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Sudan blames Israel for military factory explosion

Ok let you Indians( who have killed more than one million muslims since partition ) teach us the human values , because you are more educated than us ( mullah,s ) , just check your actual state chankia policy ( baghal main churi moun say raam raam ) is it the real value of human life, even nehru refused to enforce UNO resolution which were adopted on your own request because it was you Indian who take up this issue in UNO, this is the character of your leader he who does not followed his own words

First read the UNO resolution first, its PAK who didnt follow, and misinformed its population that India dont, in fact its PAK. read it you know the reality,

Information is now available everywhere and not 50's
Sudan can bomb civilians , which is the perfect weapon for muslims be hamas , Al quida or any other but started crying fool when others started killing their civilians.

If any civilian killed in Israeli strike you whole started crying fool but when Hamas rockets kill civilians you people joy and justify.

Remember SUDAN? when Muslims killing non muslims people by everything , all muslims trying to protect Sudan muslims citing muslims cant do this and that ?

Sudan has long history of killing other people.
First read the UNO resolution first, its PAK who didnt follow, and misinformed its population that India dont, in fact its PAK. read it you know the reality,

Information is now available everywhere and not 50's

Dear i will onece again suggest you to check the UNO resolution ENFORCEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT and than tell me your findings:girl_wacko:
Sudan can bomb civilians , which is the perfect weapon for muslims be hamas , Al quida or any other but started crying fool when others started killing their civilians.

If any civilian killed in Israeli strike you whole started crying fool but when Hamas rockets kill civilians you people joy and justify.

Remember SUDAN? when Muslims killing non muslims people by everything , all muslims trying to protect Sudan muslims citing muslims cant do this and that ?

Sudan has long history of killing other people.
Nice joke thanx for it:P
:woot: wow , I wont be surprised even if you said that Sudan is more technically advance then US/Russia/China and has more planes then US /Russia/China combined.

You people justify killing all other religion people around the world and when they try to defence then started crying fool.

Its is PAK terrorist to Stuck MUMBAI and not Indian terrorist who stuck Karachi coming from boat, so stop spreading misinformation and lie.

We are saves to Humanity and define /modify religion on the basis of Human and not directed by few people who says if SUN rises from west then everyone started saying because their holy people said sun rises from west.
So world should learn human values from those who kills civilians daily because those civilians are criminals and their crime is that they are Muslims, and Muslims has no right to live in this world because as some one said ( in difficult times we does not make DONKEYS father ) like some one did USA after USSR:coffee:
i did not read replies but i want to make a comment on the incident to clear few things.

1- Sudan (basheer regime) is an ally of iran, he sent sudani mercenaries to fight against Saudi Arabia with iranian militias of houthi in northern yemen.

2- since iran is allied with (basheer) they supplied him with air defence equipment, but Israeli jets went there completely unchallenged and bombed the targets like if they were in exercise, this shows what sort of defence capabilities the iranians have to stop any air strike.

3- i can't shed a tear for basheer regime's, since he allied with Saddam and tried to stab us in the back, now he is allying with iran and trying to stab us in the back again, not to mention he sent militants to kill Saudi citizens on the southern borders with the iranians.

Some people might not like my words, but it is the painful reality and nothing more.
Nice joke thanx for it:P

remember DAFUR ????? read it .. you will the real truth and not self made fantasy story.

Dear i will onece again suggest you to check the UNO resolution ENFORCEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT and than tell me your findings:girl_wacko:

yes read it ,

First Step:
1) Removing PAK troops from Kashmir ( Did PAK removed troop) NO, then no question arises to move into 2nd step........
So world should learn human values from those who kills civilians daily because those civilians are criminals and their crime is that they are Muslims, and Muslims has no right to live in this world because as some one said ( in difficult times we does not make DONKEYS father ) like some one did USA after USSR:coffee:

yes , Terrorist kills HUman and Terrorist got support/Fund everything from majority of muslims countries.

Like Imam live in UK and ask for Islam law and said Allah is big then Christen god in UK and live peacefully , can anyone live muslims country as say Christen law in islamic country and live any day to see? No .... from this one can understand human value. ?
remember DAFUR ????? read it .. you will the real truth and not self made fantasy story.

yes read it ,

First Step:
1) Removing PAK troops from Kashmir ( Did PAK removed troop) NO, then no question arises to move into 2nd step........

Mr. i think u have a physiological problem ;), o mr. mind blind :angry: i am not asking you to read UNO resolution :hitwall:, i am asking you to read the report of UNO resolution enforcement committee which was formed to implication of the UNO resolution on Kashmir , I think UNO ppls are more reliable then you and they know better what was agreed in UNO...............
yes , Terrorist kills HUman and Terrorist got support/Fund everything from majority of muslims countries.

