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Sudarshan News TV Report: Hindu Muslim riots are On in West Bengal

@seiko He is a false flagger. He started this thread. You and I know who is trying this. I have PMed Mods and mentioned them.

They will come with excuse that we can't be available every time. Open one Anti-Muslim thread, they will close it quickly.
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Feeling pity ? You really need to feel pity for rest also. Because just look at them. poor guys, sharing a majority in crimes, good % in jail etc etc. Man you really need to feel pity for them.
having Hindu like me, i have to go to protests in against corruption . Being Hindu like me, have to prepare for IAS/PCS, so we can do something better for country..
but being muslims like them, do nothing , enjoy the liberty on majority tax paid money. do riots..

Riots are for those who can not use their minds.
For me, after clearing grad. i'm going to try for PCS, So i can shoot such elements.

You should think about your side..

That is not a very good motivation to prepare for IAS/PCS.You would be ratted out in interview.
If Muslims are minorities in Maharashtra, UP,Bihar, etc., are Hindus not minorities in J&K, Mizoram,Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, etc?. Why are Hindus denied minority rights in these States?

Another Pakistani :lol:, these guys even don't know how to masquerade.
Why post-Godhra is blown out of proportion, when no-one talks of the ethnic cleansing of 4 lakh Hindus from Kashmir?

In 1947, when India was partitioned, the Hindu population in Pakistan was about 24%. Today it is not even 1%. In 1947, the Hindu population in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was 30%. Today it is about 7%. What happened to the missing Hindus? Do Hindus have human rights or not?
Stand together. Don't let anyone cause any problem in our country like they did last time.
Abdul Rehman Antuley was made a trustee of the famous Siddhi Vinayak Temple in Prabhadevi, Mumbai. Can a Hindu - say Mulayam or Laloo - ever become a trustee of a Masjid or Madrassa?

@Rangila Shut tthe fcuk up. No need of these pathetic statement. Muslims are our brother. Don't generalize.

I say this because Jon Asad said hindus started riots....
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@KRAIT @seiko

He cannot be a false flagger.He carries flag of andorra which is like having an address of caymen island just for tax purpose.

It is flag for troll purpose.

Do not take his statements on facevalue guys.. Like I said, they are trying to create hatred among us.. Think wise.. Act Wise..
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And the hindu goons killed thousands and raped more? and babri mosque was demolished and court gave a decision in favour of the hindus and nobody was punished? or should i alreadu remind one of how the same hindu goons with help from the indian army burnt down Samjuta Express killing hundreds of Pakistanis.... indeed secular india at its best.

So many factual lies in just three sentences - Amazing.
@Rangila, if you are not a false flagger, then listen to me...

You do not have to proove your religions tolerations and positiveness to any one of here..

As Indians we have first hand experience to that..

And if you are trying to give lecture to the Pakistanis, it is a waste mate.. They won't listen.. rather they don't wanna know..
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