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Submarine launched ballistic missile ready for production

That's exactly the reason why you are an Entertainer...

Where would we be, without these Chinese clowns to provide us entertainment?


Who knows, we might even get a warning or two if we are lucky.

Now when the tests are done from arihant, he will say that without a video it didn't really happen. Although their media never releases any info to them, and even when they do, its a grainy video from a cell phone that was probably superimposed from some Hollywood movie. This is how their official state media fools their own people:

Video: Chinese Broadcaster CCTV Tries to Pass Off

BBC News - China TV 'substitutes Top Gun for air force footage'

Since we don't use Hollywood footage to pass of as "indigenous development", we will need to show off each stage of our development properly. Each success and each failure. So that when something fails, we can engage in constructive criticism, and Chinese can come here and make fun. And when something succeeds, we know our strengths and our future course of development, and Chinese can come here and belittle it. Who cares, they can keep warning us with their Hollywood missiles till the cows come home. The joke is on those clowns.
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so its not just the Indian media, but average Indians like to count the chicken before they are hatched. As demonstrated by the Indian members here.

To me, the first test is not done until its tested from a moving SSBN.

ya we do and we love it ! makes easy for making inventory !

and you also have guts to tell other nation person about slbm , when you don't have them yourself ! is it an inferiority complex , cause if it is you have my sympathies bro ! :)
Where would we be, without these Chinese clowns to provide us entertainment?


Who knows, we might even get a warning or two if we are lucky.

Now when the tests are done from arihant, he will say that without a video it didn't really happen. Although their media never releases any info to them, and even when they do, its a grainy video from a cell phone that was probably superimposed from some Hollywood movie. This is how their official state media fools their own people:

Video: Chinese Broadcaster CCTV Tries to Pass Off

BBC News - China TV 'substitutes Top Gun for air force footage'

Since we don't use Hollywood footage to pass of as "indigenous development", we will need to show off each stage of our development properly. Each success and each failure. So that when something fails, we can engage in constructive criticism, and Chinese can come here and make fun. And when something succeeds, we know our strengths and our future course of development, and Chinese can come here and belittle it. Who cares, they can keep warning us with their Hollywood missiles till the cows come home. The joke is on those clowns.

The problem is many Indian members take these two bit clowns seriously and get banned trying to reply them in their coin, I personally find the slaves very funny and knowing that they are out earning their living via propaganda dont take them seriously.. advice to all Indians..just laugh them off and dont bother replying to them.
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Sir, since when are SLBMs launched from moving SSBNs?

Even by watching some hollywood movies, a novice like me got to know of the terms like "Zero Bubble" ...
"Periscope Depth" .... "Keel Depth" ..... the Chinese SSBN's fire their missiles while in full speed ... a la modern battle tank .... also their TELARS also fire ICBMs while on speed driving along 16 lane super smooth Chinese expressways... don't u know?
Sir, since when are SLBMs launched from moving SSBNs?

How dare you ask question from Chinese, Do you forget China can do anything which no one can. If he says that means china can launch missile from submarine running at 30 knots deep under sea.

Dont suspect china technology.
@faithfulguy: If ur stunn on the response from the Indian side and are unable to gauge what went wrong with ur last comment, I will spell it out to u. "NO SUBMARINE CAN LAUNCH ITS VLS WHILE IN MOTION". I know living upto the mythological Chinese IQ is bit difficult but trying to achieving something which never existed is almost insanity.
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kṣamā;3744415 said:
@faithfulguy: If ur stunn on the response from the Indian side and are unable to gauge what went wrong with ur last comment, I will spell it out to u. "NO SUBMARINE CAN LAUNCH ITS VLS WHILE IN MOTION". I know living upto the mythological Chinese IQ is bit difficult but trying to achieving something which never existed is almost insanity.

That is not true, Bulava can launch its missiles while moving. So please get up to date on technology.
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Flank speed launches are not probable AFAIK, but at low speeds (<= 5knots or close to 10km/hr) SLBM launches are very much possible. Regardless, this news is a very good indicator that India can pull off SLBM launches from the Arihant platform in the near future. Keep the champagne bottles ready gentlemen .
so its not just the Indian media, but average Indians like to count the chicken before they are hatched. As demonstrated by the Indian members here.

To me, the first test is not done until its tested from a moving SSBN.

Nobody is saying its inducted. And nobody is counting chickens but we do count eggs baby :rofl:

Yes it won't be inducted before testing from Sub. But your posts are like it's never gona happen. So chill and wait :D
That is not true, Bulava can launch its missiles while moving. So please get up to date on technology.
Bulava is Missile and not submarine...:)) need to join school again ....... what a Chinese knowledge.... wonder someday you start calling cycle a ship.

This clearly proves you came here with no knowledge ,just write you imaginations.... so better use thing imagination to think that you become Bill Gates or Tom C. which will be better for us.
Bulava is Missile and not submarine...:)) need to join school again ....... what a Chinese knowledge.... wonder someday you start calling cycle a ship.

This clearly proves you came here with no knowledge ,just write you imaginations.... so better use thing imagination to think that you become Bill Gates or Tom C. which will be better for us.

I know that Bulava is a missile. And it can be launch while the sub is moving. Is India consider buying the sub that launches Bulava? Sorry, not for sale.

Flank speed launches are not probable AFAIK, but at low speeds (<= 5knots or close to 10km/hr) SLBM launches are very much possible. Regardless, this news is a very good indicator that India can pull off SLBM launches from the Arihant platform in the near future. Keep the champagne bottles ready gentlemen .

Lets wait for the success of the test before popping the champagne. The test could fail as this is the first test from the sub. Also, Russia, US and China lost its first generation nuclear sub before so the odds are not good with India build subs

Nobody is saying its inducted. And nobody is counting chickens but we do count eggs baby :rofl:

Yes it won't be inducted before testing from Sub. But your posts are like it's never gona happen. So chill and wait :D

I never said that it won't happen. I just won't jump up and down before its a reality.
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