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Strongest Empires by timeline

The Huns got their axx kicked by the Chinese Han empire. Part of the huns moved west and finally arrived at europe. Remeber attila, the guy who ransacked europe and making the so-called roman empires (east and west) trembled like sisies.

How about the turks? They got their axx kicked by the Chinese Tang Empire. They later had to move west as well. Part of them stayed at central asia, and part of them later formed a so-called ottoman empire.

How about the mogol empire? Well, They got defeated by Chinese Ming Empire and flee back to the desert north.

didn't Chinese Yuan Empire kicked *** of Chinese Song Empire and Chinese Jīn Dynasty ?
That is exactly what westerners want you to think and feel, since in all our studies we learned that the Greek civilisation was the start of western civilisation, hiding the facts that this Greek civilisation was itself based mainly on the remnants of the Egyptian civilisation.(see the copying of the Egyptian temples, religious beliefs, myths and so on)
The first translation of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics were in Greek ! See "The Rosetta Stone"

Rosetta stone was the key to translate Hiroglyph because it was in three language from the start and one of them was Greek that coud be used as a reference
The Rosetta Stone is an ancient Egyptian granodiorite stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The decree appears in three scripts: the upper text is Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the middle portion Demotic script, and the lowest Ancient Greek. Because it presents essentially the same text in all three scripts (with some minor differences between them), it provided the key to the modern understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs.

and the first translation of Egyptian part was into french maybe because a french was the first person who could use the Greek part to decipher ancient Egyptian part
tudy of the decree was already under way as the first full translation of the Greek text appeared in 1803. It was 20 years, however, before the decipherment of the Egyptian texts was announced by Jean-François Champollion in Paris in 1822; it took longer still before scholars were able to read other Ancient Egyptian inscriptions and literature confidently. Major advances in the decoding were: recognition that the stone offered three versions of the same text (1799); that the demotic text used phonetic characters to spell foreign names (1802); that the hieroglyphic text did so as well, and had pervasive similarities to the demotic (Thomas Young, 1814); and that, in addition to being used for foreign names, phonetic characters were also used to spell native Egyptian words (Champollion, 1822–1824).

and by the way Hieroglyph and ancient Egyptian language have nothing to do with Aramaic Language which both Arabic and hebrew are based upon it
Sorry Mr, but you didn't nor the Persians had the "sefr' (cifer=number), or the zero (0) Arab invention, without it ,you will still be counting with some pieces of wood, and we won't be discussing anything by the mean of computers today.
The Arabic numerals unlike yours - and to the contrary of what you or you western supporters or even ignorant Muslims have swallowed in their mostly western biased studies - are based on geometrical figures, and I am not going to give you their secrets here.
If you know me, you know the secrets if you do not than you do not.
0 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

well that link above shows that zero was invented and used by many nations separately but the first nations who used it as a digit and in its exact todays concept were Mayans and Indians .
by the way no where mentioned anything about Arabs but if you mean this
The Hindu-Arabic numerals and the positional number system were introduced around 500 AD, and in 825 AD, it was introduced by a Persian scientist, al-Khwārizmī,[23] in his book on arithmetic. This book synthesized Greek and Hindu knowledge and also contained his own fundamental contribution to mathematics and science including an explanation of the use of zero.

It was only centuries later, in the 12th century, that the Arabic numeral system was introduced to the Western world through Latin translations of his Arithmetic.
Khwārizmī was Persian and he never claimed that he invent zero he got it from India and then explained the use it can have in mathematics and then he invented Al-gebra or what we today call Algorithm
didnt the chinese get mashed by the japanese and you were treated like dogs? first wipe that embaresment of you and then talk , our ***** never got kicked we are proud of our 16 empires

The Huns got their axx kicked by the Chinese Han empire. Part of the huns moved west and finally arrived at europe. Remeber attila, the guy who ransacked europe and making the so-called roman empires (east and west) trembled like sisies.

How about the turks? They got their axx kicked by the Chinese Tang Empire. They later had to move west as well. Part of them stayed at central asia, and part of them later formed a so-called ottoman empire.

