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Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

TTP was always present. Long before PDM came to power. TTP attacks had virtually come to a halt in the last years. Why are we today seeing an upsurge in such attacks? Even the Indian troll has asked the question. Be it in a taunting manner. It is a relevant question.

We have the answer to this question. PDM launda Bilawal is stirring the pot by making redline statements. This is exactly what Bajwa wanted. Bring back looters to position of power and appease the Americans. I wasn't crazy. I had already predicted this day because when you start appeasing the Americans you always sacrifice yourself. Here we are.

It is too late now. This is an old broken record. We have already seen it before and we are back to it.

1. An attack will happen.
2. Everyone will be angry and emotional.
3. Uncle Sam will offer meaningless words and assistance that will never come.
4. PDM boys will pray to God.
5. Repeat.

The million dollar question, are things going to spiral out of control?

There's gonna be more added dimensions to it now.

1. Expect TTP to use a more ethnic messaging

2. Expect more defense analysts and army fanboys to start blaming Imran Khan as being behind this.

3. The end game is to declare governor's rule in KPK so Imran Khan can be taken out.

4. Its not a coincidence that this occurred on the same day when Imran Khan is supposed to dissolve assemblies.
There's gonna be more added dimensions to it now.

1. Expect TTP to use a more ethnic messaging

2. Expect more defense analysts and army fanboys to start blaming Imran Khan as being behind this.

3. The end game is to declare governor's rule in KPK so Imran Khan can be taken out.

4. Its not a coincidence that this occurred on the same day when Imran Khan is supposed to dissolve assemblies.

100%. Let these PDM rascals cry rivers. They can plot and execute. Nothing will be left to plot and execute.
Back to the old days of instability I guess. Purana Pakistan.
Welcome back to Purana Pakistan

تمھیں یاد ھو کہ نہ یاد ھو

@ 1:56 ". . . and help towards a new IMF program"
@ 3:15 ". . . there is evidence [to indict OBL]. . . "

This vegetative person I wish stay alive for VERY long time


DG-C Faisal Naseer, THIS is your primary responsibility, to spy on terrorist activities inside the country (aka
Counterintelligence), you pathetic incompetent criminal

جب تم سکون سے سو رھے ھوتے ھو فیصل نصیر، تو یہ بھی اپنی جانیں دے کر تیرے سکون کا بندوبست کرتے ھیں
ایک گردان پکڑی ھوئی ھے


