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Sudarshan News TV Report: Hindu Muslim riots are On in West Bengal

And the hindu goons killed thousands and raped more? and babri mosque was demolished and court gave a decision in favour of the hindus and nobody was punished? or should i alreadu remind one of how the same hindu goons with help from the indian army burnt down Samjuta Express killing hundreds of Pakistanis.... indeed secular india at its best.

I see you are an Elite Member......Sorry to say this bro the bolded part tells your knowledge about india...... If you do not know the subject properly the best you can do is keep quiet.... Thats what i do when i see shias being killed for what ever reason because my knowledge in that subject is limited..... But again.... Its my opinion..... you can disagree with me
Farooq Abdullah, former CM of J&K who has married a Christian, rejoiced at the marriage of his son Umar with a Hindu girl. But when his daughter married a Hindu boy, he disowned her. Is he the icon of secularism?
UN Charter says that minority means less than 10% of the population. How can Muslims, who are nearly 14% in India be called a minority?

They want to be called so.. it gives dividends to more ppl than Muslims alone.

Farooq Abdullah, former CM of J&K who has married a Christian, rejoiced at the marriage of his son Umar with a Hindu girl. But when his daughter married a Hindu boy, he disowned her. Is he the icon of secularism?

Maybe he didnt like the son in law ? Like all fathers do..
Good Lord! You're a Pakistani and you don't know WTF is happening out there between the Shias and Sunnis? Living in a state of denial as usual? Read this...

Special Report: Pakistan's threat within - the Sunni-Shia divide

You got it wrong friend.... they are not worried about what is happening home.... but looking thru the window to the neighbor's house to find anything bad happening there.... and if they see something they jump in joy but forget that their own house is burning.... (this is my take on this)
Farooq Abdullah, former CM of J&K who has married a Christian, rejoiced at the marriage of his son Umar with a Hindu girl. But when his daughter married a Hindu boy, he disowned her. Is he the icon of secularism?


Now you are playing like a broken tape.I have aversion for leftist/congress and am still find this monologue creepy.What effect it would be having on a congi? The person would be rejoicing as you are affirming his/her stereotype of a uni-dimensional right winger.
Send all Muslim rioters to Pakistan. Send all Hindu rioters to Pakistan. Send Sonia and MMS to Pakistan together with 70% of our corrupt officials and politicians. Send all those bollywood actors to Pakistan. Send all maoists to Pakistan. Do what Fidel Castro did. He sent all trouble makers in Cuba to the USA. We don't need boats. All we need is a hole in the fence across the borders. In return, we will accept Hina Rabbani Khar :D
I belong to a district where more then 45% are muslims, so don''t tell me about most muslims nature.
Don't come and cry when people defend them self. like they defended in Gujrat, assam etc.

And what majority of your people are doing by having the access of internet ??

Dude, don't you know??? It is via the internet we find excuses to create more trouble. Like the video against islam, I watched it on YOUTUBE and then was protesting. See we make good use of technology LOL
What are you so afraid of? why so defensive?

@WebMaster Kindly close this and delete this thread.

We can discuss it after things get into control.

Stop crying you sissy indian.

@seiko He is a false flagger. He started this thread. You and I know who is trying this. I have PMed Mods and mentioned them.

They will come with excuse that we can't be available every time. Open one Anti-Muslim thread, they will close it quickly.
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Dude, don't you know??? It is via the internet we find excuses to create more trouble. Like the video against islam, I watched it on YOUTUBE and then was protesting. See we make good use of technology LOL

Yeah that wat exactly he was saying ....You made yourself as an example for his post... People misuse these medias sooo badly that govts resort in blocking sites like Youtube......
Yeah that wat exactly he was saying ....You made yourself as an example for his post... People misuse these medias sooo badly that govts resort in blocking sites like Youtube......
It's called sarcasm. And not everyone in a country is insane. I am well aware of the flaws with my country and don't feel the need to hide them. They are what they are, but I do believe that Pakistan can and will improve.
It's called sarcasm. And not everyone in a country is insane. I am well aware of the flaws with my country and don't feel the need to hide them. They are what they are, but I do believe that Pakistan can and will improve.

I cant agree with you more!!!!!!! :cheers: (but my reply was not only on pakistan.... i said Governments.......It was in general)
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