How about the mogol empire? Well, They got defeated by Chinese Ming Empire and flee back to the desert north.
lol worst part is these folks aren't even the typical 'whites'

Wait a second, did you just say "typical whites"? So you assume that only a white person is racist? Doesn't such an assumption make you racist too since you intentionally singled out that ethnicity & called them racist?

I am pretty fair skinned too, so according to you am I more likely to harbor racist feelings than yourself?

The fact is that racists exist in every nation & race on earth, as evident from this thread. In fact you yourself are a racist in my opinion for singling out whites & assuming only a white person can be racist.

Another advice to members here is that you shouldn't assume criticism as being racism.

That is exactly what westerners want you to think and feel, since in all our studies we learned that the Greek civilisation was the start of western civilisation, hiding the facts that this Greek civilisation was itself based mainly on the remnants of the Egyptian civilisation.(see the copying of the Egyptian temples, religious beliefs, myths and so on)
The first translation of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics were in Greek ! See "The Rosetta Stone"

It doesn't matter if the Greeks were influenced by the Egyptians, you know the reverse occurred too. There isn't much similarity between the Greek Gods & the Egyptian Gods, in fact the Greek stories of their Gods & Goddesses are amazing as in Pandora's box for instance. Egyptian religion is more like a cult where Pharaoh establishes himself as supreme authority, & the remaining population obey his every command.

I am not saying there aren't any similarities between them, but that could be the case for many nations. Knowledge flows from one nation to another it all depends on how the other nations makes use of it. Even the Caliphates initially gained their knowledge & scientific advancement by studying the science & philosophy of Greek & Latin civilization, what about the Sanskrit books left over from the Vedic Aryan civilizations that were translated in to Arabic?

Here is a quote from wikipedia:

Much of the Hindu approach to mathematics was certainly conveyed to western Europe through Arabs . The Algebraic method formerly considered to have been invented by Al Khowarizimi can now be seen to stem from Hindu sources

Please Google the article since I am not allowed to post links, search for "hindu and buddhist contribution to science in medieval islam"

You guys may want to read up on that article, many references are present there too.

So is it fair for me to say that the Caliphates' multiple contributions were made because they too borrowed ideas from others? Of course not, all civilizations borrow knowledge, concepts & ideas from others. Many empires were like Titans at their peak, but look at their descendants today. Look at Greece, Egypt, or Iraq, all these nations had a great civilization in the past but today that's definitely not the case.
Wait a second, did you just say "typical whites"? So you assume that only a white person is racist? Doesn't such an assumption make you racist too since you intentionally singled out that ethnicity & called them racist?

I am pretty fair skinned too, so according to you am I more likely to harbor racist feelings than yourself?

The fact is that racists exist in every nation & race on earth, as evident from this thread. In fact you yourself are a racist in my opinion for singling out whites & assuming only a white person can be racist.

Another advice to members here is that you shouldn't assume criticism as being racism.

It doesn't matter if the Greeks were influenced by the Egyptians, you know the reverse occurred too. There isn't much similarity between the Greek Gods & the Egyptian Gods, in fact the Greek stories of their Gods & Goddesses are amazing as in Pandora's box for instance. Egyptian religion is more like a cult where Pharaoh establishes himself as supreme authority, & the remaining population obey his every command.

I am not saying there aren't any similarities between them, but that could be the case for many nations. Knowledge flows from one nation to another it all depends on how the other nations makes use of it. Even the Caliphates initially gained their knowledge & scientific advancement by studying the science & philosophy of Greek & Latin civilization, what about the Sanskrit books left over from the Vedic Aryan civilizations that were translated in to Arabic?

Here is a quote from wikipedia:

Please Google the article since I am not allowed to post links, search for "hindu and buddhist contribution to science in medieval islam"

You guys may want to read up on that article, many references are present there too.

So is it fair for me to say that the Caliphates' multiple contributions were made because they too borrowed ideas from others? Of course not, all civilizations borrow knowledge, concepts & ideas from others. Many empires were like Titans at their peak, but look at their descendants today. Look at Greece, Egypt, or Iraq, all these nations had a great civilization in the past but today that's definitely not the case.

