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Study about the world view of Muslim countries

Kazakh mix alot of their native tradition in their Adat (عادات‎‎ ) with Islam before they were annexed into the Russian empire. Many non-Arab Muslims, especially those peoples who were never part of a Muslim Empire have their own Adat with rules contrary to Islam. The Kazakhs were nomads when they converted and outside of the sedentary empires of Transoxania.

The Chechens were never conquered by the Ottomans, when they were converted they kept their own customs like forbidding cousin marriage up to the seventh generation. So if someone asked them it cousin marriage was allowed and compared it with Arabs, they would see a big difference in opinion.

The Minangkabau in Indonesia have their own adat. Their society is matrilineal and inheritance is passed on through the mother.

The Sultan of Yogyakarta in Indonesia appoints spirit guardians to perform rituals to keep the volcano spirits happy, and I'm pretty sure that isn't supposed to be part of Islam. Some Javanese also believe in the Goddess Nyai Roro Kidul.

Merapi volcano's 'spirit keeper' walks line between tradition and technology | World news | theguardian.com

Malays and Indonesians have their own Adat, Chechens have their Adat, Central asians have another Adat and they will contradict each other.

I have noticed that Turkic peoples are very casual when it comes to Islam. This is has nothing to do with the atheist Soviet union as Turkey is also mainly secular and we never belonged to the Soviet Union. Uzbeks and Uyghurs are the only exception as they seem to be culturally very Islamized. I thought that Indonesians were mostly secular Muslims but I couldn't see anything from it in that study. Most Indonesians seem to be conservative Muslims.
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistans have very similar conservative opinion .
I have noticed that Turkic peoples are very casual when it comes to Islam. This is has nothing to do with the atheist Soviet union as Turkey is also mainly secular and we never belonged to the Soviet Union. Uzbeks and Uyghurs are the only exception as they seem to be culturally very Islamized. I thought that Indonesians were mostly secular Muslims but I couldn't see anything from it in that study. Most Indonesians seem to be conservative Muslims.

I didn't mean keeping your adat mean you were secular, it just means they mixed their native beliefs in more. Not that they are less religious Chechens are very religious, but they still view cousin marriage as forbidden. Someone who believes in volcano spirits is obviously not secular.

Uzbeks and Uyghurs are both descended from the Karluks who founded the Kara-Khanid Khanate, and they were also both part of the Chagatai Khanate and their languages are desended from Karluk through Chagatai..

We have Salar people in Qinghai. They are very religious, and they are influenced by Chinese culture and language (like how Uzbeks are influenced by Persian culture and language). They are also sedentary and not nomadic.
I have noticed that Turkic peoples are very casual when it comes to Islam. This is has nothing to do with the atheist Soviet union as Turkey is also mainly secular and we never belonged to the Soviet Union. Uzbeks and Uyghurs are the only exception as they seem to be culturally very Islamized. I thought that Indonesians were mostly secular Muslims but I couldn't see anything from it in that study. Most Indonesians seem to be conservative Muslims.

This is due to Kemalism. And most importantly, the adoption of Latin has practically cut a large part of Turkey culture from Arabic influence and brought Turkey much closer and better access to western ideas. Turkey is a strange creature. It is secular and yet it conducted the biggest genocide "Armenian genocide" within the Islamic civilization.

Today, there are still Christians in Levant and Egypt. There is almost no Christian in Turkey.
This is due to Kemalism. And most importantly, the adoption of Latin has practically cut a large part of Turkey culture from Arabic influence and brought Turkey much closer and better access to western ideas. Turkey is a strange creature. It is secular and yet it conducted the biggest genocide "Armenian genocide" within the Islamic civilization.

Today, there are still Christians in Levant and Egypt. There is almost no Christian in Turkey.

Armenians were not the only ones who were killed in the Turkish-Armenian conflict as many Turks were also killed by Armenians. The war between Turks and Armenians was mostly ethnically. Lebanese people no matter if Christian or Muslim have the same language and the same genes.
even ahmadi muslims in pak and india have their own adat. ahmadi is growing due to it s peaceful nature and will overtake sunni extremism soon.

Dude let me tell you a thing about my self i dont talk about the stuff which i dont know , bcz i have no knowledge of that my belief is Every human has the right to decide whats good for him and no one cant make someone join islam by force even if says the word but he wont be muslim Now Since You said Sunni extremism I dont know what is that up to my knowledge their is nothing in quran releated to Sunni Shia wahabi islam says be a good human and follow what is in quran and hadits of holy prophet
And about ahmadi Muslim when someone convert to islam or becomes Muslim the 1st thing he says their is no one except Allah and Holy prophet is the prophet of Allah now in a Verse of Quran
"In My Ummah (Islamic Nation), there shall be born Thirty Grand Liars (Dajjals), each of whom will claim to be a prophet, But I am the Last Prophet; there is No Prophet after Me. (Abu Dawood Vol 2 p. 228; Tirmidhi Vol 2 p.45)" [1]
In the verse its pretty much clear their will be no more prophet if someones believes that their is some other prophet then hes not muslim and adats got nothing to do with islam
I have noticed that Turkic peoples are very casual when it comes to Islam. This is has nothing to do with the atheist Soviet union as Turkey is also mainly secular and we never belonged to the Soviet Union. Uzbeks and Uyghurs are the only exception as they seem to be culturally very Islamized. I thought that Indonesians were mostly secular Muslims but I couldn't see anything from it in that study. Most Indonesians seem to be conservative Muslims.