Like Imam live in UK and ask for Islam law and said Allah is big then Christen god in UK and live peacefully , can anyone live muslims country as say Christen law in islamic country and live any day to see? No .... from this one can understand human value. ?

Indian Army killing civilian Kashmiries , So what are they??? ANGELS, No Imam,s have asked to impose Islamic Law in UK, Instead they asks Muslims to follow Islamic laws in their personal life, and i am telling you one thing UK govt. has established Sharia courts in UK...

Islamic sharia courts in Britain are now 'legally binding'
09:10 GMT, 15 September 2008

Islamic sharia law courts in Britain are exploiting a little-known legal clause to make their verdicts officially binding under UK law in cases including divorce, financial disputes and even domestic violence.
A new network of courts in five major cities is hearing cases where Muslims involved agree to be bound by traditional sharia law, and under the 1996 Arbitration Act the court's decisions can then be enforced by the county courts or the High Court.
Officials behind the new system claim to have dealt with more than 100 cases since last summer, including six involving domestic violence which is a criminal rather than civil offence, and said they hoped to take over growing numbers of 'smaller' criminal cases in future.

News | Mail Online
Ah well. I apologize, I misread.

But then again, what you said doesnt make sense. If those 1.8 billion population includes educated folks, what use is it if you sacrifice them? It was you that said, we are ready to die. All of us. And if all the educated folks wanna die too, then they are as good as uneducated. That is not justice by any means. That is injustice to say the least.

Think about it this way. Would you rather have these arms smuggled into Gaza and then used against Israel, only for Israel to retaliate and conduct air strikes that will definitely result in collateral damage, or would you prefer to avoid all of that nonsense and cut it off at the source? I would prefer the latter, so what Israel did in this case was right.

That's like saying someone with a college education should be banned from joining the army. what im saying is each and every one of us of their own free will, not my wish, have values of justice inside of them. Forget muslims, every sane human with a sense of right and wrong should fight against israel's crimes. I dont support hamas or hezbollah or whatever, i only support the women and chuildren that are dying and people who are getting the homes buldozed and becoming slaves on their own lands in settlements
Hahaha just look back in 2008 so called mumbai attacks by militants on india the brave indian forces took 3 days to fight with 10 peoples with dozens of your COMMANDOS killed, you are like that child who falls coincidentally and blames of his neighbor :P

Oh please stop with all the nonsense. The 2008 attacks took 72 hours because the NSG wasnt stationed in Mumbai. Agreed it was an intelligence failure, but after the troops landed they did a good job of flushing out the terrorists. And in action there are always bound to be casualties

Dude just check the report of UNO resolution enforcement committee report :sick:

The UN resolution was just posted a day back. The full text of it. Pakistan did not contest the resolution in the UN, but when the committee met, they refused to everything and till date they havent satisfied the pre-conditions for the plebiscite. And I am sick of repeating this over and over again to all the brainwashed folk on PDF.

Oh please stop with all the nonsense. The 2008 attacks took 72 hours because the NSG wasnt stationed in Mumbai. Agreed it was an intelligence failure, but after the troops landed they did a good job of flushing out the terrorists. And in action there are always bound to be casualties
Dear is your NSG are stationed in Shimla or Khandala to enjoy picnic, every country deploys their best forces in important cities, why not India, it is a blunder of your policy makers that they did not tried to secure their back bone city:help:
So yeah, action has been taken against them. They have been court martialed and it serves them right.

I dont know what the history is between Sudan and Israel. But if arms and ammunition produced in Sudan are being smuggled into Gaza only to be used against Israel, and then Israel retaliating with airstrikes to cause more collateral damage, I guess its better to cut it off at the source. And if that is the case I support the Israeli strikes.

As for the Osirak strike, they were 200% right in doing that. The reason I say this is because during the Gulf War, when Iraq invaded Kuwait and the US went in, Iraq BOMBED Israel. God knows what they would have done if they had a nuke on their hands. Cuz frankly a nuke used on Israel means not just the destruction of Israel, but all surrounding countries. Many more muslims would die from such an attack. They would have held the whole region to ransom AFTER they invaded another country and violated their sovereignty. Israel effectively destroyed that capability. All hail their foresight.

You must support Isreal....after all she is your helping country even to destroy Pakistani nuclear facilities, and they were landed in Jammu Kashmir to attack on Pakistan's nuclear facilities....and when Pakistani official warns them they run away.....
Second thing you must read the history of Isreal, do they really have the right to claim that land which was given to them just because Hitlter was killing them.
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