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Submarine launched ballistic missile ready for production

But the UKG is considering replacing the Tridents with newer version in the next decade from the US and I have not heard about any issues wrt the MTCR and this sale definately happen AFTER the MTCR is in place!

Only qualms I heard have been about the price to the UK.

It's the submarines that are going to be replaced, not the missiles. The missiles will be in service till 2042, after a life extension program. The Vanguard class subs that carry the trident missiles will need replacement, since they are nearing the end of their service lives.

Successor to the British Trident system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's the submarines that are going to be replaced, not the missiles. The missiles will be in service till 2042, after a life extension program. The Vanguard class subs that carry the trident missiles will need replacement, since they are nearing the end of their service lives.

Successor to the British Trident system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ah my bad! It is stupid then that they refer to "replacing the trident system" when it is the SSBNs and not the Trident missiles they are replacing!

+ does that mean post 2042 (or prior) the UK will have to devlop their own SLBM because of the MTCR?
Ah my bad! It is stupid then that they refer to "replacing the trident system" when it is the SSBNs and not the Trident missiles they are replacing!

+ does that mean post 2042 (or prior) the UK will have to devlop their own SLBM because of the MTCR?

The trident SYSTEM refers to a lot of things, including the missiles, subs and everything else. In fact, the trident system is the UK's only nuclear deterrent. So in a way they are right, because other than the missiles, everything else in the trident "system" will be replaced.

2042 is a long time away, we don't know whether voluntary agreements like the MTCR will still have validity, or even relevance at that time. Even if it is still in force, that is plenty of time for the brits to develop a missile of their own.
Its still not clear who discovered water first, NASA or otherwise. But for the benefit of doubt, lets say India is the one that discovered water on the moon, would that be the greatest achievement in the Indian space program? But I guess you guys should be proud as India can do something that Zimbabwe can't do.

India's Moon Impact Probe discovered water first...learn to use google first....
Sir, since when are SLBMs launched from moving SSBNs?

At least Delta IV SSBNs can fire missiles while moving, according to wiki.

The Delta IV submarines employs the D-9RM launch system and carries 16 R-29RMU Sineva liquid-fueled missiles which each carry four independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs). Unlike previous modifications, the Delta IV submarine is able to fire missiles in any direction from a constant course in a circular sector. The underwater firing of the ballistic missiles can be conducted at a depth of 55 meters while cruising at a speed of 6-7 knots. All the missiles can be fired in a single salvo.
At least Delta IV SSBNs can fire missiles while moving, according to wiki.


because Arihant cannot fire the missiles while in motion, there is probably no benefit of testing the missile from Arihant itself. Congrats to India as the first country to put a SLBM in production without first test fire it from a sub. This is something that Americans are not capable of doing because we are not capable have full understanding of the actual performance of a SLBM until test it. But appearantly, India has no need to test the missile from a sub before declare the missile operational.
because Arihant cannot fire the missiles while in motion, there is probably no benefit of testing the missile from Arihant itself. Congrats to India as the first country to put a SLBM in production without first test fire it from a sub. This is something that Americans are not capable of doing because we are not capable have full understanding of the actual performance of a SLBM until test it. But appearantly, India has no need to test the missile from a sub before declare the missile operational.

Keep your calm buddy, India will not operationalize it before testing it from a submarine. Can you give me your assessment on how different would the datas be, if an SLBM is test on a submereged silos's/plantoons or from an SSBN.
Keep your calm buddy, India will not operationalize it before testing it from a submarine. Can you give me your assessment on how different would the datas be, if an SLBM is test on a submereged silos's/plantoons or from an SSBN.
he dont a technology called simulations.
Its still not clear who discovered water first, NASA or otherwise. But for the benefit of doubt, lets say India is the one that discovered water on the moon, would that be the greatest achievement in the Indian space program? But I guess you guys should be proud as India can do something that Zimbabwe can't do.

it is not NASA or China despite having advance space program then india, Its ISRO(India) who discover water.... poor Indians can done things which advance countries can't.
it is not NASA or China despite having advance space program then india, Its ISRO(India) who discover water.... poor Indians can done things which advance countries can't.
Dude, Chandrayaan carried NASA's device that found water on the moon. Kindly read about it. :D

But the main achievement was Indian mission was fraction of typical moon mission of NASA. It was appreciated even by US scientists for Indian optimization.
because Arihant cannot fire the missiles while in motion, there is probably no benefit of testing the missile from Arihant itself. Congrats to India as the first country to put a SLBM in production without first test fire it from a sub. This is something that Americans are not capable of doing because we are not capable have full understanding of the actual performance of a SLBM until test it. But appearantly, India has no need to test the missile from a sub before declare the missile operational.

How can you say that Arihant cannot fire missile while in motion? did you conducted test yet in advance on arihant ?

Their is a thing called simulation, Missile uses Launcher which is launched under same conditions as in sea and same launcher will be fit in submarine.

You belong to community , which can only believe a bullet can kill a man when you test on yourself to get killed.
Its still not clear who discovered water first, NASA or otherwise. But for the benefit of doubt, lets say India is the one that discovered water on the moon, would that be the greatest achievement in the Indian space program? But I guess you guys should be proud as India can do something that Zimbabwe can't do.
No, NASA found out with its Mapper on board of Chandrayaan.

NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper, or M3, instrument reported the observations. M3 was carried into space on Oct. 22, 2008, aboard the Indian Space Research Organization's Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. Data from the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer, or VIMS, on NASA's Cassini spacecraft, and the High-Resolution Infrared Imaging Spectrometer on NASA's Epoxi spacecraft contributed to confirmation of the finding. The spacecraft imaging spectrometers made it possible to map lunar water more effectively than ever before.

NASA - NASA Instruments Reveal Water Molecules on Lunar Surface
Dude, Chandrayaan carried NASA's device that found water on the moon. Kindly read about it. :D

But the main achievement was Indian mission was fraction of typical moon mission of NASA. It was appreciated even by US scientists for Indian optimization.

BANGALORE: Indian Space Research Organisation may have stolen the thunder of discovering water on the Moon.

ISRO found water on moon 10 months ago
The Moon Impact Probe on Chandrayaan-I appears to have sensed water earlier than Nasa's Moon Minerolgy Mapper (M3) but protocol did not allow ISRO to declare the discovery. While MIP detected water molecules on November 14, 2008, just 22 days after Chandrayaan-1's launch, M3 did so in March 2009.
ISRO found water on moon 10 months ago - The Economic Times
BANGALORE: Indian Space Research Organisation may have stolen the thunder of discovering water on the Moon.

ISRO found water on moon 10 months ago
The Moon Impact Probe on Chandrayaan-I appears to have sensed water earlier than Nasa's Moon Minerolgy Mapper (M3) but protocol did not allow ISRO to declare the discovery. While MIP detected water molecules on November 14, 2008, just 22 days after Chandrayaan-1's launch, M3 did so in March 2009.
ISRO found water on moon 10 months ago - The Economic Times
Thanks buddy. Didn't know this.
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