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Strongest Empires by timeline

Those were the Tyrants of the Persian regime we had to free the people of Persia from the Tyrants that ruled them and introduce Islam to the people who were denied conversion.
Mahmud Ghaznavi of Ghazni, the Destroyer of Idols





Born in 971, Mahmud Ghaznavi was the elder son of Subuktagin, the king of Ghazni. When Subuktagin attacked King Jaipal, Mahmud fought for his father in the battlefield. Though Mahmud was the elder son of his father, it is said that in his last days, Subuktagin was not happy with Mahmud. So, when Subuktagin died in 997, his younger son Ismail became the king of Ghazni.

Ismail reigned only for a little time. Very soon, Mahmud defeated him and became the king.

Mahmud began a series of seventeen raids into northwestern India at the end of the 10th century. Nonetheless, he did not attempt to rule Indian territory except for the Punjab, which was his gateway to India, as Ghazni lay in present day Afghanistan.

Description: C:\public_html\site\cimh\kings_master\kings\mahmud_ghaznavi\ghazni2.bmp


Invasions [partial list, work in progress]

1000 AD: Indian Frontier Towns

1001-03 AD: Jaipal, Peshawar

Jaipal was the king of Hindushahi Kingdom. Mahmud had already fought against him, when Subuktagin was the king of Ghazni. When Mahmud became the king, he decided to attack on Hindushahi Kingdom, as its king, Jaipal, was his old enemy.

In 1001, Mahmud attacked the Hindushahi Kingdom. 15,000 Hindu soldiers were killed. Jaipal was defeated and captured. He was presented before Mahmud with his 15 other relatives; 500,000 enslaved persons were also brought along.

Mahmud looted all his wealth. He received 250,000 Dinars to free Jaipal. About 5,00,000 Indians were taken to Ghazni as slaves. Though Jaipal was freed, but he refused to survive his disgrace. He cast himself upon a funeral pyre and died.

Description: Dinars and Slaves

1008: Anandpal

Anandpal was the son of Jaipal, and now became the king of Hindushahi Kingdom.

In 1008, Mahmud attacked on Anandpal. Anandpal called other Hindu kings to help him. The kings of Ujjain, Gwalior, Kalinjar, Kannauj, Delhi, Ajmer etc. came to help him with their armies. In the battlefield of Peshawar, both the armies remained standing before each other, but no one attacked. Meanwhile the Khokhars (a race) also came there to help Hindus. Mahmud deployed 6,000 archers to attack. Khokhars attacked the Muslims and killed approximately 5,000 Muslims.

Unfortunately, Jaipal's elephant became infuriated and ran from the battlefield. As soon as Jaipal left the battlefield, the Hindu army got confused and ran away. Muslims chased them and killed 20,000 Hindus. Thus, the best organized national efforts ever made by medieval Hindu India against the foreigners ended.

1009: Invasion of Nagarkot [Kangra]

Nagarkot was very famous for its wealth kept in its temples. So, Mahmud decided to invade Nagarkot. Like a swarm of locusts, his army destroyed everything in its path.

Paralyzed with fear, the defenders opened the city’s gate and fell on the ground in submission.

Mahmud got so much jewelry, gold and silver, that when he returned to his capital, his people congregated to see the incredible wealth of India.

1014: Thanesar

Mahmud came to know of the riches of Thanesar’s temples. In 1014, he invaded Thanesar. The Hindus wanted to reach on a compromise, but Mahmud refused. His army destroyed the city, massacred the inhabitants, and plundered the sacred temples.

1015: Kashmir Valley

1018-19: Mathura and Kannauj

When Mahmud invaded Mathura, he was amazed to see so many huge and beautiful Hindu temples. No one would resist him, and he entered the city unopposed, leaving with untold wealth.

Then, he attacked Kannauj in January of 1019. The King of Kannauj, Rajpal Pratihar did not dare to stop him and ran away. The invaders looted the sacred temples. Many innocent people were killed.

The king of Kannauj, Rajpal Pratihar accepted the superiority of Mahmud Ghaznavi and then Mahmud turned back for Ghazni.

1021: Kalinjar

Rajpal Pratihar, the king of Kannauj, had accepted the superiority of Mahmud. This made other Rajput kings angry. The Rajput kings of Kalinjar, Gandda Chandel, with the king of Gwalior and others attacked on Kannauj and killed the king Rajpal Pratihar.

