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Strongest Conventional Militaries in the Islamic World

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I don't get the meaning of such contests ,how advance your weapon is, is not all you must add to that battle scenario ,the moral of the soldiers and how effectively you use your weapons . A perfect example is 2006 Lebanon war in which a small 1000-1500 strong army of hezboallah without any airforce or navy or armorec force managed to stop a 30000 strong army of Israel which was benefitted from all above luxaries even when you compare small arms you'll see that their ak-47 was far inferior to israel arms ,but they never retreated and after 1 month of war israel could not even advance 20km into lebanon (something they thaught they could achieve in just several hours) .
It does matter how advanced a military force is. Persian Gulf War 1991 and Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003 are great examples.

Your example does not makes sense.

Israel was bombing Lebanon with impunity. Yes, ground forces did face resistance but their advance could not be stopped. And Hezbollah was firing rockets blindly in to Israeli population centres. In comparison, Israeli Jets pounded targets with great accuracy.

Hezbollah leadership lacked the freedom to perform military missions like Israeli leadership. This is how the weapon systems make the difference. Israel ended this war because of mounting political pressure. If world had not stopped Israel, it would have destroyed Lebanon and significantly weakened Hezbollah.

But at the end of the day, Israel does not have power projection of US.
War is not only about hardware and numbers or training.

If that were the case, everything could have been decided on paper and at the bank.

Which of these countries fought and sustained a war over 10 years?
It does matter how advanced a military force is. Persian Gulf War 1991 and Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003 are great examples.

Your example does not makes sense.

Israel was bombing Lebanon with impunity. Yes, ground forces did face resistance but their advance could not stopped. And Hezbollah was firing rockets blindly in to Israeli population centres. In comparison, Israeli Jets pounded targets with great accuracy.

Hezbollah leadership lacked the freedom to perform military missions like Israeli leadership. This is how the weapon systems make the difference. Israel ended this war because of mounting political pressure. If world had not stopped Israel, it would have destroyed Lebanon and significantly weakened Hezbollah.

But at the end of the day, Israel does not have power projection of US.
I guess thats why heboallah killed twice more israeli soldier than civillian while israel killed 5 time more civillian than hezboallah fighter .
By the way I thought israel agreed to peace when one of ts regiment near litany river get sorround by hezboallzh fighter and were in danger of anihilation so they begged for peace .

Yes israel dont have the power projection of usa but it had enough power to field 30 time mire soldier than its opponent ,they also field several hundred armored tank against zerro tank of hezboallah and then they had total air supermacy . What you expect superior power projection to be I dont knew . And tell me how you say Israel had freedom in operation can you simply show me a single instance that hezboallah didn't effectively stopped Israel movement.
Now if yo want to know more about that war search google for an article from Asia times by the name of how Israel lost the information war to hezboallah .

And are you kdding me Iraq never fought against usa ,in first war usz destroyed iraqi force while they were retreating and their airforce decided to bury itself in the sand or escape to iran. And in the second war , honnestly was it a war ? Did Iraq made any resistance?

another good exmple of how hardware and total number mean nothing ,is Azerbaiejan war with Armenia . Azerbaiejan were totaly outclassed armenia in every aspect but every body knew the result .if russia and iran didn't told armenia its better to stop its advance today there was no Alievestan.
I guess thats why heboallah killed twice more israeli soldier than civillian while israel killed 5 time more civillian than hezboallah fighter .
Casualties do not determine victory or defeat.

However, if genocide takes place or a country gets bombed back to stone age, then you know that something is a-miss.

By the way I thought israel agreed to peace when one of ts regiment near litany river get sorround by hezboallzh fighter and were in danger of anihilation so they begged for peace .
Hint: UN Resolution 1701.

Yes israel dont have the power projection of usa but it had enough power to field 30 time mire soldier than its opponent ,they also field several hundred armored tank against zerro tank of hezboallah and then they had total air supermacy . What you expect superior power projection to be I dont knew . And tell me how you say Israel had freedom in operation can you simply show me a single instance that hezboallah didn't effectively stopped Israel movement.
Now if yo want to know more about that war search google for an article from Asia times by the name of how Israel lost the information war to hezboallah .
I am not saying that Israel did not face difficulties. My point is that power projection capabilities do matter in a war.

