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Strongest Empires by timeline

Safavid empire:


Afsharid empire:

I am not denying Africans may have underachieved, probably so. But we are definitely not the no-doers as we are often depicted in the media or even some academic circles. I've thought about this many times and I must say I was struck by what Sarkozy had to say:

You have to remember Africans were the first human beings, those who went north to the colder region had to innovate to get warm and got their white skins because of lack of sunlight, these people basically were required to think outside the box for them to survice. I think the need of innovation was absent from Africans and they continued to live the same way for thousands of years because there was no need for change, their thinking process was always in cycles and never challenged. I think environment played a large rule, would be interested to hear other opinions.

ps there is a book called "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies" that goes into depth about this theory, haven't read it yet but will soon.

Most people think Africans are the West Africans, because those were the blacks that were sent to the US by the slave trade, but never realize that East Africans created civilization a long time ago in Nubia, and Ethiopia was the only independent nation in all of Africa throughout the 19th century.

I also find that most of the democracy advocates, just as in the Soviet Union, are hardcore right wing racists. That's great to know as there will be no sympathy for them when they're inevitably crushed by the state.
Prophet Solomon (pbuh) has a whole chapter dedicated to his magnificient empire with technologies not even seen in modern age. I suggest you to read Harun Yahya's book "Prophet Solomon (pbuh)" for a complete understanding of his kingdom. The book also discussed Dhul Qarnain (pbuh)'s empire.

I just had a glance at his booklet. Frankly, 'Harun Yahya's' interpretation (imagination?) of those verses are a bit colorful for my taste. The verses about Solomon speak of his faith, his superior moral character, and power and supernatural abilities bestowed on him by God. But mentioning Solomon of possessing advanced technology in the Quran, such as unmanned drones, as the author suggests? That's really far-fetched to say at least.
Mirwais Hotaki, Hotaki Empire




The Hotaki were an Afghan tribe and dynasty that ruled over Afghanistan, most of Iran, and northwestern parts of Pakistan from 1722 to 1729, after defeating the Persian Safavid dynasty. The Hotaki dynasty was founded in 1709 by Mirwais Hotak, chief of the Ghilzai Pashtuns of Kandahar who led a successful revolution against the Persian Safavids.[1] After the death of Mirwais in November 1715, the monarchy passed on to his brother Abdul Aziz followed by their sons until the dynasty finally ended in 1738 when Nader Shah and his Afsharids of Khorasan defeated Hussain Hotaki at his Kandahar fortress.[2]

Kandahar province was captured and ruled by the Shi'a Safavids during the early 18th century but the native Afghan tribes living in the area were Sunni Muslims. immediately to the east began the Sunni Moghul Empire of India, who occasionally fought wars with the Safavids over the territory of Kandahar.[3]

In 1704, the Safavid Shah Husayn appointed George XI (Gurgīn Khān), who had converted to Islam.[4] Gurgin began imprisoning and executing many Afghans, especially those suspected of organizing rebellions.[citation needed] One of those arrested and imprisoned was Mirwais Hotak who belonged to an influential family in Kandahar. Mirwais was sent as a prisoner to the Persian court in Isfahan but the charges against him were dismissed by the king, so he was sent back to his native land as a free man.[5]

In April 1709, Mirwais along with his followers revolted against the Safavid rule in Kandahar City. The uprising began when Gurgīn Khān and his escort were killed during a picnic that was prepared by Mirwais at his farmhouse outside the city. It is reported that heavy drinking of alcohol was involved. Next, Mirwais ordered the deaths of the remaining Persian government and military officials in the region. The Afghans then defeated twice a large Persian army that was dispatched from Isfahan (capital of the Safavids), which included Qizilbash and Georgian troops.[6]

Several half-hearted attempts to subdue the rebellious city having failed, the Persian Government despatched Khusraw Khán, nephew of the late Gurgín Khán, with an army of 30,000 men to effect its subjugation, but in spite of an initial success, which led the Afgháns to offer to surrender on terms, his uncompromising attitude impelled them to make a fresh desperate effort, resulting in the complete defeat of the Persian army (of whom only some 700 escaped) and the death of their general. Two years later, in A.D. 1713, an*other Persian army commanded by Rustam Khán was also defeated by the rebels, who thus secured possession of the whole province of Qandahár.[6]
—Edward G. Browne, 1924

