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Sufia Akram and their vision for Pakistan


I think the issue would've been better served had these people been identified as Muslims philosophers and thinkers, instead of any sub group or sect etc.

As can be noticed the discussion got derailed right from the start as drawing a circle around a tree not only highlights that tree but also separates it from the rest of the forest.

I think most of these people identified primarily as followers of Muhammad saaw - who have been named Muslims by Allah.

The command and purpose of the message is - and our objective as Muslims should be - to follow the Sirat e Mustaqim. So why choose any other name than the one chosen for us by Allah Azawajal Himself?

The discussion can be more flavourful and focused if the subject were about Muslim philosophers and thinkers.

May Allah Subhana Wata'la guide us all to the Sirat e Mustaqim and forgive our shortcomings.



Ghulami mein na Kaam ati hen shamseerain na tadbeeren
Jo ho zouq e yakeen paida tou kat jaatein hen zanjeerein

In servitude/slavery neither swords nor strategies can help
It is only when the true desire for certitude and purpose is attained, that the chains may be broken

This is my favourite one. It means that the inner battle must be won before any meaningful results can achieved.

Pakistan, and Muslims in general, are recovering from a long period of decline and decay. The effects of prolonged servitude are generational and a few more years in the desert may be needed before Muslims are allowed to reach the 'promised land'. There are many Samiris and many Golden Calfs that we must rid ourselves of first.

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Please share some advice given to us by Sufia Akram and our pious ancestors for the direction which Pakistan should take or will take. I will share some anecdotes to begin the conversation.

If you disagree with Sufism or the statements of Sufi scholars, please keep your opinions out of this thread. It is meant for knowledge and not bickering back and forth.


Allama Iqbal's vision for the strong Muslim


Tulu e Islam


The secret of life is hidden in your breast—then tell it;
Tell the Muslims the account of the burning and re‐making of life.


The goal of the Muslim lies beyond the blue sky;
You are the caravan, which the stars follow as dust on the road.


Space is transient; its inhabitants are transitory, but the beginning of time is yours; its end is yours.
You are the final message of God; you are eternal.



Muhammad Iqbal considered Turkey a good example for modern Muslim states. In The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, he writes:

“The truth is that among the Muslim nations of today, Turkey alone has shaken off its dogmatic slumber, and attained to self-consciousness. She alone has claimed her right of intellectual freedom; she alone has passed from the ideal to the real – a transition which entails keen intellectual and moral struggle”.

“Such is the lot of most Muslim countries today. They are mechanically repeating old values, whereas the Turk is on the way to creating new values. He has passed through great experiences which have revealed his deeper self to him. In him life has begun to move, change, and amplify, giving birth to new desires, bringing new difficulties and suggesting new interpretations”.



Predictions of Niamatullah Shah Wali


35. The Christians [British] will leave the India but before doing so, they will sow the life-taking discord among the populace.
36. India will be divided into two countries and for this reason the blood of humans will run. Destruction and anarchy will rule beyond imagination.

37. A lot of Muslims will leave their homes due to the wrath of the Hindus. They will migrate. The dignity and honor of Muslims will be in ruins. Their women and girls will be kidnapped.
38. Muslims will be in peace in the area of their forefathers. After Punishment and problems, their destiny will appear.(21)

39. The banner of Islam will be the prominent for 23 years. Then divine punishment will come upon them.
40. Their own land will become narrow for them. Destruction and anarchy will become their destiny.(22)
41. After their destruction. Allah will send blessings, victory and help from neighbors.(23)
42. An army of Mongols (24) will come from North to help. Iran and Turkey will help too.(25)

47. This Sword of the Lion of Ali (Sher-e-Ali or Sher-Ali) will wipe off the deniers. He will be the supporter of the religion of Muhammad S.A.W. He will be the protector of the country.(30)
48. There will be a great war in between him and the other. No doubt a large population will be killed.
49. The King of the western Part will be the victor on the basis of his weaponry. The defeat of the denier nation will be beyond anyone's imagination.(31)
50. Islam will rule in India for 40 Years, then will come the anti-Christ [Dajjal] from the city of Asfahan.(32)
51. Listen Carefully, I explain to you that to destroy this anti-Christ [Dajjal] Isa (Yesu / Yeshua/ Jesus) will come and Imam [leader] of Last Era, Mahdi, will appear.

Urdu http://spiritual-pakistan-future.blogspot.com/2011/01/800-years-predictions-hazrat-naimat.html

English with explanations http://spiritual-pakistan-future.blogspot.com/2011/04/english-translation-of-800-years.html


Allama Mashriqi's predictions


Mashriqi issued another monumental warning at a public gathering at Minto Park (nowIqbal Park) in 1956:

“Ye Muslims! Today from this platform I sound you a warning. Listen carefully and ponder. Sometime inthe future, probably in 1970, you will be confronted with a perilous situation. In 1970—I see it clearly—thenation will be stormed from all sides. The internal situation would have deteriorated gravely. A panic ofwidespread bloodshed will sweep the nation. The frenzy of racial and provincial prejudices will grip thewhole country. Zindabad and murdabad will defean your ears. Plans will be initiated to dismember the country. Take it from me that in 1970, Pakistan will be plagued with a grave threat to its sovereignty. You might actually lose it if the reigns of the country were not in the hands of courageous and unrelenting leadership…I warn you to prepare from now to face the situation which will emerge in that year.”