Mahmud was unhappy with this. To punish the culprits, he attacked Kalinjar. The king, Gandda Chandel accepted the superiority of Mahmud. Mahmud was satisfied with the money the King gave him and he returned.

1023: Lahore

1925: Somnath, 16th Invasion
Description: Somnath & the Hindu Psyche
The most famous and terrible invasion launched by Mahmud was his sixteenth, against the Somnath Temple in Gujrat, western India. This was an immense distance from Ghanzni, but one supposes by now he was so feared that he had easy passage.

The Somnath temple was very famous for its treasures. There were one thousand priests to serve the temple. Hundreds of dancers and singers played before its gate. There was famous Linga, a rude pillar stone, adorned with gems embroidered with precious like stars, which decorated the shrine.

The brave Hindu Rajputs came forward to defend the temple. Shouting 'Allah hu Akbar', the enemy tried to entered into the temple. The Hindus fought very bravely and the invaders could not damage the temple. The battle lasted for three days.

After three days, the invaders succeeded and entered into the Somnath temple.

Mahmud ordered his men to destroy the sacred idol, Linga. He looted the treasures of the temple. It is said that he got wealth worth 20-million Dinars, eighty times the already huge sum he had gained on his first invasion.
1026: The 17th and Last Invasion

After looting the Somnath temple, when Mahmud was going back to Ghazni, the Jats had attacked his army. So, to punish the Jats, he returned and defeated them in 1026.

Death of Mahmud

On April 30, 1030, Mahmud died in Ghazni, at the age of 59 years. He had contracted malaria during his last invasion. This turned to tuberculosis.

Mahmud Ghaznavi's 17 Invasions of India [Work in Progress]

Afghans In History Episode Four - Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi - YouTube
Lets discuss what the Quran says about "Strongest Empire", shall we?

According to the Quran, the empire of Prophet SOlomon (PBUH) - The Kingdom of Israel, was the most powerful, both militarily and economically.

According to the Quran, the empire of Dhul Qarnain (PBUH) was militarily, the most powerful force at that time and had dominance in the east and west

Which verses?
Please Indians really need to stop fantasizing about this ancient peace loving Buddhist dynasty that managed to expand because there was little to no people around or factions to resist. Mauryan is not considered even in the top 20 strongest empires of history.




Seleucids invaded India(Mauryan at the time). They lost their eastern parts of their land. And gained 500 war elephants from Maurya.

So you seriously think Maurya dynasty/empire is one of the "strongest empires" in history? Lol

At it's time, it was.

expand because there was little to no people around or factions to resist.

Most big empire took over smaller ones.

Arabs are one of the few who were weak, but swallowed Persia whole and took large chucks of Roman territory. When they were large.
Which verses?

Prophet Solomon (pbuh) has a whole chapter dedicated to his magnificient empire with technologies not even seen in modern age. I suggest you to read Harun Yahya's book "Prophet Solomon (pbuh)" for a complete understanding of his kingdom. The book also discussed Dhul Qarnain (pbuh)'s empire.
Sultan Shahabudin Muhammad Ghori of Ghor




The Ghurids or Ghorids (Persian: سلسله غوریان‎; self-designation: Shansabānī) were a medieval Muslim dynasty of Iranian origin that ruled during the 12th and 13th centuries in Khorasan.[2] At its zenith, their empire, centred at Ghōr (now a province in Afghanistan), stretched over an area that included the whole of modern Afghanistan, the eastern parts of Iran, Pakistan and the northern section of the India, as far as Delhi. The Ghurids were succeeded in Persia by the Khwārazm-Shāh dynasty and in North India by the Mamluk dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate.

n the 19th century, some European scholars, such as Mountstuart Elphinstone, favoured the idea that the Ghurid dynasty was Pashtun,[3][4][5] but this is generally rejected by modern scholarship, and, as explained by Morgenstierne in the Encyclopaedia of Islam, is for "various reasons very improbable".[6] Instead, the consensus in modern scholarship (incl. Morgenstierne, Bosworth, Dupree, Gibb, Ghirshman, Longworth Dames and others) holds that the dynasty was most likely of Tajik origin.[7][8][9] Bosworth further points out that the actual name of the Ghurid family, Āl-e Šansab (Persianized: Šansabānī), is the Arabic pronunciation of the originally Middle Persian name Wišnasp, perhaps hinting at a (Sassanian) Iranic origin.[10]


