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Suicide Bombers For Sale

I think this is a sensitive issue n perhaps i shouldnt be saying anything.
But i ve something to say....Russian revolution took place when highly educated russians had no jobs.They all looked towards communists n eventually toppled the czar(inept autocratic rule) n established communism.
Widespread disillusionment with govt+madrassa education(i.e. not getting them jobs)+lure of money +lure of martyrdom...I think all these factors r involved.

What kind of job you possible get with a education from madrassah where the teacher himself is uneducated idiot there is absolutly no future for madrassha educated people.
And one should wonder why is it being incorporated in Pakistan society with the suicide bomber?

It is more of al queda's idelogy and the talibans have become sympathizers to them, yet the ISI and Pakistan Army is letting these idealogy pass in the system. The question is Why?

How exactly is the ISI and PA doing that?
As long as the Pakistani people and the Americans dont get serious about this war nothing good is really going to happen. The Pakistani public needs to rally behind the government and need to realize that these terrorists are not muslims, they are the biggest threat to Islam. The Americans need to support us, instead of demanding more they need to give us more resources to fight these terrorists. I always see Americans asking for more but i ask them what have they dont for us recently.
Why are you leaking out the top secret news?? :taz:

IB boss never allows any informer to disclose top secret matters. :rofl::rofl:

hmmm yea you may be right

there are few ****** people like col prohit and his band in Indian Army who support terrorism/extremism while remaining in government /establishment

or like Gen willium boykin ex undersecetry of states for intelligence in bush administeration who advocated hawkish anti muslim policies during his tenure :cheers:
I completely agree with you WebMaster sir, if russia would not had tried to invade afganistan, the situation would have been very opposite from today. :agree:

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