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Stop embarrassing your self.
1) History shows that white Europeans take the lion share of racism.
2) There was no Latin civilization from which the Chalaifate could borrow science from. If you meant the Roman then they had no contribution to science what so ever.
3) The Greeks did not influence the Egyptians, since the Egyptians predated the Greeks by only thousands of years.
4) Babylonians also heavily influenced the Greeks.
5) you can post articles.
6) You can't change history by quoting a single author: Mu
7) So your saying its only the Muslim and middle eastern people who barrow from others, but not Europeans!! Pathetic.

1. I haven't embarrassed myself one bit, racists were present among all nations. Have you forgotten about the Ancient Egyptians? Europeans are definitely not racists, there are exceptions to the rules but that applies everywhere. Judging by your posts on this thread you happen to be a racist too.
2. Yea I meant the Roman Empire, whats that? You say there are no Roman contributions to science? How about cement or concrete? As far as I know its recipe was lost after the fall of Rome but later on it was revived. How about the aqueducts? Other nations too had aqueducts but they don't compare to the Roman Empire who are also credited with having built them all across Europe & North Africa during their rule.
3. The Egyptian Coptic language uses Greek Alphabets, does that not amount to influence?

Like I said earlier I don't care about who influenced who, & I made no attempt to change history however with your racist mindset you won't be able to accept other people's contributions to mankind besides your own.

It's either that you intentionally made a pathetic attempt at misrepresenting my views or you just can't seem to comprehend what I wrote. I never implied that only Muslims & Middle Easterners borrow from Europeans, my example about the caliphates was just an example of how knowledge flows from nation to nation & nothing more you bigoted weirdo.
3. The Egyptian Coptic language uses Greek Alphabets, does that not amount to influence?
Example of embarrassing statements.
The original discussion was about whether Greece was the birth of Civilization, to which ANCIENT Egypt was given as a counter example. What does Egyptian Coptic have to do with any of that?.
No one is claiming that LATER on Greek culture has no influence, or that any culture didn't borrow from others.
Its you who claimed this: "the Caliphates' multiple contributions were made because they too borrowed ideas from others? Of course not, all civilizations borrow knowledge, concepts & ideas from others"/
Without stating which one leaving the Europeans to be assumed.
The Egyptian Coptic language uses Greek Alphabets, does that not amount to influence?
they occupiad egypt after thousands of years of egypt being the only superpower in the world but it is our civlization and our knowlage that was stolen by greeks who made them so advanced
Example of embarrassing statements.
The original discussion was about weather Greece was the birth of Civilization, to which ANCIENT Egypt was given as a counter example. What does Egyptian Coptic have to do with any of that?.
No one is claiming that LATER on Greek culture has no influence, or that any culture didn't borrow from others.

What's so embarrassing about that? I never claimed Ancient Greece was the birth place of civilization, nor did I claim that title belonged to Egypt. I might be wrong about this but Greece is the birth place of advanced European civilization.

I never even claimed that Greece hadn't been influenced by Egypt either. Go back to my previous post #621, I claimed:

It doesn't matter if the Greeks were influenced by the Egyptians, you know the reverse occurred too.

As its clearly legible I did not rule out the possibility of either influencing either.

Here is your exact quote.........

The Greeks did not influence the Egyptians, since the Egyptians predated the Greeks by only thousands of years.

You however did claim that the Greeks did not influence Egyptians & I just gave you an example of their influence over Egypt specifically the Coptic script. Now you claim that you don't deny Greek's later influence over Egypt, however in your previous post you simply stated as seen above that they didn't influence Egyptians without referring to any time frame.

Its you who claimed this: "the Caliphates' multiple contributions were made because they too borrowed ideas from others? Of course not, all civilizations borrow knowledge, concepts & ideas from others"/
Without stating which one leaving the Europeans to be assumed.

When I said all civilizations borrow ideas from others, I meant all is in every nation on Earth & that is extremely noticeable in today's world. Here is a quote from my original post:

So is it fair for me to say that the Caliphates' multiple contributions were made because they too borrowed ideas from others? Of course not, all civilizations borrow knowledge, concepts & ideas from others.