The language of the Ghurids is subject to some controversy. What is known with certainty is that it was considerably different from the New Persian literary language of the Ghaznavid court. Nevertheless, like the Samanids and Ghaznavids, the Ghurids were great patrons of New Persian literature, poetry, and culture, and promoted these in their courts as their own. There is nothing to confirm the recent surmise (as claimed in the Paṭa Khazāna) that the Ghurids were Pashto-speaking,[11] and there is no evidence that the inhabitants of Ghor were originally Pashto-speaking.[7]

Before the mid-12th century, the Ghurids had been bound to the Ghaznavids and Seljuks for about 150 years. Beginning in the mid-12th century, Ghor expressed its independence from the Ghaznavid Empire. In 1149 the Ghaznavid ruler Bahram Shāh poisoned a local Ghūrid leader, Quṭb ud-Dīn, who had taken refuge in the city of Ghazna after a family quarrel. In revenge, the Ghūrid chief ʿAlāʾ-ud-Dīn Ḥusayn sacked and burned the city of Ghazna and put the city into fire for seven days and seven nights. It earned him the title of Jahānsūz, meaning "the world burner".[12] The Ghaznavids retook the city with Seljuk help, but lost it to Oghuz Turk freebooters.[12] In 1152, Ala ad-Din Jahan-Suz Husain refused to pay tribute to the Seljuks and instead marched an army from Firuzkuh but was defeat at Nab by Sultan Ahmed Sanjar.[13]

In 1173, Shahabuddin Muhammad Ghori reconquered the city of Ghazna and assisted his brother Ghiyasuddin—to whom he was a loyal subordinate—in his contest with Khwarezmid Empire for the lordship of Khorāsān. Shahabuddin Ghori captured Multan and Uch in 1175 and annexed the Ghaznavid principality of Lahore in 1186. After the death of his brother Ghiyas-ud-Din in 1202, he became the successor of his empire and ruled until his assassination in 1206 near Jhelum by Khokhar tribesmen (in modern-day Pakistan).[14] A confused struggle then ensued among the remaining Ghūrid leaders, and the Khwarezmids were able to take over the Ghūrids' empire in about 1215. Though the Ghūrids' empire was short-lived, Shahabuddin Ghori's conquests strengthened the foundations of Muslim rule in India. On his death, the importance of Ghazna and Ghur dissipated and they were replaced by Delhi as the centre of Islamic influence during the rule of his successor Sultans in India.[15]


Afghanistan - YouTube
What empire is the dhul qurain? is it alexander the great's empire?

At it's time, it was.

Most big empire took over smaller ones.

Arabs are one of the few who were weak, but swallowed Persia whole and took large chucks of Roman territory. When they were large.

A map?? He was saying how powerful the empire is... Not how much land it had...
What empire is the dhul qurain? is it alexander the great's empire?

No, its not Alexander. Dhul Qarnain (pbuh) is a prophet discussed in the Quran and his magnificent military power which dominated east and west at its time. Modern historians estimate his empire to be located in present day Russia (Caucacus region)
No, its not Alexander. Dhul Qarnain (pbuh) is a prophet discussed in the Quran and his magnificent military power which dominated east and west at its time. Modern historians estimate his empire to be located in present day Russia (Caucacus region)

well, few scholars debate that cyrus the great was dhul qurayn.
A map?? He was saying how powerful the empire is... Not how much land it had...


He said

And it had to be powerful to have that much land btw.

Please Indians really need to stop fantasizing about this ancient peace loving Buddhist dynasty that managed to expand because there was little to no people around or factions to resist. Mauryan is not considered even in the top 20 strongest empires of history.

Which is wrong, because the Seleucids(Successor of Alexander) wasn't done with India. They invaded India, but lost and they made a treaty.

Mauryan - gains eastern parts of Seleucids empire. And Seleucus I Nicator gave his daughter in marriage to the emperor.
Seleucid - gains 500 war elephants. Which he used successfully in his campaigns in the west.

Earlier Mauryans beat the Nandas. Which was big compared to it back then.


expand because there was little to no people around or factions to resist.

So this is false.
No one mentioned the tumurid Dynasty...


Timur was the great grandfather of Babur.
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