friend of his with whom he had a monetary dispute..

The question which I ask from Interior minister and All the people in Government people is

1. if Suicide Bombers are for sale... then Islam is not the stimules ....Money is the actual stimules which compells the bomber to detonate him self....

2. why instead of fighting Causes of this Phenomehah Government is createing more conditions to incubate the germs....

Some friend of mine told me once... that churchell was critised a lot in Parliment when Britan went into second world war.... while answering the policy of His government he asked the parlimentarians " do our courts provide justice and is there justice in our society...every one replied yes...

the churchill then siad if there is justice in our society then we can fight war against Germans for thousand years and I have Faith we will come out as winners....

Hazrat Ali(AS) once said

Any state can survive on basis of Kuffer but no state can Survive on basis of injustice

One person then asked

What is inJustice

Amirulmomeneen Replied

Zulm or Injustice is that you Put your shoes on your head and Cap on your feet meaning the things in not oder or in their Place is zulm

Is it not true that injustice kills hope...when there is no hope there is negetivity... and in order to forget problems man seek refuge in Drugs...sex or Religon.... the Religon adopted and practice in frusterations makes the heart cold....

the suicde bombers who kills there own brothern are in fact taking revenge from society.... the society and system which took their hope... they know the status que will remain and world till they die will remain hell for them... the gamble their life on direction of their Religous leader for other world...where they think the life will not be terrible....

Mullah on other hand is Part of elite...I wonder when our innocent kids are whasteing their lives why we never heard any Mullahs son died in fighting for so called islam that his father so passionately preach....

I ask Mr Rehman Malik ,PM Yousaf Raza Gallani, President Asif Zardar, Mian Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif, Fazlur Rehman, Ch.Shujaat, Manawar Hassan....and Esteblishment People ...Government People... you Blame every thing on others...Terrorism, suiside bombing etc on Taliban and on Forign Hands....

why you all People in Power Fail to see the causes...the main SOCIAL JUSTICE.... why you the Elite and I include Political, economic and religous elite in it ,fails to see human as a human... do you think that you will reap flowers when you sow Thorns.....

From Past 60 + years common man is suffering from your hands.....There is no justice in society ...at one place there is a man who even dont have 20 RS to buy 2 roties and Salan and on the other there is a man who Spends 10000RS just for one meal...

at one side there is a man who dont have enough cloths to cover him self but on other there are people who change 3 times a day....

I can keep on telling the facts which you see but dont look....

In crusade for your Intrests for how long Common man will suffer....

Please, I ask elite of Pakistan, Have mercy on people....

LOST IDENTITY: Suiside Bombers For Sale
Bill, i understand what you are trying to say and some of it has merit, but look at Palestine and Kashmir they dont even have a nation and i doubt our condition in Pak is worse then them. But do they take to the streets with C4 straped to their bodies in a bid to kill fellow citizens?

There is more to this then money... That is why i always say, take whatever rehman malik says with a big pinch of salt.
i Agree but brother its my observation majority of Pakistanies by nature are extremists

you will see two types of extremists 1 from elite class and 2nd from lower class both haveing potencial of distruction.... first type have enough to eat and spend and religon for them is basically to cool the frusteration of Aimless earning and injustice comitted by their hand
2nd type is hand to mouth...their extremism is basically a revolt...they hate every thing

if there is hope in society then i strongly belive terrorism will it self die

but when MPhil pass have to beg for job , and when our madrassas pass out ulema who can only get job of 5 to 7 thousand to be peash Imam
then I think we are comitting our selves a painfull suicide

see around and you can easily observe the causes of terrorim

All Pakistan is a jungle
Every Pakistani has become a whore
Elite Rape the country
And we all act like a fool
Some sell religion, some sell dreams
Nation is dieing hungry and they are eating cream
Inter Elite conflicts, democracy and rule of law, all are their fraud
Government of elite for the elite by the elite is a big fraud.
They live in AC and we don’t even get fan
They travel in luxury cars which we never can
Their children study at Harvard when our children have no school
Tears and tears only for NATION OF 160 MILLION FOOL