Possibly because they were never ruled by Arabs, so Islam was always an addition complimenting the Turkish culture, rather then a replacement for it, as which happened with others under Arab rule.
I have noticed that Turkic peoples are very casual when it comes to Islam. This is has nothing to do with the atheist Soviet union as Turkey is also mainly secular and we never belonged to the Soviet Union. Uzbeks and Uyghurs are the only exception as they seem to be culturally very Islamized. I thought that Indonesians were mostly secular Muslims but I couldn't see anything from it in that study. Most Indonesians seem to be conservative Muslims.

Credits go to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. When the Ottoman Empire was high on its heels, Islam was everything for them.
Armenians were not the only ones who were killed in the Turkish-Armenian conflict as many Turks were also killed by Armenians. The war between Turks and Armenians was mostly ethnically. Lebanese people no matter if Christian or Muslim have the same language and the same genes.

I have not come across very high intensity insurgencies of Christians in Anatolia, that merit such total annihilation. Base on your argument, Rohingyas should be wipe out because they conduct insurgencies against Burmese. Probably Uyghur is a good candidate to be liquidated. Chechen another one.

Very few other than mad Nazi are up to Turkey's standard against minorities.
Dude let me tell you a thing about my self i dont talk about the stuff which i dont know , bcz i have no knowledge of that my belief is Every human has the right to decide whats good for him and no one cant make someone join islam by force even if says the word but he wont be muslim Now Since You said Sunni extremism I dont know what is that up to my knowledge their is nothing in quran releated to Sunni Shia wahabi islam says be a good human and follow what is in quran and hadits of holy prophet
And about ahmadi Muslim when someone convert to islam or becomes Muslim the 1st thing he says their is no one except Allah and Holy prophet is the prophet of Allah now in a Verse of Quran

In the verse its pretty much clear their will be no more prophet if someones believes that their is some other prophet then hes not muslim and adats got nothing to do with islam

Relax, I am trolloing.. by the way ahmadis also consider mohamad to be a prophet but only not the last prophet.

Shahada only says that you need to consider allah as the only god and mohamad is his messenger. The quran was later amended that Mohamad is the last messenger to avoid other upstart prophet , like one guy called Mosulmin or something like that. By the way mohamad killed the guy who competed with him as a prophet.
even ahmadi muslims in pak and india have their own adat. ahmadi is growing due to it s peaceful nature and will overtake sunni extremism soon.

really? i didnt know that lol
so how did you figure out that ahmadi is growing or if they would "soon" overtake sunnis?

I have noticed that Turkic peoples are very casual when it comes to Islam. This is has nothing to do with the atheist Soviet union as Turkey is also mainly secular and we never belonged to the Soviet Union. Uzbeks and Uyghurs are the only exception as they seem to be culturally very Islamized. I thought that Indonesians were mostly secular Muslims but I couldn't see anything from it in that study. Most Indonesians seem to be conservative Muslims.

well the reason turkey is secular is no secret, i mean ataturk literally shoved it down peoples throats and eventually people just accepted it.
I have not come across very high intensity insurgencies of Christians in Anatolia, that merit such total annihilation. Base on your argument, Rohingyas should be wipe out because they conduct insurgencies against Burmese. Probably Uyghur is a good candidate to be liquidated. Chechen another one.

Very few other than mad Nazi are up to Turkey's standard against minorities.

Can you not make stupid comments? Russian Empire and Ottomans each did cleansing of their respective Muslim populations and Orthodox Christian populations, Russia drove out and massacre Circassians and Ottomans did it to Orthodox Christians.. each side was backing Muslim and Orthodox Christian populations on the other side, Russia did not apologize for circassians.
really? i didnt know that lol
so how did you figure out that ahmadi is growing or if they would "soon" overtake sunnis?

well the reason turkey is secular is no secret, i mean ataturk literally shoved it down peoples throats and eventually people just accepted it.

ahmadi is a peace loving and the good branch of islam. Sunni is the violent brand. Good always wins over evil.
Armenians were not the only ones who were killed in the Turkish-Armenian conflict as many Turks were also killed by Armenians. The war between Turks and Armenians was mostly ethnically. Lebanese people no matter if Christian or Muslim have the same language and the same genes.

well the truth is that most turkish people aren't secular, its just that their government is secular. vast majority of turkish people i know believe in islam the same way i do and im from pakistan, like they stick with muslims instead of europe, the only people who try to say they are europeans are the alawis in turkey.

ahmadi is a peace loving and the good branch of islam. Sunni is the violent brand. Good always wins over evil.

ok , but you made a statement on how armadas are growing and will overtake sunnis, so im just wondering where you got that from?
why are you indians such pathetic liars? lol
i mean if you going say **** like that you better have backing, and good always wins and evil loses? you think life is a bollywood movie?
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