Refusing the title of a king, Mirwais was given the title "Prince of Qandahár and General of the national troops" by his Afghan countrymen. He died peacefully in November 1715 from a natural cause and was succeeded by his brother Abdul Aziz, who was murdered later by Mirwais' son Mahmud. In 1720, Mahmud's Afghan forces crossed the deserts of Sistan and captured Kerman.[6] His plan was to conquer the Persian capital, Isfahan.[7] After defeating the Persian army at the Battle of Gulnabad on March 8, 1722, he proceeded to and sacked the city of Isfahan.[8] On October 23, 1722, Sultan Husayn abdicated and acknowledged Mahmud as the new Shah of Persia.[9]

Majority of the Persian people, however, rejected the Afghan regime as usurping. For the next seven years until 1729, the Hotakis became the de facto rulers of Persia, but the southern and eastern areas of Afghanistan still remained under their control until 1738.

The Hotaki dynasty was a troubled and violent one as internecine conflict made it difficult to establish permanent control. The dynasty lived under great turmoil due to bloody succession feuds that made their hold on power tenuous, and after the massacre of thousands of civilians in Isfahan – including more than three thousand religious scholars, nobles, and members of the Safavid family – the Hotaki dynasty was eventually removed from power in Persia.[10] On the other hand, the Afghans were also suppressed by the Safavid government under Gurgin Khan before their uprising in 1709.[5]
[edit] Decline

Ashraf Hotaki, who took over the monarchy following Shah Mahmud's death in 1725, and his soldiers were defeated in the October 1729 Battle of Damghan by Nader Shah, a soldier of fortune from the Sunni Turkmen background and the founder of the Afsharid dynasty that replace the Safavids in Persia. Nader Shah had driven out the remaining Ghilzai forces from Persia and began enlisting the Abdali Afghans of Farah and Kandahar in his military. Nader Shah's forces (among them were Ahmad Shah Abdali and his 4,000 Abdali troops) conquered Kandahar in 1738. They besieged and destroyed the last Hotaki seat of power, which was held by Hussain Hotaki (or Shah Hussain).[7][11] Nader Shah then built a new town nearby, named after himself, "Nāderābād", to replace the ancient city. The Abdalis were also restored to the general area of Kandahar, with the Ghilza'is being pushed back to their former stronghold of Kalat-i Ghilzai--an arrangement that lasts to the present day Afghanistan.

Hotaki dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Afghans In History Episode Three - Mirwais Khan Hotaki - YouTube
I just had a glance at his booklet. Frankly, 'Harun Yahya's' interpretation (imagination?) of those verses are a bit colorful for my taste. The verses about Solomon speak of his faith, his superior moral character, and power and supernatural abilities bestowed on him by God. But mentioning Solomon of possessing advanced technology in the Quran, such as unmanned drones, as the author suggests? That's really far-fetched to say at least.

If you believe Darwinist Evolutionary theory, then it is impossible. But if you really take them as it is stated in the Quran, his kingdom did possess advanced technology, gifted by God.

eg. Quran says he "could do one month journey in the morning and another month in the afternoon". Either you can picture a magician, with a magic stick, hurling his stick and some wings emerges out of his back. Then he uses those wings to fly like that.

Or you can actually see as it is meant: God gifted him the technology to create a vehicle, with which he could fly one months journey in morning and another in afternoon.
What's so racist about the truth?

What civilization did Africans build? Did they have a written language as the Europeans and Asians did?

What did Native Africans from the continent of Africa invent that is comparable to the Automobile, the Locomotive, the calculator, the refrigerator, the air plane, the Ships, the computers, the light bulb, the telephone, the compass.

Look at Haiti, a Black country that got its independence from France a few decades after the United States got its independence from Britain, yet Haiti still remains in shambles while USA has become a super power.

Still don't believe me? Look at Liberia, a nation where freed American slaves were sent to after the American Civil war, where is Liberia today? Cannibalism, civil war, killing their own and eating little babies and drinking their blood before battle, fighting naked with guns, 85% female population raped.

Still don't believe me? Look at South Africa now, once the only nation in Africa that was making strides, and now look at it, read about the farm murders, the rape, and all of that other crap that has prevailed in that nation.

Listen to what this guy says from 5:02

Her name is "Ms. Ann" - YouTube


When the Western Europeans(Germans, France, Britian, etc) colonist(Romans) left, what where they doing???

When Rome left Western Europe, it went through the dark ages. It's people were dieing of disease and were fighting each other constantly. Western Europe was the sh!thole of the world, but look at them in modern history.

Look at the Germans, French, British, etc. They were a bunch of uncivilized savages, now their child rule the world.

So don't under estimate Africans or anyone else.
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