people from middle class
Gotta agree with Bill.The reason behind extremeism is.
1- Lack of Education
2- Madrasa/Extreme Islamic School-They teach very extreme stuff.
3- Lack of Jobs/Poverty
3- Lack of Justice.We all know how our Police and Courts work.
These issues has to be fixed if we want to fix extremeism countrywide.Force will not work here alone.
i Agree but brother its my observation majority of Pakistanies by nature are extremists

you will see two types of extremists 1 from elite class and 2nd from lower class both haveing potencial of distruction.... first type have enough to eat and spend and religon for them is basically to cool the frusteration of Aimless earning and injustice comitted by their hand
2nd type is hand to mouth...their extremism is basically a revolt...they hate every thing

if there is hope in society then i strongly belive terrorism will it self die

but when MPhil pass have to beg for job , and when our madrassas pass out ulema who can only get job of 5 to 7 thousand to be peash Imam
then I think we are comitting our selves a painfull suicide

see around and you can easily observe the causes of terrorim

All Pakistan is a jungle
Every Pakistani has become a whore
Elite Rape the country
And we all act like a fool
Some sell religion, some sell dreams
Nation is dieing hungry and they are eating cream
Inter Elite conflicts, democracy and rule of law, all are their fraud
Government of elite for the elite by the elite is a big fraud.
They live in AC and we don’t even get fan
They travel in luxury cars which we never can
Their children study at Harvard when our children have no school
Tears and tears only for NATION OF 160 MILLION FOOL

people from middle class

I agree 10000000%
After the attack their handlers pay the said sum to the families....
What is the basis of this claim?
I know many suicide bombers have been identified as young (below 20) Uzbeks, Afghans etc. but non of them has been identified as born and registered Pakistani national! Than how come the families of foreigners have been identified.
What about those who are not suicide bombers but are fighting with army in north! or assigned to shoot Srilankan cricket team! How much do they got paid?
Where do their families live?
Who are the handlers and what is their source of income?
What is the source of arms and ammunition?

In brief, I simply will never believe that it is possible to employ a military of suicide bombers even by advertising in nation wide news paper and offering double of what Musheer Dakhila is selling us!

Even if we believe for a moment, that suicide bombers are being bought than isn't devaluation of Pak rupee helping the evil cause? If we remember devaluation of Pakrupee was done on urgent basis by present regime and I warned that it is only going to facilitate the terrorism because foreign money is involved.
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Let's have the anatomy of suicide bomber/attacks:

It has been established that all suicide bombers were young foreigners (Afghans, Hazara, Uzbeks) of age below 20! without any proven religous connection or knowledge of even basic Islam.
On the other hand govt. and media is trying to create an image that all attacks are religiously motivated, for no officially announced reason!
If we calculate, those 17 years old suicide bombers would have been 9 years old in 2001!
Where as since 2001, Pakistan society had become more liberal and literate than in past, and in last elections people have rejected religiously oriented political parties. I believe, Pakistan is inherently not a religious state.
Than how come! Suddenly a religious militia dropped from heaven which knows all the classified info. about every thing in every corner of our country.
They killed our engineers at HMC Wah, they attacked on FIA offices around Pakistan, they attacked on ISI head quarters, they attacked on airforce staff and their children, they attacked on army camps, check posts, they even killed an army doctor general who was running a research work in west. They kidnap highly trained soldiers; they even tried to kill an ex-President of Pakistan and managed to kill one ex-PM, without any notable trace.
They destroy gas pipelines and electric towers in Baluchistan, mosques & girl schools in NWFP, hotels, foreigners and security posts in capital, cricket team and police head quarter in Lahore
I must say history of their acts does not reflect that it is an uncivilized militia group settled in wild north.
Who is providing all the required intelligence, which need investement of billions of USD and years of time.

Now you may ask questions!
I think this is a sensitive issue n perhaps i shouldnt be saying anything.
But i ve something to say....Russian revolution took place when highly educated russians had no jobs.They all looked towards communists n eventually toppled the czar(inept autocratic rule) n established communism.
Widespread disillusionment with govt+madrassa education(i.e. not getting them jobs)+lure of money +lure of martyrdom...I think all these factors r involved.
I think this is a sensitive issue n perhaps i shouldnt be saying anything.
But i ve something to say....Russian revolution took place when highly educated russians had no jobs.They all looked towards communists n eventually toppled the czar(inept autocratic rule) n established communism.
Widespread disillusionment with govt+madrassa education(i.e. not getting them jobs)+lure of money +lure of martyrdom...I think all these factors r involved.