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But according to many top Posters here, Smuggling Allah ke Karam puri Qouwat se Jari aur Sari hai, with of course help from Phak Bhooj and FC. They don't need to launch Attacks on innocent civilians, there are certain type of People who live close to Pak-Afghan border who will smuggle anything and everything for their Afghan Biraathers because they share the same culture/language, and they even smuggling the Khud Kuss Bambaaar as well.
Its not just smuggling but easy dollar handling in even Pakistani market. These people are criminals, and only few people in Pakistan take them as mujahideens, where as they actually are not.
TTP was always present. Long before PDM came to power. TTP attacks had virtually come to a halt in the last years. Why are we today seeing an upsurge in such attacks? Even the Indian troll has asked the question. Be it in a taunting manner. It is a relevant question.
Because of the change in government in Afghanistan their capabilities have enhanced, simple. Pretty sure this was being said since the fall of Kabul that this would happen, just search here on PDF and you'll see threads where this was being said.
TTP now has a base where it can operate untouched, contrary to popular belief US Drone strikes were critical in making sure the TTP kept themselves sheltered, instead they now operate openly from Afghan soil.
They also have had major manpower increases, which are even going on as we speak, through merging with splinters with Afghan Taliban officials playing a role in this. They had their high level leadership get set free when the Afghan Taliban opened the jails and let everyone out. Most notable of which was Maulvi Faqir who Pak tried to target in a surgical strike a couple months ago, shows how much of a HVT he was and he was let off scot free.
Then you got the glut of military arms which are all over Afghanistan, TTP has access to large caches of weapons as well as most importantly, optics, thermals and explosives etc...
So combine all of these things and you got your recipe for a resurgence which no fence alone is going to stop, only the combined layers of defense i.e intelligence, Military, Paramilitary, CTD, Police and so much more can help stymie the resurgence.
Where are the folks now who were pinning the blame on PTI for KPK. Now this happens in Islamabad, ye bi PTI ne kia hai BC!? Hafiz sb giving blowjobs to Rana Sana it seems, baqi kisi kaam pr focus nahi hai.
Because of the change in government in Afghanistan their capabilities have enhanced, simple. Pretty sure this was being said since the fall of Kabul that this would happen, just search here on PDF and you'll see threads where this was being said.
TTP now has a base where it can operate untouched, contrary to popular belief US Drone strikes were critical in making sure the TTP kept themselves sheltered, instead they now operate openly from Afghan soil.
They also have had major manpower increases, which are even going on as we speak, through merging with splinters with Afghan Taliban officials playing a role in this. They had their high level leadership get set free when the Afghan Taliban opened the jails and let everyone out. Most notable of which was Maulvi Faqir who Pak tried to target in a surgical strike a couple months ago, shows how much of a HVT he was and he was let off scot free.
Then you got the glut of military arms which are all over Afghanistan, TTP has access to large caches of weapons as well as most importantly, optics, thermals and explosives etc...
So combine all of these things and you got your recipe for a resurgence which no fence alone is going to stop, only the combined layers of defense i.e intelligence, Military, Paramilitary, CTD, Police and so much more can help stymie the resurgence.

It doesn't require colossal resources to carry out such attacks. It still doesn't explain why TTP decided to attack now rather than previously. TTP didn't disappear. They were always present.

This was expected now since a stooge PDM government is put in place by Bajwa to set forth the US appeasement agenda. Bilawal is often on a US tour to hand out explanations. Meanwhile TTP has a license to go after Pakistan. Somehow I have seen this script before.
Its not a coincidence that this occurred on the same day when Imran Khan is supposed to dissolve assemblies.
Not everything revolves around him I hope you realize. The more plausible explanation is that today is Friday and it is pertinent to note that the blast occurred 2 hours before Juma prayer, it's yet to be ascertained as to what the target was but I imagine it to be a Friday Prayer congregation.
Where are the folks now who were pinning the blame on PTI for KPK. Now this happens in Islamabad, ye bi PTI ne kia hai BC!? Hafiz sb giving blowjobs to Rana Sana it seems, baqi kisi kaam pr focus nahi hai.

They are all quiet. They don't have any answers. Well, you reap what you sow. I don't expect these incompetent fools to resolve this matter anytime soon. I expect the worst outcome.
TTP didn't disappear. They were always present.
TTP disintegrated after being pushed out of Pakistan, most left to join ISKP and there was major infighting, what prevented them from completely dissolving was the Afghan Taliban's decision to aid them, they provided them legitimacy and crutches to stand on. After that they slowly reorganized themselves and their most rapid reorganization came post fall of Afghanistan where the capability enhancements occurred as I mentioned in my earlier post.
TTP disintegrated after being pushed out of Pakistan, most left to join ISKP and there was major infighting, what prevented them from completely dissolving was the Afghan Taliban's decision to aid them, they provided them legitimacy and crutches to stand on. After that they slowly reorganized themselves and their most rapid reorganization came post fall of Afghanistan where the capability enhancements occurred as I mentioned in my earlier post.

The TTP didn't go anywhere. They were always present. They are only activated when needed. This is an opportune time. Hence the TTP are back.
The TTP didn't go anywhere. They were always present. They are only activated when needed. This is an opportune time. Hence the TTP are back.

Noor Maseed reunited all the TTP factions after TTP got severely weakened due to infighting

I don't expect army fanboys to know this LMAO.
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