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Sudan blames Israel for military factory explosion


Why would Israel even bomb Sudan? God. Some terrorist dudes might have done it. Or maybe the factory wasnt following safety procedures who knows.

Although, if Israel bombed the factory because it was producing arms and smuggling them into Gaza, only to be used against Israel then yeah, they did the right thing.

It is clearly mentioned Israeli airstrikes caused an explosion at a military factory....and its not ground attack......second thing Israel has history doing such things, don't forget about Iraq....When Israel sent fighters to destroy Iraq's nuclear facility in 1980's.
Even now in South Sudan which has been separated due to US and Israel join dirty hand.....you can see lot of Israeilis there in South Sudan.

Sudan accuses Israel of bombing military factory, talks of “inside job”

October 24, 2012 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government has blamed an Israeli airstrike for the explosion of a military factory in the capital Khartoum on Tuesday, warning that it reserves the right to respond while Tel Aviv maintained the usual silence in response to the charge.


Sudanese demonstrators hold banners and chant anti-Israeli slogans during a protest in Khartoum on October 24, 2012, as the Sudanese cabinet prepared to hold an urgent meeting regarding the Israeli missile strike that hit a military factory. Sudan has accused Israel of the attack and has threatened to take action.

Sudan minister of media, Ahmad Bilal Osman, made the charge during a press conference held in Khartoum on Wednesday, saying Khartoum has evidences of Tel Aviv involvement in the destruction of Al-Yarmook factory in the southern of suburbs of Khartoum at midnight.

Officials in Khartoum initially dismissed the existence of a hostile action behind the incident which spread panic in the capital, saying it was caused by an internal and accidental factor despite rumors by citizens about sounds of rockets prior to the explosion.

According to Osman, a team of technicians confirmed after examining the residues of the weapons used in the strike that there are compelling evidences indicating that the attack was executed by Israeli weapons. He vowed that Sudan will not remain silent and reserves the right to respond at the right time and place.

Meanwhile, Israel declined to confirm or deny Sudan accusations as was the case when Khartoum accused Tel Aviv before of standing behind two airstrikes in 2011 and 2009 in eastern Sudan against suspected activities of smuggling arms to the Gaza strip which is controlled by the Islamic militant group Hamas.

The Sudanese minister said that their accusation against the Jewish state did not come out of thin air but was based on evidences and accounts of eye witnesses confirming that four planes that entered the country from the east had destroyed factory using high technology that jammed radars at Khartoum airport.

Osman dismissed the possibility that neighboring South Sudan or internal rebel groups were behind the attack saying only Israel has the kind of high technology with which the attack was carried out.

He said that the Israelis previously expressed their concern about the factory because they think it threatens their security. But he strongly denied that the factory was being used for the production of advanced and nuclear weapons.

The minister further said that Israel decided to destroy the factory based upon incorrect intelligence that Al-Yarmook was producing advanced weapons as was the case in the two attacks in eastern Sudan. He insisted that the factory only used to produce small and traditional arms.

Sudanese authorities shut down the opposition-affiliated Ray Al-Sha’b newspaper in May 2010 after it published a report talking about the construction of an Iranian weapon factory in Sudan as part of military cooperation between the two countries to produce nuclear weapons.

Osman said that Sudan intends to file an official complaint to the UN Security Council (UNSC), and also told the BBC that his country is planning more decisive action against Israeli interests saying they are legitimate targets.

Later on, Sudan envoy to the UNSC Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman reported the accusation to the council’s 6851st meeting, saying his country expects the UNSC to condemn the alleged aggression because it represents a violation of the UN principles and threatens peace and security in the region. The envoy later said he intends to submit a written complaint against Tel Aviv.

The minister of media said in his press conference in Khartoum that 60 percent of Al-Yarmook ammunition factory was completely destroyed while 40 percent was partially destroyed. He revealed that the government had plans to relocate the factory to an area outside of the capital “but the Israelis knew this and decided to attack preemptively”

Sudan talks of army infiltration behind Israeli attack

Meanwhile, the spokesperson of the Sudanese army (SAF), Al-Sawarmi Khalid Saad, suggested in the same press conference that an internal infiltration in the army could be responsible for facilitating the Israeli attack.

“Sudan is not in isolation from foreign plots and there could be an inside job and infiltration. This is normal in any army in the world” he stated.

Some Sudanese websites carried rumors late on Wednesday that a senior army officer was arrested from his house in Khartoum but this could not be independently verified.

h/t: EoZ
now even sudan hates israel , israel will start getting more explosions soon , there agressive , vicious attitude and stance is making everyone hate them , there so lucky USA is behind them
Dear just check the record then you will find the results, even your sitting army chief has been blamed, and many have been court martailed and removed from service:partay:

So yeah, action has been taken against them. They have been court martialed and it serves them right.

