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Study about the world view of Muslim countries

well the truth is that most turkish people aren't secular, its just that their government is secular. vast majority of turkish people i know believe in islam the same way i do and im from pakistan, like they stick with muslims instead of europe, the only people who try to say they are europeans are the alawis in turkey.

ok , but you made a statement on how armadas are growing and will overtake sunnis, so im just wondering where you got that from?
why are you indians such pathetic liars? lol
i mean if you going say **** like that you better have backing, and good always wins and evil loses? you think life is a bollywood movie?

so if sunnis win they are evil?
Can you not make stupid comments? Russian Empire and Ottomans each did cleansing of their respective Muslim populations and Orthodox Christian populations, Russia drove out and massacre Circassians and Ottomans did it to Orthodox Christians.. each side was backing Muslim and Orthodox Christian populations on the other side, Russia did not apologize for circassians.

You are the one making stupid comment. Read my comments carefully I am refuting a Turk who claim Armenians waging war against Ottoman. I cannot find evidence of high level insurgencies in Ottoman Armenia, that merit a genocide.

The Russian's ethnic cleansing is nowhere near Armenian genocide. That is the reason Russian Caucasus is still very much Muslim, even today. The entire Anatolian Christian not only Armenian, are completely wipe out. There is almost no Christian in Anatolia and Thrace today. There is a lot of Muslim in Russian empire, not only in Caucasus. Russian did not go to every village like the Muslim Turks did and murdered every single Christian until no one standing. And besides, there is a lot of rebellion of Muslim in Caucasus under Russian. Russian is not as wicked as Muslim Turks to Christians.

Today, only Turks can genocide and still deny. They have no shame. The Germans already apologize and repent their crimes.

Only Nazi can match Turks cruelty in ethnic cleansing.
I have not come across very high intensity insurgencies of Christians in Anatolia, that merit such total annihilation. Base on your argument, Rohingyas should be wipe out because they conduct insurgencies against Burmese. Probably Uyghur is a good candidate to be liquidated. Chechen another one.

Very few other than mad Nazi are up to Turkey's standard against minorities.

rohingyas were not involved in insurgency. thats an utter lie.
Relax, I am trolloing.. by the way ahmadis also consider mohamad to be a prophet but only not the last prophet.

Shahada only says that you need to consider allah as the only god and mohamad is his messenger. The quran was later amended that Mohamad is the last messenger to avoid other upstart prophet , like one guy called Mosulmin or something like that. By the way mohamad killed the guy who competed with him as a prophet.

genius. so when will you start your madrasa and teach your version of islam just like ahmadis?

if muhammad pbuh is a prophet, then his words are true. if his words are true, then he is the last one.

also musailima was killed long after the death of muhammad pbuh by the rashidun caliphate.

and Quran was amended, who did that genius?
genius. so when will you start your madrasa and teach your version of islam just like ahmadis?

if muhammad pbuh is a prophet, then his words are true. if his words are true, then he is the last one.

also musailima was killed long after the death of muhammad pbuh by the rashidun caliphate.

and Quran was amended, who did that genius?

quran was thought up by mohammed and he could rewrite , amend and do what he wished.
Go back and read more.

i know it well. at present there isnt any armed struggle in arakan by muslims. only rakhaine nationalist insurgency is active .

quran was thought up by mohammed and he could rewrite , amend and do what he wished.

so ahmadis believe that quran was written by Muhammad?

quran was thought up by mohammed and he could rewrite , amend and do what he wished.

so ahmadis believe that quran was written by Muhammad?
Rohingya conflict in Western Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Above link on Rohingyas insurgencies. Few Sunni Muslim group will stay quiet like some other tribe living as a minority. Sunni Muslim groups will almost wage Jihad upon perception of victimization at what Rohingyas are undergoing. The fact Rohingyas never wage insurgencies and keep quiet letting Buddhist cleanse them, can only occur in a dream.

Rohingyas did waged insurgencies but they have lost big time to Burmese counter insurgencies and a lot of separatist got wipe out. That is the reason that they can feign victim today. Right now, they are in contact with foreign Sunni Muslim groups and are preparing something big.

If their leaders can go to Burmese and told Burmese that they are going to be good boy, cease waging Jihad, work out a political solution, stay in Myanmar, I believe both party can work out something and move forward. Also, from what I have read in Myanmese chat room and blog, they are furious and what Bangladesh did to the Tibeto-Burmese tribe in Chittagong.
well the truth is that most turkish people aren't secular, its just that their government is secular. vast majority of turkish people i know believe in islam the same way i do and im from pakistan, like they stick with muslims instead of europe, the only people who try to say they are europeans are the alawis in turkey.

ok , but you made a statement on how armadas are growing and will overtake sunnis, so im just wondering where you got that from?
why are you indians such pathetic liars? lol
i mean if you going say **** like that you better have backing, and good always wins and evil loses? you think life is a bollywood movie?

The vast majority of Turks identify of course as Muslims but when only 12 % support Sharia, we can easily say that Turks are mainly secular in contrast to Pakistanis, who are mostly devout Muslims as, 84 % of you guys support the Sharia law. This study only shows that Muslims don't have the same world views and Turks and Pakistanis don't seem to be culturally similar though both are Muslims. The whole identity of most Pakistanis seems to be based on Islam while Turks are very proud of their pre-Islamic past and Ataturk. I have nothing against you guys but I don't think that we are culturally related to each other.
You are the one making stupid comment. Read my comments carefully I am refuting a Turk who claim Armenians waging war against Ottoman. I cannot find evidence of high level insurgencies in Ottoman Armenia, that merit a genocide.