It is off topic discussion, but I see you totally ignored the effects of 10 year long war.... I wonder why?
Madrassa is arabic word means school! every school in Arab countries is a Madrassa! what's wrong with it?
You think only Pakistanis have lure of money!
Martyrdom cannot be sold or bought!

Sorry, you are wrong on all counts... which you injected in context...
300 suicide attackers present in country, says Rashid
KARACHI: As many as 300 suicide attackers are present in the country and if they are not controlled, large-scale disaster may hit the country, Awami Muslim League (AML) chief Sheikh Rashid Ahmad said on Sunday. Talking to the media at the Jinnah International Airport, he said Pakistan was in the grip of suicide attacks and the whole nation would have to rise against them. Condemning the suicide attack at an Imambargah in Chakwal, Rashid said the country was going through a critical phase. Decisions were being taken on the roads rather than by parliament and some decisions were being made at gunpoint, he remarked. The Provisional Constitutional Order (PCO) judges were there before the suspension of the Punjab government and they are there after its restoration as well, Rashid added. He demanded Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States (US) should be called back for not arguing the case of the country in an effective way. The US could not succeed in Afghanistan without the help of Pakistani forces and agencies, Rashid underlined. He stressed the political parties should bring back the money their leadership had stashed in offshore accounts. To a question, Rashid said the reinstatement of the judges had been decided on March 13. online

Source: Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

I think Pakistan should take every possible effort immediatley to locate and terminate these indiviuals and the cells the are operating from.
One of the reason why extremism has entered in the society is mainly due to Soviet-Afghan war...where Jihad was only consisted of real war fighting. Now the Jihad is turned into human blow up bombs by the extremists.
One of the reason why extremism has entered in the society is mainly due to Soviet-Afghan war...where Jihad was only consisted of real war fighting. Now the Jihad is turned into human blow up bombs by the extremists.

And one should wonder why is it being incorporated in Pakistan society with the suicide bomber?

It is more of al queda's idelogy and the talibans have become sympathizers to them, yet the ISI and Pakistan Army is letting these idealogy pass in the system. The question is Why?
One of the reason why extremism has entered in the society is mainly due to Soviet-Afghan war...where Jihad was only consisted of real war fighting. Now the Jihad is turned into human blow up bombs by the extremists.
Dog is now after the masters...Now master has to find the cure or poison it, before it more bark and bite or it found another master..
As many as 300 suicide attackers are present in the country and if they are not controlled, large-scale disaster may hit the country, Awami Muslim League (AML) chief Sheikh Rashid Ahmad said on Sunday.

And he has this information because ?
Let's have the anatomy of suicide bomber/attacks:

It has been established that all suicide bombers were young foreigners (Afghans, Hazara, Uzbeks) of age below 20! without any proven religous connection or knowledge of even basic Islam.
On the other hand govt. and media is trying to create an image that all attacks are religiously motivated, for no officially announced reason!
If we calculate, those 17 years old suicide bombers would have been 9 years old in 2001!
Where as since 2001, Pakistan society had become more liberal and literate than in past, and in last elections people have rejected religiously oriented political parties. I believe, Pakistan is inherently not a religious state.
Than how come! Suddenly a religious militia dropped from heaven which knows all the classified info. about every thing in every corner of our country.
They killed our engineers at HMC Wah, they attacked on FIA offices around Pakistan, they attacked on ISI head quarters, they attacked on airforce staff and their children, they attacked on army camps, check posts, they even killed an army doctor general who was running a research work in west. They kidnap highly trained soldiers; they even tried to kill an ex-President of Pakistan and managed to kill one ex-PM, without any notable trace.
They destroy gas pipelines and electric towers in Baluchistan, mosques & girl schools in NWFP, hotels, foreigners and security posts in capital, cricket team and police head quarter in Lahore
I must say history of their acts does not reflect that it is an uncivilized militia group settled in wild north.
Who is providing all the required intelligence, which need investement of billions of USD and years of time.

Now you may ask questions!

Nice Try Batman but all suicide bombers are wahabies Not shias so this honor goes to your friends Arabs and there puppies not hazaras.
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