Stop embarrassing your self.
1) History shows that white Europeans take the lion share of racism.
2) There was no Latin civilization from which the Chalaifate could borrow science from. If you meant the Roman then they had no contribution to science what so ever.
3) The Greeks did not influence the Egyptians, since the Egyptians predated the Greeks by only thousands of years.
4) Babylonians also heavily influenced the Greeks.
5) you can post articles.
6) You can't change history by quoting a single author: Mu
7) So your saying its only the Muslim and middle eastern people who barrow from others, but not Europeans!! Pathetic.
We have a name for zero in Sanskrit known as "Shoonya" and we Indians discovered use of Zero in mathematics and Arabs copying our concept of Zero. Arabs copied our mathematics ditto that's why their script is right to left but they still write numerals left to right.

Arabs discovered use of Zero in decimal system, what a joke.
Stop lying you didn't invent Zero. Babylonians did: 0 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also, Arabs never claimed to have invented the English numerical system used today. Moreover, creating funny symbols is not considered a significant mathematical advancement as its only makes calculations easier.
Can you answer this, or you are too stupid to understand: here are the facts not theory, but you are blinded by ignorance.

The word Ar ab points some how to Ar yan.
Or Ar able lands = fertile lands = fertile crescent.
Why haven't it crossed your mind that maybe English is not the best language to trace the origin of name Arab?
There is a disagreement between Arab scholars for the origin of the name, but most say that its probably from Yarab:
يعرب - ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
Stop laying you didn't invent Zero. Babylonians did: 0 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also, Arabs never claimed to have invented the English numerical system used today. Moreover, creating funny symbols is not considered a significant mathematical advancement as its only makes calculations easier.

Certainly we never copied zero from Babylonians and we Indians were first one to use zero to write numbers like 10, 100, 1000 ,....

And I think you missed this part,
The Babylonian placeholder was not a true zero because it was not used alone. Nor was it used at the end of a number. Thus numbers like 2 and 120 (2×60), 3 and 180 (3×60), 4 and 240 (4×60), looked the same because the larger numbers lacked a final sexagesimal placeholder. Only context could differentiate them.

The concept of zero as a number and not merely a symbol for separation is attributed to India where by the 9th century AD practical calculations were carried out using zero, which was treated like any other number, even in case of division.
didnt the chinese get mashed by the japanese and you were treated like dogs? first wipe that embaresment of you and then talk , our ***** never got kicked we are proud of our 16 empires

A lot of chinese get killed by japanese because they have more advanced technology.we fell behind because of continous civil war.We kick their ***** twice in tang and ming dynasty.
And you fuking turk and hun sh!t get smashed by chinese.
Pathetic eastern and western turks call our emporer tengri khan(heavenly king).
You are the shame of Northern nomads,weakest nomads.
Oh I fogot that you aren't the true turk ,huns and turks were mongoloid at the first,they ruled and enslaved you and make you become turks.Even attila khan was a mongoloid.
Shame,Shame,Shame ,you pathetic turks.
didnt the chinese get mashed by the japanese and you were treated like dogs? first wipe that embaresment of you and then talk , our ***** never got kicked we are proud of our 16 empires

Your uyghur brothers are under our rule now,why don't you come and try to save them?

not gonna go off topic.

@IbnAlwaled to say eurpeans have the lion share of racism is stupid.Certaintly during colonial times but now? i highly doubt it they're by far the most accepting of interracial relationships and hold large non-white european communities.

I could keep going but i dont wanna derail this thread.

How people dont consider terrorists groups as racist is beyond me.

not gonna go off topic.

@IbnAlwaled to say eurpeans have the lion share of racism is stupid.Certaintly during colonial times but now? i highly doubt it they're by far the most accepting of interracial relationships and hold large non-white european communities.

I could keep going but i dont wanna derail this thread.

How people dont consider terrorists groups as racist is beyond me.
I said history shows. You can't judge people by the past 40 years only.
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