@OsmanAli98 @Signalian @Wa Muhammada @Azadkashmir @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Dewaneh @KhalaiMakhlooq Tag any others who may be interested.

Thanks for posting this thread of Pakistani heroes who sadly are known for "cult of personalities" we need to know more about our heroes and past leaders from their original manuscripts

I’m sorry these were all great people but I can’t agree with some Sufi traditions. Especially excessive Qabarestan and Dargah visiting.

When I was younger I been to those shrines in Kasur and in Lahore My father made sure not to worship the shrine or grave but dua but I use to malangs some geniune some not but some people do jahil but many are aware of this

Agreed brother, but let’s stay on topic.

At least you can see in the creation of Pakistan, the vision of Allama Iqbal was very important. Let us start from there.

We need to push Allama Iqbal as a soft culture push he is our national poet and leader he is well known in Academic circles in Europe and in Iran post 1979 many Iranian leaders praise "Iqbal Lahori" and can quote Iqbal works than a average Pakistani

Love Sir Allama Iqbal, their teaching and vision can create the foundation for an Islamic Union. Great personality

Can you share more sayings of Allama Iqbal regarding Nation and unity please

Unlike these "moulvi" types he is more releastic and I think he would have prefer a regional block of Iran,Turkey, and South Asia as a start
Rasool Pak sallallahu alaihiwasaalam permitted visit of graves because we don't visit a stone but the person of Allah almighty. This is permitted in Islam. We visit to give Salaam. Do dua. Remember death. It's like stopping a person if he/she visit their parent grave frequently or visit the grave of the great Allama Iqbal or Qaida Azzam.

The only issue I have is jahil people give the Muslims a bad name, they have no idea why they visit the graveyard or how they should visit, and how they should behave.
The Muslims needs to gain some education. This is same as how people do the ritual of hajj, so much jahhalat and don't forget people visiting Masjids. The things you see it gives Muslims a bad name

True we need to understand this

He was of Kashmiri brahmin ancestry. Settled in Lahore and hence became known as Iqbal Lahori in Iran.

Iqbal was the first Pakistani as Quaid was a student of him in the same way as a murad and his mureed. Quaid e Azam was fulfilling the vision of Allama Iqbal with the tenacity and perseverance that only he could muster.

Please don't derail the thread. Thanks.

He was Kashmiri not Indian lol

This website is a great resource as it has English translations of his work.

Shikwa/Complaint (of the Believer) and Jawab e Shikwa/Answer to the Complaint (by Allah swt) are great. As is Iblis ki Majlis e Shura.

Click the titles, I have hyperlinked the poems.

Thanks for the link

I think the issue would've been better served had these people been identified as Muslims philosophers and thinkers, instead of any sub group or sect etc.

As can be noticed the discussion got derailed right from the start as drawing a circle around a tree not only highlights that tree but also separates it from the rest of the forest.

I think most of these people identified primarily as followers of Muhammad saaw - who have been named Muslims by Allah.

The command and purpose of the message is - and our objective as Muslims should be - to follow the Sirat e Mustaqim. So why choose any other name than the one chosen for us by Allah Azawajal Himself?

The discussion can be more flavourful and focused if the subject were about Muslim philosophers and thinkers.

May Allah Subhana Wata'la guide us all to the Sirat e Mustaqim and forgive our shortcomings.

Yes, you are right brother and I did so very practically to keep the discussion focused on Sufi teachers/sages without turning this into a general discussion about Islam.

I want this to be about personalities and their wise words for the coming generation and not a religious discussion as that is banned by forum rules.

If people can listen to Nostradamus or other so-called seers from other cultures, we Pakistanis and Muslims should also explore in our own what our elders warned us about and the advice they gave to us.

Nice dua. Ameen.

Thanks for posting this thread of Pakistani heroes who sadly are known for "cult of personalities" we need to know more about our heroes and past leaders from their original manuscripts

Exactly brother. We should see what they have to say about our time and even some poets from similar cultures like Turkey, for example Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Yunus Emre, and Said Nursi.
“Such is the lot of most Muslim countries today. They are mechanically repeating old values,

This is indeed the core of the problem. Most of the "purists" fail to understand that Islam is a progressive deen. The difference of opinion has been welcomed and the creation of new values as per the necessity of the day and age has kept the spirit of Islam alive till today.