Now here is another side of the story for you:

Hizbollah decided to conduct its operation unilaterally, and Israel replied with a swift, incisive escalation. Lebanon and its people did not have any choice in the situation, but they paid a heavy toll. As the war took place on Lebanese terrain, it stands to reason that the country itself would incur the most severe losses. Despite some diplomatic and military gains, Lebanon suffered economically, socially and politically. Economic losses were huge (about $7 billion), especially for a small country with a debt that exceeds $40 billion. A great deal of infrastructure has been destroyed (the infrastructural damage estimated at $3.9 billion), most of the major bridges (80 bridges), electricity installations and residential areas (15,000 homes were destroyed by Israeli bombing). Major damage was caused to the sectors of tourism, industry and services. At the social level, the massive number of displaced persons (970,000 persons) caused numerous problems, and revealed the weakness of the government.

Israel was deliberately targeting Lebanese infrastructure and population centers to turn Lebanese populace against Hezbollah. Results are clearly evident; Hezbollah will think twice on attacking Israel this time.

For Hezbollah, survival was the most important objective. While Hezbollah survived, it could not save Lebanon. It also lacked power projection capabilities to deter Israeli invasion and bomb Israel back to the stone age. And thanks to international pressure, Israel stopped. Understand?

And are you kdding me Iraq never fought against usa ,in first war usz destroyed iraqi force while they were retreating and their airforce decided to bury itself in the sand or escape to iran. And in the second war , honnestly was it a war ? Did Iraq made any resistance?
This is the biggest joke of the century. You are too much misinformed on military related affairs.

another good exmple of how hardware and total number mean nothing ,is Azerbaiejan war with Armenia . Azerbaiejan were totaly outclassed armenia in every aspect but every body knew the result .if russia and iran didn't told armenia its better to stop its advance today there was no Alievestan.
Hardware and numbers (power projection capabilities) do matter. However, planning and intelligence gathering are two additional important factors.
War is not only about hardware and numbers or training.

If that were the case, everything could have been decided on paper and at the bank.

Which of these countries fought and sustained a war over 10 years?

None!, But Iran comes the closest to with the 8 year Iran-Iraq war.
None!, But Iran comes the closest to with the 8 year Iran-Iraq war.
Iran and Iraq both.

However, both of these nations lacked the will or capability to decisively defeat each other during this war. While Iraq fielded better army and airforce; Iran compensated with greater numbers, better asymmetric warfare capabilities, and much better Naval power. However, in the aftermath of this conflict; Iraq emerged militarily much stronger then ever before and Iran emerged exhausted.

What Iranians often fail to realize is that Saddam was no longer interested in occupying Iran after the first 2 years. Iraq fought a defensive war for the remaining period. Yes, Iranian resistance may have changed his mind but then this was not the Iraq of early 1990s with impressive military might.

All the aid that Iraq received was put to positive use; deter Iranian invasion, significantly weaken Iranian military might (last two years of the conflict proved to be disastrous for Iran); and significantly improve and modernize Iraqi military force. End result; Iraq became the fourth greatest conventional military power in the world during early 1990s.
Iran and Iraq both.

However, both of these nations lacked the will or capability to decisively defeat each other during this war. While Iraq fielded better army and airforce; Iran compensated with greater numbers, better asymmetric warfare capabilities, and much better Naval power. However, in the aftermath of this conflict; Iraq emerged militarily much stronger then ever before and Iran emerged exhausted.

What Iranians often fail to realize is that Saddam was no longer interested in occupying Iran after the first 2 years. Iraq fought a defensive war for the remaining period. Yes, Iranian resistance may have changed his mind but then this was not the Iraq of early 1990s with impressive military might.

All the aid that Iraq received was put to positive use; deter Iranian invasion, significantly weaken Iranian military might (last two years of the conflict proved to be disastrous for Iran); and significantly improve and modernize Iraqi military force. End result; Iraq became the fourth greatest conventional military power in the world during early 1990s.

So with Iraq out of the equation now, that only leaves Iran.

Do you believe Iran today is economically and miltarily stronger or weaker than during its war with Iraq?

Taking these two out of the equation, what is the longest campaign fought and sustained by any of the others?

