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Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

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was bored, browsing on my shiny new ipad; i saw this post by some shmuckheaded saffron on bharat-ratshak forum

On the topic of whether Bharat goes on short wars against pakhanis or becomes strong by avoiding war for another 15 years.

And then in a "Sau Sunar ki Ek Luhar ki" style launches nuke strike of 315 warheads averaging 150 kt each around 2025.

Now during these 15 years we can continue the growth of numbers in Armed Forces from 1.1 million to 3 millions as the population will be well over 1.5 billion by then, economy would have compounded in size too.

Testing Surya under name of Agni 6.5 or something. And then making a policy change of arming each destroyer, frigate, A/c Carrier and other amphibious ships with these ICBMs depending on the size from 4 to 10 missile each.

I'm sure silos are also being made right now deep under the many granite mountains Desh has. Now missiles buried in silos with radars and AAD, PAD and Aakash would be impregnable.

Once these 315 warheads have completed the "Agni Hom" of Pakhanastan the Navy can move in to take charge of Gwadar+Karachi ports.

None of former nation of pakhanastani's 3.5 friends will dare to move against Bharatvarsh armed to teeth with ICBMs on submarines, surface ships and super protected silos. (Imagine the fear of a single salted warhead exploding over NY or London.)

Now Russkies can move in from Ahaganasthan which both the nations can divide between ourselves. The oil and gas pipeline from Russia to Bharat supplies our energy hungry nation everything we need in those days of emergency.

While the world comes to terms with a Bharatvarsh stretching from Gwadar to Kanyakumari, by the 2040 many of western european countries, australia, NZ, Canada even US would make move to engage Desh again to reap the profits of connecting with "Forever Nation" to use Parag Tope ji's term!

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