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Su-7B Fighter Bomber Documentary - MADE in the USSR

It was a proficient fighter jet indeed. It had quite a good record with Indian Air force during 71 war. Despite its very dismal dog-fighting capabilities, the Su-7 piloted by IAF pilots got 2 PAF fighters. It damaged 1 F-86 sabre and shot down 1 F-6(MiG-19 clone). Notably Indian Su-7s were operating without air to air missiles at that time. They had only Cannons and Air to Ground weaponry. In one such incident IAF Su-7 shot down a PAF MIG-19 without even jettisoning its fuel tanks.
Su-7 was also one of the most rugged fighter jet of its era. In a interesting incident during 71 war IAF SU-7 was hit by a Sidewinder. The explosion carried away half the rudder, the elevators, ailerons and flaps and were all heavily damaged. But it successfully returned back to base with pieces of the missile embedded in the tail and aft fuselage of the aircraft.
Not a single Su-7 was, in fact, lost to enemy air action, even though a number of aircraft were damaged in air combat.
Su-7 have played crucial role in the 1971 war, they were not given their true respect.
Thank you OP for opening this thread.:tup:
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