The Russian's ethnic cleansing is nowhere near Armenian genocide. That is the reason Russian Caucasus is still very much Muslim, even today. The entire Anatolian Christian not only Armenian, are completely wipe out. There is almost no Christian in Anatolia and Thrace today. There is a lot of Muslim in Russian empire, not only in Caucasus. Russian did not go to every village like the Muslim Turks did and murdered every single Christian until no one standing. And besides, there is a lot of rebellion of Muslim in Caucasus under Russian. Russian is not as wicked as Muslim Turks to Christians.

Today, only Turks can genocide and still deny. They have no shame. The Germans already apologize and repent their crimes.

Only Nazi can match Turks cruelty in ethnic cleansing.

What kind of name do you have, and what it's to you what we did, that's non of your business, since when Singapore is so involved in our matters , I bet your false flagging or an Armenian.
The vast majority of Turks identify of course as Muslims but when only 12 % support Sharia, we can easily say that Turks are mainly secular in contrast to Pakistanis, who are mostly devout Muslims as, 84 % of you guys support the Sharia law. This study only shows that Muslims don't have the same world views and Turks and Pakistanis don't seem to be culturally similar though both are Muslims. The whole identity of most Pakistanis seems to be based on Islam while Turks are very proud of their pre-Islamic past and Ataturk. I have nothing against you guys but I don't think that we are culturally related to each other.

Which is very crucial thing

Turkey, most importantly has its own culture and history, which predates Islam and more importantly, Turkey is not based on "Not------" Ideology.
Relax, I am trolloing.. by the way ahmadis also consider mohamad to be a prophet but only not the last prophet.

Shahada only says that you need to consider allah as the only god and mohamad is his messenger. The quran was later amended that Mohamad is the last messenger to avoid other upstart prophet , like one guy called Mosulmin or something like that. By the way mohamad killed the guy who competed with him as a prophet.

My dear friend when quran is the word of Allah ( God ) when its written in quran their will be no more prophet and you still say their are prophets after , it means you are saying Allah is liar bcz he said their will be no more prophet
Now About the 2nd part as i said earlier i dont about the stuff which i dont know like your religion , it will be wrong for me to passing my judgement on you or any thing related to your religion now my advise for you is you should study a little about islam and then talk about these things
after Allah someone loved his people more then any one that was Holy prophet he cried every night for his people he gave his whole life for human beings so they can get back in touch with their creator you are talking about killing he never shouted on any one he never looked with hard eyes he was the kindest person even his enemies admit these qualties and you are saying that man killed a persom
even ahmadi muslims in pak and india have their own adat. ahmadi is growing due to it s peaceful nature and will overtake sunni extremism soon.

WTF is wrong with this faggot? Did he come outta the back instead of the front?
The vast majority of Turks identify of course as Muslims but when only 12 % support Sharia, we can easily say that Turks are mainly secular in contrast to Pakistanis, who are mostly devout Muslims as, 84 % of you guys support the Sharia law. This study only shows that Muslims don't have the same world views and Turks and Pakistanis don't seem to be culturally similar though both are Muslims. The whole identity of most Pakistanis seems to be based on Islam while Turks are very proud of their pre-Islamic past and Ataturk. I have nothing against you guys but I don't think that we are culturally related to each other.
turks are secular, but why are they secular? not because of their heritage, they were made secular. after all the caliphate was in turkey. in turkey and pakistan the culture of the people is similar, that doesn't mean how religious they are or something, in turkey they arranged marriages, so do we in pakistan ect. like honor or respect is a big deal in turkey just like pakistan.
if the turks weren't "FORCED" to westernise they wouldn't be secular as they are right now.
turkish culture today is based on islam not what they were before islam
we pakistanis have our culture besides our religion as well, for example im a punjabi and stick to punjabi traditions, so your saying that turkish people sticking to their language is something unique to you guys is just false,

just a quick question, what was turkish culture before islam took over? so i know what exactly you have to be proud of?
turks are secular, but why are they secular? not because of their heritage, they were made secular. after all the caliphate was in turkey. in turkey and pakistan the culture of the people is similar, that doesn't mean how religious they are or something, in turkey they arranged marriages, so do we in pakistan ect. like honor or respect is a big deal in turkey just like pakistan.
if the turks weren't "FORCED" to westernise they wouldn't be secular as they are right now.
turkish culture today is based on islam not what they were before islam
we pakistanis have our culture besides our religion as well, for example im a punjabi and stick to punjabi traditions, so your saying that turkish people sticking to their language is something unique to you guys is just false,

just a quick question, what was turkish culture before islam took over? so i know what exactly you have to be proud of?

Please don't talk so much if you don't know anything about the culture of Turkey. Turkish culture is not only based on Islam sorry. The Turkish culture is a mosaic of Western, Turkic and Islamic culture. We have a unique culture and we are also proud of that. Many Turks in Western Turkey would laugh at you know as this region in Turkey is a secular kemalist stronghold. Turks are proud of their pre-Islamic culture unlike you guys. It just shows that you don't have a clue about the culture of Turkish people if you think that we practice arranged marriages. We don't practice backward traditions like arranged marriages unlike you Pakistanis. We have arranged marriages yes but mostly in Kurdish regions like Southeastern Anatolia. What's so bad to be secular anyway? Secular states were and will be always more progressive than radical Islamic states like Pakistan.

Turks can be very proud about their pre-Islamic time. We build many empires and we had even our own alphabet

Göktürks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Old Turkic alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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