You will concede that staying power counts for a huge amount in any war - and is often the difference between a defeat and a truce, if not outright victory.
So with Iraq out of the equation now, that only leaves Iran.

However, Iranian self-sustaining will depend upon what kind of foe it encounters and how much loss it can take. It may have fought Iraq for 8 years but it may last only 2 months against USA in conventional sense.

However, resistance effort may continue for several years as witnessed in Iraq (in case of occupation). I admire Iranian asymmetric warfare capabilities.

Do you believe Iran today is economically and miltarily stronger or weaker than during its war with Iraq?
Iran have made noticeable progress since 1980s. Peaceful times have helped Iranian industrial capability.

Taking these two out of the equation, what is the longest campaign fought and sustained by any of the others?
WOT by Pakistan. But this is against a non-conventional force (primarily home-grown insurgencies and al-Qaeda).

You will concede that staying power counts for a huge amount in any war - and is often the difference between a defeat and a truce, if not outright victory.
Pakistan has 90-110 Nuclear weapons and rest have none. End of Story....
Pakistan has 90-110 Nuclear weapons and rest have none. End of Story....
This thread is about conventional military capability.
If we want we all are the strongest nation on this earth (with the premession of Allah) but the point is not about millitary strength or whatever. The point is the imaan inside our hearts. How you think the muslims conquered so much in the time of the prophet sallallaahu aleyhe wa sallam and after his death? Everything goes trough Islam. If your nation doenst live like the way of Islam, you will be doomed to lose. Before the Islam the Turks conquered much but after some time we lost power because of the fact of the leak of the faith in hearts. After we meet the Islam, we got new power and conquered much and ruled the world for many many years and protected the Ummah very well.

But if i look to the Ummah now.. Almost everybody is scared to die.. And this is the weakness of us. If we didnt had weak imaan and had strong jihaad believe, Americans would be destroyed in Iraq.

What i want to tell is that our victory only can be fullfilled if we take the Qur'an as our guide. Why should Allah send us a victory while everybody now lives in djahiliyyah and choosing the worldly temptations instead of the hear after?

May Allah protect us agains the promptings of the devil and give us imaan and make us steadfast.
This thread is about conventional military capability.

Alright then.

No country uses Guerrilla warfare other than Pakistan/Afghanistan. It became successful to break British, U.S.S.R, and U.S power.
This right here sums up ground capability.
If we want we all are the strongest nation on this earth (with the premession of Allah) but the point is not about millitary strength or whatever. The point is the imaan inside our hearts. How you think the muslims conquered so much in the time of the prophet sallallaahu aleyhe wa sallam and after his death? Everything goes trough Islam. If your nation doenst live like the way of Islam, you will be doomed to lose. Before the Islam the Turks conquered much but after some time we lost power because of the fact of the leak of the faith in hearts. After we meet the Islam, we got new power and conquered much and ruled the world for many many years and protected the Ummah very well.

But if i look to the Ummah now.. Almost everybody is scared to die.. And this is the weakness of us. If we didnt had weak imaan and had strong jihaad believe, Americans would be destroyed in Iraq.

What i want to tell is that our victory only can be fullfilled if we take the Qur'an as our guide. Why should Allah send us a victory while everybody now lives in djahiliyyah and choosing the worldly temptations instead of the hear after?

May Allah protect us agains the promptings of the devil and give us imaan and make us steadfast.
Bro, faith must be complemented by hard-work.

Allah helps those who help themselves.
I think Iran and Saudi Arabia should be ranked as capable of fighting wars the longest. They have got more Oil than anyone else right now.
Alright then.

No country uses Guerrilla warfare other than Pakistan/Afghanistan. It became successful to break British, U.S.S.R, and U.S power.
This right here sums up ground military capability.
1. Afghan resistance is certainly legendary. Afghans did defeated the British on their own.

2. USSR was defeated by joint efforts of Pakistan, USA, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia. But then, USSR was already in bad shape during 1980s.

3. Taliban survives because of being an ideology. It will exist as long as Pashtun populace exists in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. US knows this. US strategy is to rebuild Afghanistan so that this country shuns militancy and comes back in shape.

I think Iran and Saudi Arabia should be ranked as capable of fighting wars the longest. They have got more Oil than anyone else right now.
Good point. However, Saudi are not battle-hardened.
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