It is clearly mentioned Israeli airstrikes caused an explosion at a military factory....and its not ground attack......second thing Israel has history doing such things, don't forget about Iraq....When Israel sent fighters to destroy Iraq's nuclear facility in 1980's.
Even now in South Sudan which has been separated due to US and Israel join dirty hand.....you can see lot of Israelis there in South Sudan.

I dont know what the history is between Sudan and Israel. But if arms and ammunition produced in Sudan are being smuggled into Gaza only to be used against Israel, and then Israel retaliating with airstrikes to cause more collateral damage, I guess its better to cut it off at the source. And if that is the case I support the Israeli strikes.

As for the Osirak strike, they were 200% right in doing that. The reason I say this is because during the Gulf War, when Iraq invaded Kuwait and the US went in, Iraq BOMBED Israel. God knows what they would have done if they had a nuke on their hands. Cuz frankly a nuke used on Israel means not just the destruction of Israel, but all surrounding countries. Many more muslims would die from such an attack. They would have held the whole region to ransom AFTER they invaded another country and violated their sovereignty. Israel effectively destroyed that capability. All hail their foresight.
now even sudan hates israel , israel will start getting more explosions soon , there agressive , vicious attitude and stance is making everyone hate them , there so lucky USA is behind them
First of all I am very glad, that these genocide makers hate us.
Second of all they hated us since long time ago and were a major route for Iranian rockes to Gaza for years.
First of all I am very glad, that these genocide makers hate us.
Second of all they hated us since long time ago and were a major route for Iranian rockes to Gaza for years.

That may be true.

I am just curious as to how did they do it?

Gaza can only be supplied through land routes of Egypt or Israel.

And Sudanese air power is no match of Israel, so air-supplies are going to be very difficult.

just curious.

First of all I am very glad, that these genocide makers hate us.
Second of all they hated us since long time ago and were a major route for Iranian rockes to Gaza for years.

I don't think any body loves you ( jews ) even common americans hates you because of your policies
So yeah, action has been taken against them. They have been court martialed and it serves them right.

I dont know what the history is between Sudan and Israel. But if arms and ammunition produced in Sudan are being smuggled into Gaza only to be used against Israel, and then Israel retaliating with airstrikes to cause more collateral damage, I guess its better to cut it off at the source. And if that is the case I support the Israeli strikes.

As for the Osirak strike, they were 200% right in doing that. The reason I say this is because during the Gulf War, when Iraq invaded Kuwait and the US went in, Iraq BOMBED Israel. God knows what they would have done if they had a nuke on their hands. Cuz frankly a nuke used on Israel means not just the destruction of Israel, but all surrounding countries. Many more muslims would die from such an attack. They would have held the whole region to ransom AFTER they invaded another country and violated their sovereignty. Israel effectively destroyed that capability. All hail their foresight.

Don't worry for Muslims if anybody tries to destroy Israel and asks life sacrifice from 1.8 Billion Muslims i don't think a single person of them will refuse for this holly purpose
Don't worry for Muslims if anybody tries to destroy Israel and asks life sacrifice from 1.8 Billion Muslims i don't think a single person of them will refuse for this holly purpose

Sure. What you dont realize is, that is your whole problem.

The Jews invest in living, developing and moving forward.

You propose investing in death and destruction. Of Jews. Thats why muslims in that region suffer. Because they buy into such nonsensical ideologies. Ever thought about coexisting?

You are telling me that 1.8 billion muslim lives are worth being destroyed, because of hatred. Speak for yourself, maybe even go and give up your life. What else can you do with a person that has no vision for his own future or his country or his people?
This factory was built by Iranian IRCG, now they will be forced to build another one spending tens of millions. :whistle:

Figures, terrorist activity is applauded in the Zionazi homeland. :rolleyes:

That may be true.

I am just curious as to how did they do it?

Gaza can only be supplied through land routes of Egypt or Israel.

And Sudanese air power is no match of Israel, so air-supplies are going to be very difficult.

just curious.


That is because they do not think before they act. Shoot first ask questions later or never in fact.
I don't think any body loves you ( jews ) even common americans hates you because of your policies

Hey not all Jews are bad I happen to have a couple of Jewish friends, just the Zionazis are the scourge of humanity.

Besides a wish list does Sudan have any other reason to justify their claim of an Israeli strike ?

Than why doesn't the Zionazis deny it, their silence is admission. Besides who else is known for unannounced acts of aggression in the Middle east against sovereign nations?
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