Nothing in this sentence refers to Europeans. I notice that you left out the "So is it fair for me to say" from my quote. Read it again.

they occupiad egypt after thousands of years of egypt being the only superpower in the world but it is our civlization and our knowlage that was stolen by greeks who made them so advanced

AHHH so you are saying that the Greeks are too stupid to come up with anything on their own is it? :woot:

Are you really arrogant & racist enough to believe that another nation did not come to power due to their own efforts, but instead relied on Egypt alone?
"The Greeks did not influence the Egyptians, since the Egyptians predated the Greeks by only thousands of years."
I meant ancient Egypt didn't borrow from Greece as they are much older.
Anyways, the point is that Europeans hate to attribute anything to others.
"The Greeks did not influence the Egyptians, since the Egyptians predated the Greeks by only thousands of years."
I meant ancient Egypt didn't borrow from Greece as they are much older.
Anyways, the point is that Europeans hate to attribute anything to others.

Fine, I will stop discussing Ancient Egypt & Greece with you, but I don't agree with Europeans hating to attribute things to others. If that was the case then how do you explain articles like this?

How Islamic inventors changed the world - Science - News - The Independent

I don't know if the author of the article is of European origin or not, but judging by the website's address, it's a UK based website.

There maybe some Europeans who might not like attributing things to others, but such people exist among all nations & it's wrong to generalize an entire continent the majority of which is inhabited by regular people just like us. If you read "Mahmoud_EGY"'s post he doesn't want to attribute Ancient Greece's success to them either & instead claims its all thanks to Egypt. :laugh:

I will give you another example of people who hate attributing things to others, what do you think of Afro centrists who claim Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him) was black? :woot:
they occupiad egypt after thousands of years of egypt being the only superpower in the world but it is our civlization and our knowlage that was stolen by greeks who made them so advanced

being the only super power in world is a little extreme ,at the time we don't have to much knowledge about what we had in india and china and also egypt power never exceed Jordan also at the time in Mesopotamia there was Sumerian civilization and in central Iran we had Jiroft culture which date back to early Bronze age or 3000 year B.C. and they were advanced enough to make golden eye implant and do surgery on skull and had a alphabetic writing system which were similar to the Elamite writing system
Shahr-e Sukhteh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jiroft culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
being the only super power in world is a little extreme ,at the time we don't have to much knowledge about what we had in india and china and also egypt power never exceed Jordan also at the time in Mesopotamia there was Sumerian civilization and in central Iran we had Jiroft culture which date back to early Bronze age or 3000 year B.C. and they were advanced enough to make golden eye implant and do surgery on skull and had a alphabetic writing system which were similar to the Elamite writing system
Shahr-e Sukhteh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jiroft culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World's oldest Civilization- Jiroft (Iran)- Part 1 - YouTube
Moghuls, british, afghans, etc. all tried to conquer it but they failed

Yup, but they were still unconquered by foreign invaders. That makes them awesome.

Anyway the winning side will always have some sort of advantage.

I dont understand why such sectarianism between the arabs and the persians. It baffles, both of them are muslims at the end of the day. Why hate each other? someone please tell me other than an arabian or a persian.

They probably got conquered by buddhist monks. The same buddhist monks probably came to bangladesh and tought bangla, i used to date a nepali girl in high school, it was quite striking the similarity between bangla and nepali, i could understand a lot of things she used to say, same with her when i spoke bangla.

Tibetan conquered nepal and north bengal.
Haven't you noticed its that you Persians are the common denominator of race wars in PDF.

and you arabs are the common denominator of sectarian wars on PDF (Not only PDF but in real life as well).

This is what you arabs sound like: "Oh, you shia's are fire worshiping fake muslims, we Saudis are the real Muslims, we will got to heaven and you will burn in hell forever".

Arabs are not Aryans, Almost every great civilization and religion was created by Semitic people. At least Semitic people can trace their ancestors back to Ibrahim, but Aryans!?! what the **** does that mean? Pale skin? In fact there is no Aryan gene.
The west has advance only because of us Arabs in Andalusia, we created the European Renascence, and the Greek and Persian civilization was a result of Babylonia(Semitic People). Also, Samur is the FIRST Civilization in THE WORLD(Semitic). Thank God I wasn't born Aryan I would have been very embarrassed.
Lol, is that why your countries are the most backward and intolerant nations on earth!