Sticking to the olden ways is not gonna get us ahead in difficult times. Today, some go so far even to say that since Sahaba (R.A) changed their way of life on a dime, we could do it too (الا يعوذ بالله). Comparing our sinful selves to those people of Allah, who spent time in the vicinity of the physical presence of beloved of Allah (SAW), and received direct Faiz, is an outrageous absurdity. Because of the said Faiz they received and are still receiving, their minds were accelerated to a higher plane of understanding, the comprehension of which requires the glasses of Tasawwuf. The door of Faiz and guidance is still open. Murshid is the conduit for receiving these treasures. How much the Mureed can take, is up to his/her passion.
This is indeed the core of the problem. Most of the "purists" fail to understand that Islam is a progressive deen. The difference of opinion has been welcomed and the creation of new values as per the necessity of the day and age has kept the spirit of Islam alive till today.

Sticking to the olden ways is not gonna get us ahead in difficult times. Today, some go so far even to say that since Sahaba (R.A) changed their way of life on a dime, we could do it too (الا يعوذ بالله). Comparing our sinful selves to those people of Allah, who spent time in the vicinity of the physical presence of beloved of Allah (SAW), and received direct Faiz, is an outrageous absurdity. Because of the said Faiz they received and are still receiving, their minds were accelerated to a higher plane of understanding, the comprehension of which requires the glasses of Tasawwuf. The door of Faiz and guidance is still open. Murshid is the conduit for receiving these treasures. How much the Mureed can take, is up to his/her passion.

Thank you brother for the gems of wisdom. The stagnation of Islamic thought must end.

Even if you read the first poem of Jalaluddin Rumi in Masnavi about the Reed which is cut off from the source, floats down the river, and yearns to back to its divine origin and also his metaphor of life in this world for a believer like a bird in a cage longing for his home.

We are all walking through life seeking His wisdom and His light. Otherwise we would be completely blind.
We regard Iqbal as Sufi poet most of us.
But he was also a great philosopher.
Some of his Philosophical master pieces are taught( in Arabic ) at Egypt's universities like Al Azhar Univesity.

I know a Guy Sayedi Egyptian - ( supporters of Akwan brotherhood in Egypt )
He asked me once, Do you know Mohammed Iqbal?
I thought he was talking about some random Pakistani guy in CRC project.
I said nop, i never had idea he is talking about Allama Mohammed Iqbal.
Then he showed me his picture. He said He has studied Iqbal and his Vision is breaking barriers of narrow scopes defined by sects. He is one of greatest philosophers of all time.
Thank you brother for the gems of wisdom. The stagnation of Islamic thought must end.

Even if you read the first poem of Jalaluddin Rumi in Masnavi about the Reed which is cut off from the source, floats down the river, and yearns to back to its divine origin and also his metaphor of life in this world for a believer like a bird in a cage longing for his home.

We are all walking through life seeking His wisdom and His light. Otherwise we would be completely blind.

This stagnation of thought itself is darkness which has been looming over the ummah for quite some time now due to the absence of that light. Now is the time to stop lying to ourselves.


Give me that wine whose light illuminates life’s mind,
whose heat burns up the veils of hidden things,

May the heat that burns in the hearts of few, light up the hearts of many for it is his promise that;

وَ قُلْ جَآءَالْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَطِلُ، إِنَّ الْبَطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا
And say, “Truth (light) has come, and falsehood (darkness) has perished. Indeed falsehood (darkness), [by its nature], is ever perishing/bound to perish. (Al-Isra - 17:81)
Great post! There is great wisdom in these sayings, not only when you read them but when you think about them after woulds. Thanks. Keep it up
They said about ghazwa e hind , but we lost east Pakistan as well. It didn't happen as said angels will come to help Pakistan muslims in war when we were doing jihad. But I appreciate them they talked about peace too.
Great post! There is great wisdom in these sayings, not only when you read them but when you think about them after woulds. Thanks. Keep it up

Pakistan’s Sufi heritage is our hidden gold mine which gives us light to see in times when it is difficult to make sense of anything.

We now have a leader, Imran Khan, who is fully learned and invested in Sufia Akram, especially through his wife.

It is refreshing to see Pakistan finally find its direction and regain its vision.

They said about ghazwa e hind , but we lost east Pakistan as well. It didn't happen as said angels will come to help Pakistan muslims in war when we were doing jihad. But I appreciate them they talked about peace too.

1971 had many hidden blessings which we are only now learning to appreciate. It sharpened our vision and allowed us to completely cut from India.

Future war, if imposed on us by India, will be very difficult for the Indian state due to its increasing internal divisions.

“Nothing happens to a believer but is good for him. If he suffers misfortune, his sins are forgiven if he remains patient, and if he gains victory in dunya, then that in itself is a blessing for him.” -hadith of Rasool SAW

We must adopt this optimistic and lively outlook on life which he saws had.
Hhmm... interesting topic.
Gonna read all the replies later but just gonna tell you all that if you people want to study Islamic Eschatology (the study of end times) then watch Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein. This sheikh’s lecture are truly eye opening.
Here are the links to his:


And if you want to read his books

And if u want to help this sheikh financially then you can also buy his books from
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