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Submarine bases are for the navy.

This part is nice:

We all know what lax definition that can entail when it comes to BD. 10 years later the "process" can still be starting.


Plus what is BD definition of frigate? Also remains to be seen. I don't believe a thing your govt says by default till I see clear evidence (just look at your JF-17 "deal" you lot were all jumping up and down about...and now its on the cooler as usual lol). SHW is only there to make sure enough BD people hate each other and punching bag is softened up and kept warm for us should we need to flex a bit on it.
The same applies to Indian efforts bro. :lol:. But with some Chinese help, I believe we can accelerate this process.

I am very certain China will do a Gwadar in Bangladesh. Then India will be flanked by two Chinese bases operated jointly with both host countries.

Wait till the next elections, Sri Lanka will be the final nail in the coffin.
there is nothing to be worried about his number.....
actually this 162,000 is the core strength only..... this is the army that is kept ready in peacetime to build the base of the army that would fight a war if required.... this 162,000 is not the fighting army; its the skeleton.... to calculate the size of the fighting army, please add 6,100,000 Ansars as well..... also the BGD and some other paramilitary members...

not sure who appointed you to create division between Bangladesh and Indonesia, when the two countries are geopolitically aligned and looking for some very important roles to play together throughout the Indian Ocean Rim....

i merely speak of my opinion as a person and have not grandeur delusional to be spokeperson of my respective Country. Regardless of what i am said here, there is no illwill on my heart toward ordinary Bd citizen and have no intention to create such what you claim it is.
So all the claims of Bangladeshi Army alone and that too only active soldiers to be around 250000 were wrong. You really need much bigger Army and also Air Force
Currently 162,000 in active duty.But soon, it will be more than 200,000 as, a new division is under formation which will commence it's journey perhaps in the next year as well as strengthening of two newly formed division.(formed in 2013 and 2016)

If we accept Pakistan as a benchmark and settle for half of the troops strength of Pakistan army(550,000 active) then we need to raise it at 275,000. After completion of 10 division, it will be 73% of that amount.Not that bad for now at least.
Currently 162,000 in active duty.But soon, it will be more than 200,000 as, a new division is under formation which will commence it's journey perhaps in the next year as well as strengthening of two newly formed division.(formed in 2013 and 2016)

If we accept Pakistan as a benchmark and settle for half of the troops strength of Pakistan army(550,000 active) then we need to raise it at 275,000. After completion of 10 division, it will be 73% of that amount.Not that bad for now at least.
Right now not that but issue is your one neighbor which is Mayanmar has more than 400000 Active Army alone and in later years as Hasina is not there and a Government comes which doesn't approve of India you may face massive trouble there also so not only you technology and latest weapons but you also need large numbers of soldiers and weapons
Thanks for the laugh. Even Brahmaputa class is better armed than any frigate in your navy.

putting several types of electronics and armaments in one ship means there is little confidence in their readiness.... backup of backup of backup is required only when there's a reliability issue.... there's no point advertising such weaknesses....
please remember that example of lack of confidence in Indian Navy's ships don't get hidden behind any trolls...
especially if those electronics are made in India...

Meh... more plain BS.

''putting several types of electronics and armaments in one ship means there is little confidence in their readiness''

As if there is no need for multi-mission combatants.

especially if those electronics are made in India...

Indian made electronics have even been qualified & utilized for space application, so making one work on the seasis cake walk for us.

Come back when BD can produce one working weapon systems
Meh... more plain BS.

''putting several types of electronics and armaments in one ship means there is little confidence in their readiness''

As if there is no need for multi-mission combatants.

Indian made electronics have even been qualified & utilized for space application, so making one work on the seasis cake walk for us.

Come back when BD can produce one working weapon systems

when you can serve us, the only thing we should be worried about is quality....
get your quality improved, so that backup of backup of backup need not be carried....
such a large neighbor we have that can't produce a quality thing.... we feel ashamed for having a neighbor like that.... get up to date, man!
you didn't even learn the grammar.... oh, the British didn't teach you that?
don't worry.... a blind man doesn't have an enemy....

Genius, your post make zero sense. I said....

Even Brahmaputa class is better armed than any frigate in your navy.

To which you replied...

putting several types of electronics and armaments in one ship means there is little confidence in their readiness.... backup of backup of backup is required only when there's a reliability issue....

What relation do these two things have ?
right you are....
I am actually worried about your bigger brothers, who may struggle as well...
anyway, its not my mission to teach you....

Meh...you're no different from your compatriots in making ridiculous claims.

Here is it once more... If India arms the kolkata class with 16 Brahmos, does it imply that Indian navy has little confidence in their readiness of the Brahmos missile system ?

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