Everything you use is made by Aryans, the computer you are using right now was invented by white man. The light bulb, the Television the Automobile, the toilet, all invented by Aryans. Secondly, Aryan doesn't necessarily have to be defined by skin color, bone structure also defines Aryan.

LOL, ALL Arab names.
Wow, this is how you make yourselves happy when you don't have a proper counter argument?

Still doesn't change the fact that Iranian helped the spread of Islam more than Arabs.
AHHH so you are saying that the Greeks are too stupid to come up with anything on their own is it?

Are you really arrogant & racist enough to believe that another nation did not come to power due to their own efforts, but instead relied on Egypt alone?
no i said they have used our knowlage but i didnt say they are stupid they had a great civlization and you can teach a stupid man with all the knowlage in the world and he wont understand so i admit they deserved their place at the time

i am a racist and arrogant? to love my country and say that we egyptian deserve to be the top of the world and if i had to burn the whole world to see my country great i will do it ? i dont know really but this is what i am
being the only super power in world is a little extreme ,at the time we don't have to much knowledge about what we had in india and china and also egypt power never exceed Jordan also at the time in Mesopotamia there was Sumerian civilization and in central Iran we had Jiroft culture which date back to early Bronze age or 3000 year B.C. and they were advanced enough to make golden eye implant and do surgery on skull and had a alphabetic writing system which were similar to the Elamite writing system
Shahr-e Sukhteh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jiroft culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the persian empire wasnt at the same time as the egyptian empire when the persian empire was at thier best in egypt was in the end of the ancient egyptian era which lasted for thousands of years but the rise and fall of empires cant be escaped even us couldnt
no i said they have used our knowlage but i didnt say they are stupid they had a great civlization and you can teach a stupid man with all the knowlage in the world and he wont understand so i admit they deserved their place at the time

i am a racist and arrogant? to love my country and say that we egyptian deserve to be the top of the world and if i had to burn the whole world to see my country great i will do it ? i dont know really but this is what i am

It's nice that you finally give credit where credit is due, however when I called you racist & arrogant I called you that when you claimed Greece was only advanced because of Egypt.

I didn't call you racist for loving your own country. In fact you should be proud of your country, I too am really proud of my ancestors regardless of who they were but that does not mean that I cannot acknowledge the greatness of others.
the persian empire wasnt at the same time as the egyptian empire when the persian empire was at thier best in egypt was in the end of the ancient egyptian era which lasted for thousands of years but the rise and fall of empires cant be escaped even us couldnt

I was not talking about Persian empire it was about Iranian civilization before Persian Empire archeological finding show an advanced in central and east of Iran that estimated expanded to Indus river and it dated back to 3000 B.C. and as I said they had a writing system that has similarities to Elamite writings and they had the first known implant (a golden eye) and there is evidence of surgery on skull . that civilization belong to 2500 year before Persian empire . also interesting aspect about those people is that it seems those people had a complete different root than the people of Mesopotamia as there is body remains that have heights about 1.8m which is far more than the people of that era.
lol you never did nothing to us , we never got ruled by anyone ever so shut your mouth, you said save uygurs , save the millions of chinese that are working worse than slaves continously and live in slums , , a billion population got smashed by japan who has one tenth of population that says it all , nothing else to say , today im happy to be turkish , have the one of the best citys in the world Istanbul , conquering many countries , not living like a slave , go and work in apple factorys and assemble things little boy , hahahah little fish

A lot of chinese get killed by japanese because they have more advanced technology.we fell behind because of continous civil war.We kick their ***** twice in tang and ming dynasty.
And you fuking turk and hun sh!t get smashed by chinese.
Pathetic eastern and western turks call our emporer tengri khan(heavenly king).
You are the shame of Northern nomads,weakest nomads.
Oh I fogot that you aren't the true turk ,huns and turks were mongoloid at the first,they ruled and enslaved you and make you become turks.Even attila khan was a mongoloid.
Shame,Shame,Shame ,you pathetic turks.
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